Seeing that Lucario was not in a good state now, Corne did not choose to fight head-on, but evaded temporarily!

Lucario, who was enduring the pain, flashed light, and then suddenly seven or eight phantoms appeared and stood in place!

Ye Elf paused, his eyes swept over the seven or eight Lucarios around, hesitating for a while, not knowing which one to attack.

Lin Wen's gaze swept across the seven or eight Lucarios, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Ye Elf... attack the third one on the right!"

Shadow clone, as a skill that can create phantoms and disrupt the enemy, can also be regarded as a magical skill, but at the same time, it also has its shortcomings!

Phantoms are phantoms after all, and although they are generally the same, there will always be different nuances!

Lin Wen noticed this Lucario with a slightly painful look on his face!

Hearing Lin Wen's instructions, Ye Elf didn't hesitate, the single-horned green light on his forehead flashed, the grass-type energy was bursting, and he rushed towards the real Lucario pointed out by Lin Wen!

In the blink of an eye, it was already attacked in front of him!

Kerni's mirror image did not expect that Lin Wen could see through Lucario's true body so quickly. She wanted to use Lucario's shadow clone skills to delay the time and let Lucario recover some physical strength!

After all... The mirror image of Lucario and Lucario of Linwen also fought for a long time. Although they defeated the opponent, the physical consumption was unavoidable!

However... in such a short period of time, Lin Wen's real body was identified!

This is what 060 Kerni never thought of!

It's also something that Lucario's mirror image never thought of!

The speed of the leaf elf is so fast, in the blink of an eye, he has come to the front of Lucario's mirror image, and then, the unicorn shining green light suddenly stabbed Lucario on the body!

Million Wood Horn Strike: An advanced skill of the deadly blade. It uses the deadly horn to deal huge damage to the enemy, and it will definitely cause a critical strike. 50% of the damage caused by this skill is converted into the HP value of the Leaf Spirit King.

This is an extremely powerful skill!

After the unicorn pierced Lucario's body, Lucario's mirror image suddenly let out a cry of pain and was severely injured!

Then... the unicorn was pulled out!

This is just a mirror image made by a tower of refinement in front of him, so Lin Wen didn't hold back at all, and then said: "Ye Elf, use personal trampling!"

Because of the pain, Lucario's mirrored body was slightly arched at this time!

At this moment, the forerunner of the Leaf Elf leaned forward, and two strong hooves stomped on Lucario's body!

Under the powerful force, Lucario's body fell to the ground almost instantly! .

Chapter [-]: Melee Competition

"Lucario? Lucario, hold on!" Corne's voice came!

Lucario's body fell to the ground, and after struggling a few times, it seemed that he finally lost the last bit of strength, and then slowly collapsed to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

Because it's a mirror spirit, just vanished into nothing.

Facing the powerful Ye Elf, even if Lucario underwent super-evolution, he was still not his opponent and was successfully defeated!

Facing the failure of her main elf, Kerni's mirrored eyes flashed a little, and she praised: "What a powerful trainer."

Then, she continued: "Since that's the case, I'm going to use my second elf!"

She threw the elf ball in her hand, the light flashed, and the figure of an elf appeared in place!

This is a hero!

Its body is very strong, and it has been carefully cultivated at a glance!

As the gym owner of Borneo City, Korni, although Lucario is her main force and the most diligently cultivated elves, the other elves are obviously not weak!

However... Lin Wen has no way to check the specific attributes of this hero!

Perhaps because the interior of the Tower of Refinement are all mirrored elves, Lin Wen's Wisdom Eye skills did not work, and he could only observe the strength of this heroic power with the naked eye...

Of course... in Lin Wen's heart, there is no fear at all!

Lucario, as Korni's main elf, has also been defeated now, so... In the face of strength, it is definitely not comparable to Lucario's mighty power. The elf sent by Lin Wen is still his very tyrannical main elf, Ye Elf. , of course there is nothing to worry about!


At the other end, after Haoli Mirror appeared in the ring, he moved his body very much, and then his eyes fixed on Ye Elf's body, and the fighting intent in his eyes kept flashing!

Ye Elf's eyes were also fixed on Haoli's body, without the slightest slack!

"Trainer... the battle is about to begin ¨"."

Kerni said softly, and then commanded: "Haoli! Approach your opponent!"

As a fighting elf, Haoli masters many powerful fighting skills, and if you want these skills to be powerful, the prerequisite is undoubtedly that you need to approach the enemy first!

Otherwise... no matter how powerful the skill is, it will be in vain if you can't hit the enemy!

Hearing Kerni's order, Haoli's sturdy body suddenly started to move!

It kicked its hind legs, and its entire body flew out instantly, attacking Ye Elf!

high speed!

As a fighting elf, Hao Li pays the most attention to the strengthening of his body. He has undergone very hard training, so his body is also very rare and powerful!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, although after being trained by the holy swordsman instructor, Ye Elf will not be inferior to any elves in melee combat, but... Lin Wen will not watch heroic sprint over. !

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