Under the bombardment of the wave missile, Lucario's body slowly fell down!

Facing the mirror image of Lucario, the main force of the Gym Master in Borneo, Linwen's Lucario failed to create a miracle after all, and was defeated by her!

However... Lin Wen is not frustrated. He chose his own Lucario to fight against Korni's Lucario out of a sense of challenge. It's just a matter of showing your own shortcomings, and correcting them later!

Lucario's defeat does not mean that Lin Wen is no longer Korni's opponent. After all, several of the elves in his hands are far stronger than Lucario!

It can only be said that in terms of Lucario's cultivation, Lin Wen is still not as good as Kerni!

"Lucario, you did a great job, come back..." Softly comforting, Lin Wen took back Lucario, who had lost his fighting ability, into the Poké Ball.

So far, ten minutes have passed since Lin Wen entered the third floor.

Incapacitated in the wild, elves are often punished in various ways.However...now there are not so many requirements in the Tower of Refinement, which is one of the reasons why many players like to come here to challenge.

"Trainer, your Lucario has been cultivated very well." After seeing Lin Wen taking Lucario back into the Poké Ball, Kerni said slowly, "Then, next, you want to use the What is the second elf?"

The rules of the game are 1v1, and there are a total of three elves that can be used by both sides.

Because of the competitive spirit in his heart, Lin Wen chose his own Lucario to fight after facing Kerni's main force, Lucario, but now... Lucario was defeated, he obviously didn't need it either. No longer willful.

Korni's Lucario is still in a state of super-evolution, obviously not ready to replace Pokémon.Lin Wen thought for a moment in his mind, and then he took out the Poke Ball!

Lin Wen's goal is not to stop after two floors, so after facing the mirror image of Kerni and the mirror image of Lucario, he is not holding back!

The Poké Ball was thrown on the ring 0.8, and after a flash of light, a proud Pokémon appeared on the ring!

Its whole body is green, its neck is slender, and its whole body is full of noble aura. As soon as it was released, it was noticed by the mirror image of Kerni who was full of command, and her eyes were fixed on it!

It is Lin Wen's main elf - the Leaf Elf King!

The Tower of Refinement is very high-end, and Kerni's mirror image contains very profound wisdom. After Lin Wen called Ye Elf King out, his eyes were fixed on Ye Elf.

She nodded secretly and said, "It's a very well-bred elf!"

Although Lucario was defeated, his main force, Ye Elf, appeared, Lin Wen's heart was full of fighting spirit, and he launched an attack on his own initiative! .

Chapter [-] Ye Elf Shots

"Ye Elf, use the vine whip!" Lin Wen's command voice came out.

Two thick green vines shot out instantly and attacked Lucario!

"Lucario, dodge!" Corne mirrored.

Before super-evolution, Lucario was a very sensitive elf. Now that he has undergone super-evolution, his body is more agile. In the face of the vine whip that was shot in a hurry, his body was flexibly twisted and he escaped. Frontal attack of the vine whip!

Then... it was ready to approach the Leaf Elf and engage in close combat with the Leaf Elf!

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Wen's mouth, and then, the vine whip shot by Ye Elf suddenly changed!

The vine whip, which had been shot straight out, suddenly retracted in the face of the image of Lucario who was approaching him, and bent into a weird shape. Before Lucario had time to react, it was instantly entangled. An arm of Lucario!Let Lucario's movements feel a little sluggish!I couldn't break free from the shackles of the vine whip for a while!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen hurriedly said, "Ye Elf, use the seed bomb!"

The powerful grass-type energy condensed in the mouth, and the moment was excellent, and then blasted in the direction of Lucario's mirror image!

The mirror image of Kerni will naturally not watch the mirror image of Lucario being attacked by the seed bomb. As the gym owner of Borneo City, she is also a gym trainer who has experienced many battles. Experience, extremely strong fighting talent!

"Lucario, use the metal claws to cut the vine whip!"

Facing the incoming seed bomb, Kerni calmly commanded!


Light flashed across Lucario's mirrored hand, and then slashed towards the vine whip tied to his other arm!

A sharp light flashed!

Although the leaf elf's vine whip is very tough and strong because of its strength, the super-evolved Lucario is also very powerful, so after using the metal claws, one hit is successful, and the vine whip is divided into Two cuts!

At this time, the seed bomb had already hit him!

Lucario didn't have time to think about it, he kicked his right foot hard, and his body flashed to the side in an instant!

However...it's too late!

After Lucario was bound by the vine whip, the delay was a little longer. In addition, the release speed of Ye Elf's skills can be said to be very fast. Although Lucario's mirror image has dodged as much as possible, its right arm is still Hit by a seed bomb!


After reaching the target, the seed bomb exploded!

The powerful grass-type energy swept in all directions, causing astonishing damage to the mirror image of Lucario that was close at hand!

You must know... Ye Elf is a lord-level elves, and has many bonuses. Its skill power is far from what Lucario, who fought with Lucario's mirror image before, can compare!

Under the explosive power of the seed bomb, Lucario's mirrored face inevitably showed a trace of pain!The movement is stiff!

"Okay... Leaf Elf, get close to it and hit with a million wooden horns!"

Lin Wen's order came!

Then... Ye Elf's body swept up and turned into a green streamer. On the ring, he came to Lucario in the blink of an eye!

"Lucario, use a shadow clone!"

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