On its face, a painful expression suddenly appeared!

The lightsaber on Ye Elf's forehead is gradually disappearing...

But... Haoli no longer has the ability to take this opportunity to counterattack.


This is the sound of its body falling to the ground!

Before Ye Elf became a lord-level elf, Lin Wen relied on it as his main force and jumped to the Eighth Avenue in the Guandu area in one fell swoop and qualified for the regional competition!

Although the Carlos area and the Kanto area are two areas, the gap between the strengths of the gym owners is not particularly big!

Lucario, who has mastered super-evolution, is indeed very powerful, but his power is obviously worse!

But now, Ye Elf is a lord-level elf, and his entire strength has undergone a transformation!

So... now facing the mirror image of Haoli, kill it with a single strike!

Haoli's body fell to the ground, and he was still struggling to get up, but Ye Elf's mysterious sword skills caused it incomparably huge damage. After struggling twice, its body finally stopped moving. lost the ability to fight.

As a mirror elf, its body dissipated here like a welcome…

Kerni's mirrored brows frowned, and then she praised: "Trainer, it seems that I still underestimated you."

Lin Wen smiled slightly, but did not reply.

Although this Kerni's mirror image is very intelligent, after all, it is not Kerni herself, and Lin Wen has no plans to talk to her.

Kerni didn't care about the mirror image either, her eyes stayed on Ye Elf for a while, and then... the third Elf Ball was taken out!

She threw a Poke Ball towards the ring!

"Come out, Hawkman!"

Wrestling Eagle Man!

One of the unique elves in the Carlos region!

After the Wrestling Eagle Man was released, (bheb) Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on it. This was the first time Lin Wen saw this kind of elf after he came to the Carlos area, and his heart was full of curiosity. .

The most amazing thing about the elf world is that it contains countless elves of different shapes. They are simply miracles!

Wrestling Hawkman may seem small, but according to legend, he is indeed a powerful elves who can fight with strange powers, such as Iron Palm Warriors!

According to legend, they have very strong fighting skills.

"But..." Lin Wen's curious eyes stayed on Wrestling Eagle for a while, and then withdrew his gaze.

As the Gym owner of Kerni, the Wrestling Hawkman, although it can be said that he is definitely not weak, but he must not be able to compare with the previous main elf, Lucario...

In this case, facing the Leaf Elf of the forest pattern, it can be said that there is no possibility of victory!

As Lin Wen, who now has a real king-level combat power, when facing the phantom of the gym owner, unless he is not using his most dominant elf, otherwise... If you want to lose, it will be very difficult!

Wrestling Eagleman can be said to be a very warlike elf, so after Kerni released it, its eyes were fixed on Ye Elf's body, and there was no fear at all!

Even if you are unmatched, you must fight to the end!

"Wrestling Eagle, you have to come on!"

Corne's mirrored voice came.

Wrestling Eagle's body is more upright and looks very amazing!

Then... Kerni's order came out again.

After the previous two rounds of battles, she had already understood the power of Lin Wen's Ye Elf, so... she didn't dare to let Lin Wen take the lead!

After all, in the face of an elf whose strength is stronger than one's own, if the battle situation is still dominated by the other side and has the upper hand, then there is really no need to fight!It's a losing situation!

"Wrestling Hawkman, use Bounce, and use Flying Weight on Leaf Elf!"

Facing the powerful Ye Elf, Kerni didn't dare to keep her hand, and at the beginning of the game, she let Wrestling Eagle use her very powerful skills!

Wrestling Hawkman's wings spread out... Then, he suddenly flew into the air!

Ye Elf and Lin Wen's eyes moved up with it at the same time!

I saw the Wrestling Eagleman in mid-air flicking his wings and rushing towards Ye Elf!

Obviously, it was about to rush into Ye Elf's body!

Lin Wen's mouth twitched...

"This kind of skill is fine if you face other elves, but it's good for leaf elves."

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and said directly: "Ye Elf, get out of the way!".

Chapter seven hundred and six is ​​like a broken bamboo

Leaf Elf was originally an advantage in terms of speed, but after evolution it was even more exaggerated.

Even if this is not the forest terrain it is best at, it is just a ring, but it also has sufficient space to avoid!

Wrestling Eagleman's gliding speed is extremely fast, and he is about to collide with Ye Elf's body. At this moment... Ye Elf moved!

Its body turned into a streamer and suddenly dodged to the other side-!

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