outside world.

On the square, countless players are eagerly waiting.

More than ten minutes have passed since the fourth star lit up and the anonymous player numbered 0017 entered the fifth floor of the Tower of Refinement.

During this period, more and more players came to the Tower of Refinement. There were people everywhere on the square. They all got news and wanted to see if anyone could really create a miracle today!

The Tower of Refinement has been explored by players since the game was launched. As far as players know, there are five floors in the entire Tower of Refinement, and there is a sixth floor in the legend that does not exist!

But until now, the players' footsteps have only explored the fourth floor, and they don't know anything about the situation further up!

And now... finally a player broke through the fourth floor and entered the fifth floor.

Outside, countless players are eagerly waiting, looking forward to the fifth star appearing above the avatar of anonymous player No. 0017!

At that time... the mystery of the entire Tower of Refinement will be solved!

After all... if there is no sixth floor, then this anonymous player who has passed through the fifth floor will obviously come out directly from the tower of refinement.And if there is a sixth floor... then this anonymous player will not hide it after knowing the relevant news!

At this time, among the twenty-five players who challenged the Tower of Refinement this time, there were already some who failed to hold on and failed to break through the level, but were defeated, so they walked out of the Tower of Refinement!

For these people, the players outside did not pay any attention at all!

Enjoying the rain in the wind is such a player!

Speaking of which, he is quite unlucky. According to his strength, he was able to break through the second level in the past, and then came to the third level to face the Gym Master Korni (the one who got the money), but this challenge, in the third level. The second floor is over!

There is only one reason...

Players who are testing in the Tower of Refinement can also see the implementation progress of other players who participated in the challenge together, and enjoying the rain in the wind is because they saw that the fourth star appeared, and because of shock, they were not able to make it in time. Give instructions to the elf, and you will be depressed and defeated!

He is a local player in the Carlos region, and because of this, he knows more about the Tower of Refinement!

There are countless players who come to challenge the Tower of Refinement every day. Among them, there are many well-known players in the Carlos area. They came to challenge and want to break through the blockade of the fourth floor and go to the fifth floor!

However, these players all failed without exception!

The powerful mirror image of the leader host on the fourth floor is like a big mountain, traversing in front of the player! .

Chapter [-] Protracted War

However... just today, when he chose the challenge to enjoy the rain in the wind, there was a player who challenged with him crossed the fourth floor and defeated the lord-level elf!

In such a short time!

All of this... made Feng Zhong Yu Yu fall into a shock, which led to being eliminated from the game on the second floor.

After walking out of the gate of the Tower of Refinement, Feng Zhong Yu was taken aback by the crowd of players in front of him. His brain was quite lively, and he quickly realized why!

Obviously... the news that some players have crossed the fourth floor has already spread, and these people are probably here to witness the miracle!

Thinking of this in his mind, the depressed feeling of failing to appreciate the rain in the wind dissipated a little, and his eyes fell on the big screen, staring at the four stars above the avatar of player 0017, secretly dazed.

"When...will this make a fifth star?"

Time goes by gradually.

Appreciating the Rain in the Wind was only the first player to be eliminated, but then, as time went on, more and more challenging players came out of the Tower of Refinement 230.

In their expressions, there is still a strong shock!

No one would have thought that when they chose to challenge the Tower of Trials, they would encounter such a miracle!

Someone broke through the fourth floor and went to the unknown fifth floor!

What are the rules of the fifth floor?

The fourth floor is already facing the lord-level elves, so isn't the fifth floor more powerful?

This is the consensus in the hearts of every player.

Of course... they don't know that for most players, the power of the fifth floor elves is not so powerful, but the difficulty of clearing the fifth floor is indeed surprisingly high!Very difficult!

After all, it is really a bit embarrassing for the elf to fight against a mirror elf whose strength is twice his own when he cannot command.

However, after these eliminated players came out, a little frustration quickly disappeared, and they began to pay attention to the situation on the big screen!

Each of them is also very curious, whether this anonymous player numbered 0017 can break through the fifth floor!


Tower of Refinement, in the fifth floor.

In the lush forest, two elves with almost identical appearances are competing fiercely!

It is the Leaf Elf, and the mirror image of the Leaf Elf made by the Tower of Refinement!

The forest is like a paradise for two elves. Here, they are extremely fast and extremely sensitive!

Behind the two leaf elves, Lin Wen constantly moved his position, so that he could observe the battle of the two elves every moment!

From the forest pattern to the fifth floor, the leaf elves appeared in a mirror image, and the two elves fought. More than half an hour has passed!

Lin Wen swears... he has never seen this form of battle!

It's definitely a constant battle!

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