Then... in the distance, an elf was slowly crawling towards Lin Wen.

That's a jug!

Although in the Tower of Refinement, the Wisdom Eye skill cannot be used, but Lin Wen already knows the most basic information about this pot!

Level 50!

Lord level!

Long before reaching the fourth floor, Lin Wen had already decided to break through the fourth floor in the shortest time, so as to strive for the best rewards! ,

Therefore, after seeing the pot slowly crawling towards him, Lin Wen did not hesitate, two Poké Balls had already appeared in his hands!


The light twinkled!

The figures of two elves appeared in place!

Leaf Elf!

And... 537

Flash Dragon!

Lin Wen has decided to break through the fourth floor in the shortest time, since he will use his most powerful elves!

Obviously, the lord-level flashing dragon and the lord-level Ye Elf are the absolute NO.1 and NO.2 in his hands at present, with strong strength!

Seeing the figure of Hu Hu getting closer and closer, Lin Wen started to command without any hesitation!

"Leaf Elf...use the seed bomb!"

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon Fury!"

Two skills issued!

The mirror images of elves made by the Tower of Refinement undoubtedly possess high wisdom!

Not to mention... his enemy this time is the mirror image of the lord-level elf, commanding a deeper level!

After Lin Wen released the two elves, Hu Hu suddenly slammed towards the body that was slowly approaching him. He probably did not expect that he would face such a powerful elves!

Indeed... Looking at the entire elf century, which player can now come up with two such powerful lord-level elves?

Absolutely not!

Before the pot came and thought about what was wrong, the two skills of the Leaf Elf and the Flashing Dragon had already struck! .

Chapter [-]: Awakening Defense

The seed bomb is filled with huge grass-type energy, and its power is amazing, and the dragon's anger contains a huge impact, which is very terrifying!

In the face of these two attacks that came quickly, the pot was sluggish for a second... Then, it suddenly indented into the shell!

It was originally a small elf in the shape of a tortoise, and the shell's defense was extremely powerful, so when faced with the double attack of the Leaf Elf and the Flash Dragon, it directly chose to shrink into the shell!

This time... completely beyond Lin Wen's expectations, his brows wrinkled unconsciously!

Then... the seed bomb and the dragon's fury double-clicked on the tortoise shell of the pot!

The seed bomb exploded, and the powerful energy overflowed, but in the face of the strong defense of the turtle shell, its effect was extremely limited, and it was difficult to cause real damage to the pot!

At the same time, the fury of the dragon also hit the turtle shell!

Under the powerful impact force, the turtle shell suddenly flew out more than ten meters!

The two skill attacks were supported by Huhu's powerful defense!

After being knocked into the air by Dragon Fury, Hu Hu finally climbed out of the tortoise shell. Lin Wen looked at it from a distance and found that this guy had a lingering expression on his face!

The less time to break through, the more abundant the rewards will be!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and directed the two elves to start the second round of attacks!

"Ye Elf, Ye Fengfeng!"

"Flash Dragon, use Destruction Light!"

Facing the attack again, under Lin Wen's helpless gaze, the pot, the pot... actually indented into the shell again!

"Hey, hey, do you want to do this!" Lin Wen roared in his heart!

In the ensuing battle, Lin Wen's two lord-level elves faced the pot, and they were just hanging and beating!

Maybe when facing other players, this pot does not behave like this, but takes the initiative to attack, but when facing Lin Wen, it faces two extremely ferocious elves, the Flashing Dragon and the Leaf Elf. , the strategy adopted by this pot is only passive defense, and there is no counterattack at all!

The scene is simply a one-sided hang-up!

But... even so, it took three minutes to defeat this pot!

These three minutes were not so much a battle as it was a unilateral bombardment of the turtle shells of the Kettle by the Flash Dragon and the Leaf Elf!

Huhu is an elf who is very good at defense. The defense of the lord-level Huhu is undoubtedly stronger, and the turtle shell is simply invincible!

Fortunately... its turtle shell is not invincible after all. Under the continuous bombardment of the Leaf Elf and the Flash Dragon, the pot was successfully blown out of the turtle shell and passed out!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yan's Heart, successfully defeating the pot, breaking through the fourth floor of the Tower of Refinement, and getting a reward: Skill Learning Machine (Awakening Defense 々ˇ)"

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