Lin Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the pot was knocked down and the system prompt sounded in his ears.

His heart was still very depressed... The defensive power of this pot is too strong. If it were replaced by a warlike elf, even if it was a lord level, Lin Wen would have the confidence to defeat the opponent in a shorter time!

" the reward this time a skill machine?"

Lin Wen did not hesitate, and directly took out the skill machine to check.

Skill Machine (Awakening Defense): A rare special skill that reduces the damage taken by 20% each time it is attacked, and gives the opponent 20% of the damage received as rebound damage. The damage is calculated as a normal attack and cannot be superimposed.

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed!

This is simply an anti-armor-like skill!After defeating the defensive pot, I got a defense-related skill machine!

Nodding...Although the process was a little uncomfortable, Lin Wen was quite satisfied with this reward. After letting the elf learn it, it can greatly improve the elf's defense ability, and it is also a means.

As for who to learn from, Lin Wen already knew at this time.

Of course, it is the heir of the huge fast dragon that we can resist the most, and the blood volume is super thick.

This battle still ended in an extremely perfect way.


Fourth floor, breakthrough!

Facing Hu Hu, who is good at defending, Lin Wen's Leaf Elf and Flashing Dragon join forces to defeat the opponent in three minutes!

The Awakening Defense Skill Machine is obviously a very rare item, which can greatly improve the strength of the elf.

After putting the awakening machine into the backpack, Lin Wen waited for the surrounding environment to change, and he went to the fifth floor.

Since the launch of Elf Century, players in the Carlos region have broken through to the fourth floor at most, and it is completely unclear what the fifth floor is like!

Therefore, when Lin Wen was collecting information, he didn't find anything related to the fifth floor. Compared with the first four floors, the fifth floor was a completely unfamiliar environment to him, and he didn't know what the rules would be.

After just two seconds, the environment around Lin Wen changed...


outside world!

After Lin Wen successfully broke through the third floor in fifteen minutes and defeated the mirror image of the gym owner, many players on the square were even more shocked. At the same time... they were also imagining that the fourth floor, this has always In the mysterious area that has never been broken through, facing a powerful lord-level elves, can this anonymous player numbered 0017 break through?

This is the question in everyone's mind!

Since he broke through the third floor in such a short period of time, then... after facing the lord-level elves on the fourth floor, can he create a miracle?

Everyone has expectations and anxiety in their hearts.

So... many people's eyes are fixed on the big screen, for fear of something falling.

Of course... there are also players who are chatting very comfortably. Facing a battle with a lord-level elf, it is obviously not something that can be solved so quickly.You can wait a while to see the big screen.

At the same time, there are already many players on the forum who are paying attention to this event. With this anonymous player numbered 0017 breaking through one after another, many players have paid attention to him and are very curious as to where he can go! .

Chapter seven hundred and tenth unexpected

As the third star lit up, more than two minutes had passed.

"Do you know what happened to this 0017 on the fourth floor." A local player in the Carlos area said with emotion to the player next to him: "The fourth floor has been stuck for us for a long time, and he can break through so quickly. A few levels, I don’t know if I can break through the fourth floor.”

"Who knows." The player who was talking to him replied: "The fourth floor is after all a mirror image of a lord-level elf, and every time a player breaks into the fourth floor, the mirror image of the elf they face is different. In the same way, it completely avoids the possibility of our targeting, plus the power of the lord-level elf, so we have been trapping those high-level players in our Carlos area on the first floor. I hope this buddy can pass. ."

"Right!" After he said this, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: "Do you know who this 0017 is? To be able to break through the first three levels so quickly, breaking the record, is definitely a master! This kind of person shouldn't be famous!"

"Who knows who he is?" The previous player smiled bitterly: "I have no idea at all. I think it is easy for our powerful players in the Carlos area, and no one can match him."

"Perhaps...he is a player from another region who came to the Carlos 220 area to challenge the Tower of Refinement," the player said.

However...he didn't get a response from his friend!

This made him feel a little puzzled. After being stunned for a while, he raised his hand and waved in front of his friend: "Hehe, brother! What's wrong with you??"

The player who was talking to him shuddered suddenly, then raised his hand and pointed behind him: "Bright, bright..."

His face was full of shock and inconceivable, as if he had seen something impossible, full of surprise!

"What's on?"

The player didn't know why, and didn't want to understand what his friend meant when he said that.

However...he was still in a puzzled mood, and followed the direction pointed by his friend and looked over.

There... it is on the square, the big screen showing the progress of the implementation in the Tower of Refinement!

After his eyes converged on the big screen, and after seeing the extra star in the middle part, the player opened his mouth suddenly, and his expression was even more shocked (bjfd) than his friend!

"how is this possible?"

"That's the fourth floor!"

"The enemy is a lord-level elves!"

"It's only been a few minutes? Two minutes? Three minutes? A lord-level elf was defeated?"

All kinds of thoughts passed quickly in his mind, and he still couldn't accept the fact that he had already seen it in his eyes!

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