Facing the sharp blade, although the vine whip is extremely tough, under the constant impact, it has been cut into pieces in just two seconds!

Ye Fengfeng did not stop there, but swept away towards the mirror image of Ye Elf!

Facing the incoming Ye Fengfeng, Ye Elf Mirror did not hesitate at all, her figure flashed and left the place where she started!

Swish swish.

The leaf storm cut on the trees behind the mirror image of the leaf elf, making a slight noise.

In the first round of the fight, neither elves got any advantage...

And then... the battle continues!

After Ye Fengfeng didn't hit the enemy, Ye Elf's hind hooves slammed hard, and the whole body instantly rushed towards the mirror image of Ye Elf!

In the absence of Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf's fighting style is even more wild!

When the Leaf Elf sprinted, the Leaf Elf mirrored and reacted!

I saw that the mirror image of Ye Elf had dug a hole in the ground at a very fast speed, and immediately jumped in! .

Chapter seven hundred and fourteenth all eyes

Digging skills!

The mirror image of Ye Elf suddenly disappeared on the battlefield!

Ye Elf's body froze and lost the figure of the enemy, making it slightly dazed for a while.

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, and he said in his heart, "Ye Elf, don't be nervous, just wait for it to come out!"

As if hearing Lin Wen's voice, Ye Elf's panicked movements instantly eased, his entire body bowed, ready to deal with Ye Elf's mirror image at any time!

at this time!

I saw that behind Ye Elf, a voice suddenly sounded, and then the ground burst into dust, and a green figure jumped out!

It is the mirror image of the leaf spirit!

The single horn on its forehead was shining brightly, obviously when it was underground, it had already prepared the skills and came up to give Ye Elf a blow!


Its raid was not successful!

Just when it jumped out of the ground, Ye Elf suddenly turned around, the single horn on his forehead shone brightly, and a million wooden horns struck! ! !

Million Wood Horn Strike: An advanced skill of the deadly blade. It uses the deadly horn to deal huge damage to the enemy, and it will definitely cause a critical strike. 50% of the damage caused by this skill is converted into the HP value of the Leaf Spirit King.

The movement of the mirror image of the leaf elves under the ground obviously creates a sound, what a keen elves are the leaf elves?After calming down, I could clearly hear this subtle voice, and I had already taken precautions against Ye Elf's mirror image attack!

In the next second, the two elf's gleaming horns slammed into each other!

The powerful forces acted together, and after a short contact, the two elves were separated, and they stepped back a few steps...

In the eyes of each other, they can see the jealousy between each other!

The mirror side has double the bonus of leaf spirit attributes, and the basic strength is superb.

On the other hand, the leaf elves have the wisdom of lord-level elves, the fighting consciousness, and the bonus of forest pattern skills.

There was a momentary stalemate between the two!

Then... Ye Elf's eyes radiated light, and his skills were used suddenly!

The surrounding forest is even more green, and the strong grass-type energy is overflowing. Lin Wen has commanded the Leaf Elf to fight so many times, and he can see what kind of skill this is at a glance!

Lord-level skill: Moving Forest!

Leaf Elf's strongest auxiliary skill.

Now it is in a forest environment, and after the bonus of moving the forest, it has become more powerful!

Then... over the Ye Elf's body, countless leaves condensed, and Ye Feng shot out again!

In the face of the swept Ye Fengfeng, Ye Elf's mirror image was not afraid at all. In the sky above it, countless leaf blades condensed and appeared, and then... slammed!

This is the most essential confrontation between the two elves!

Countless blades condensed and shot out, and the skills of the two elves collided in the center!


After the two skills full of grass-type energy collided, they made a deafening sound!

Then... the two elves rushed forward rapidly!

The single horn shone with light, and the two leaf elves started the second collision!

They are like the horns on the foreheads of the two swordsmen, which are their swords, and they are engaged in the most essential confrontation!

The one-horned strike made the most dull voice, and the two elves did not give in to each other, and launched the most intense hand-to-hand battle!

Lin Wen stood behind, watching the battle between the two elves, and raised his mind slightly.

Time, a minute and a second passed.


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