"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip!"

Lin Wen's cold voice came!

Ye Elf let out a soft cry, and two sturdy vine whips shot out suddenly, heading towards Haoli!

"Haoli, dodge!" Kerni said.

Two sturdy vine whips shot out, and on the other side, Haoli sprinted!

Seeing... the rattan whip is about to collide with Haoli!

At this time, Haoli's footsteps made a mistake. As a fighting elf, it is most proud of its agile body. After making a mistake, the whole body dodged to the side!

"Holi... Grab these two vine whips!"

The vine whips staggered out beside Haoli, and at this moment, Kerni's voice came again!

Looking at the vine whip passing by him, Haoli's eyes slammed, and his muscles full of arms stretched out, suddenly holding on to the vine whip!

Lucario's defeat was still remembered by Corne, and it can be said that it was caused by not paying attention to this vine whip skill!

Now... when Hao Li was facing the vine whip, Kerni naturally wouldn't make the same mistake twice!

The strong and sturdy arm was suddenly held on the vine whip!

"Haoli...Drag it over here!"

Kearney spoke up!

Then... I saw Haoli roared, and the muscle lines on his arms became more obvious... Then he yanked the two vine whips in his hand!

The other end of the vine whip is naturally the Leaf Elf!

The vine whip was shot from Ye Elf's body, and now Haoli actually intends to drag Ye Elf over, this is naturally a wrestling between the two elves!

Lin Wen is also very confident in the power of Ye Elf. As a lord-level elf, Lin Wen also doesn't think its power will be weaker than that of heroic power. After seeing this scene, a flash of light flashed, and he suddenly said: "."Ye Elf...don't resist!"

Kerni's mirrored expression was taken aback, she obviously did not expect Lin Wen to make such an order!

Ye Elf is also a little puzzled, but it is the first Elf of Lin Wen. I don't know how many battles it has gone through with Lin Wen, and it has grown up step by step. There is no doubt about Lin Wen's instructions!

As soon as Lin Wen's order came out, Ye Elf started to implement it after being slightly stunned! (by Li Zhao)

Its strength originally attached to the ground loosened, and under the force of the other side of Haoli, the whole body rose into the air and approached Haoli!

Although Kerni didn't understand Lin Wen's idea, her initial purpose was to get close to Ye Elf, and now that she has successfully implemented it, she naturally follows the flow, and said, "Haoli, use it after pulling it over. Slash with bare hands!"

Then... her eyes were fixed on the battlefield.

"Want to fight with Ye Elf?" Lin Wen raised an unintelligible smile on the corner of his mouth: "If that's the case... then I'll satisfy you!"

Under Hao Li's drag, the leaf elf that did not exert any power on the body rose into the air, but it was a very agile leaf elf!So even if I was in the air, I still held it steady, and there was no rollover! .

Chapter [-] Wrestling Eagle Man

In an instant, the distance between Ye Elf and Haoli quickly narrowed!

One of Haoli's arm let go of the vine whip, a faint light flashed, and the fighting skills were ready. As long as the Ye Elf came over, he would give it a thunderous blow!

Ye Elf's expression was calm and could not see any changes. Although it still failed to understand the problem of Lin Wen's instructions, but out of absolute trust in Lin Wen, it completely implemented Lin Wen's instructions!

at this time!

Seeing the distance between the two elves getting closer and closer, Lin Wen suddenly spoke up!

"Leaf Elf, use the mysterious sword!"

Mysterious Sword!

The super powerful skills that Ye Elf mastered when he was promoted to Lord-level Elf!

After hearing Lin Wen's instructions, Ye Elf, who had never used his power, flashed light in his eyes, and suddenly started to act!

On the single horn on the forehead, the fluorescent green light scattered, grew and widened!

The sword... unsheathed!

Originally, the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead was not huge, but after using the mysterious sword skill, now... its single horn is like an unmatched lightsaber!Exudes a dazzling light!

The distance between the two elves is very close!

Howley did not expect this to happen at all.

Its bare-handed chop skills are ready, just waiting for Ye Elf's body to get closer to it!

However...it doesn't work anymore!

Because, Ye Elf's mysterious sword skill stabbed it first!

This is a truly unrivaled and powerful skill, and it can almost be called the most powerful single attack skill that Ye Elf has mastered!

Sword out!


Under the stab of the mysterious sword that ignored the defense, Haoli's strong body could not play any role at all, and was easily pierced!

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