And the wrestling eagle _, but swooped down!

Seeing its extraordinary speed, Lin Wen couldn't help but think in his heart: "This wrestling eagle man, wouldn't it crash into the ring and land so directly?"

It turns out...he thinks too much.

Maybe in the Carlos area, there are really such Erhuhu wrestling hawks who will use this skill, Erhuhu will be dodged by the enemy and hit the ground, but as the gym owner, Kerni, she The Wrestling Eagles naturally wouldn't make such a low-level mistake!

I saw that at the moment when it was about to hit the ground, the two wings of the Wrestling Hawkman suddenly changed a little, and then... its body paralleled, instead of falling directly to the ground, but parallel to the ground... gliding After going out for six or seven meters, he slowly stopped at the edge of the ring and landed on the ground.

If she missed a hit, there was no surprise on Kerni's mirrored face.

The power of this skill is very powerful, but it is also one of the skills that are very easy to avoid. Wrestling Hawkman has even been criticized for this skill.

Now that she failed to hit Ye Elf successfully, she spoke again without any hesitation, and gave an order to Wrestling Eagle!

"Wrestling Hawkman, use your wings to attack!"

Wrestling Hawkman's gorgeous wings suddenly spread out, and then attacked Ye Elf again!

It's a fearless little elf!

But... all this is destined to be in vain!

Because... its enemy is an extremely powerful, lord-level Leaf Elf!

Facing the fearless impact of the Wrestling Eagle, Lin Wen said softly, "Ye Elf, use the Flying Leaf Cross Slash!"

Ye Elf raised his head suddenly, his forehead unicorn grass energy condensed, facing the sprinting Wrestling Eagle, his head crossed a beautiful arc!

Then... a cross cut was thrown out!

The cross slash exudes a strong grass-type energy and possesses enormous power!

Its speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has come to the front of the Wrestling Eagle, and the Wrestling Eagle did not even make an effective response, and was smashed by the cross!

Its body to fly out!

Although facing ordinary trainers, the strength of this Wrestling Eagleman can be said to be very powerful, but compared with the lord-level Ye Elf, obviously... it is not enough!

Seeing the Wrestling Hawkman flying out, Lin Wen didn't hesitate at all, and continued, "Ye Elf, use the sun beam!"

Hearing Lin Wen's order, Ye Elf started to charge up!

At the other end, the Wrestling Eagleman was hit head-on by the Flying Leaf Cross Slash, which obviously caused great damage. Its body fell to the ground, trembling slightly, and wanted to struggle to get up!

Finally... With the encouragement of Kearney's mirror image on the podium, Wrestling Eagle Man successfully stood up!

However... what it saw was indeed the attack of that dazzling beam of light!

The sun beam...the charge was completed, and it slammed into the wrestling eagle who just got up!

Its body that just stood up fell to the ground again!And there was no movement.

Lin Wen had completely lost its ability to fight.

He used to be a very powerful gym owner, but now in front of him, except for a very few gym owners, he would not be his opponent!

After Wrestling Eagle's body dissipated on the ring, immediately, on the opposite podium,


Outside the Tower of Refinement, above the square!

With the passage of time, more and more players have come here after receiving news, and they all want to take a look. The anonymous players who can break through the first layer and the second layer in such a short period of time are on the third layer. Can you keep up the speed?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

And... I want to see if he can break through the higher record of the Tower of Refinement!

Now, more than ten minutes have passed since the second star on the profile picture of anonymous player No. 0017 lights up!

Countless players are waiting on the square, talking to each other, waiting for the third star to light up!

At this time, a player unconsciously glanced at the big screen, his eyes suddenly stunned, and then he rubbed his eyes, wanting to see if he was wrong!

Then... he suddenly exclaimed: "The third star is lit up!"

"Fuck, the third star is really lit up!"


"Really! Isn't it?"

"How long has it been, it's just over ten minutes before the third floor was breached???"

"What are you kidding?"

"If I remember correctly... The fastest time to pass the third level should have taken more than half an hour? Now it has been shortened by half? Who is this anonymous player? So powerful?"

"That's the mirror image of the gym owner Kerni... It's basically the same as Kerni's strength. It took me a long time to defeat her two elves last time, and the third one defeated me!"

"Really strong!"

The players outside were stunned!

Although Lin Wen rose to the first floor and the second floor at the speed, many players felt that the anonymous player who could reach the third floor at such a fast speed would not end the Tower of Refinement challenge at the first floor. Three floors!

But... how long will it take him to break through the third floor?

This is something that all players can't help but guess at!

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