Grass-type elf is originally an elf with endurance after marriage, and has a strong recovery ability, and the leaf elf is the best among them!

Not to mention the mirrored Leaf Elf, who has twice the strength of the Leaf Elf!

Especially...the location where they fight turned out to be a forest environment!

The forest is simply a paradise for leaf elves!

There is a strong grass-type energy here, which can further improve the strength of the leaf elves, and the recovery ability has been enhanced to a certain extent!

In the front, two leaf elves were running (bjdg), fighting each other from time to time.

Lin Wen sighed, he had seen this situation more than once!

The two Ye Elves have fought each other a lot, and they have caused some damage to each other, but with their strong recovery ability, they are harmless and can survive.

Lin Wen had no choice but to watch the protracted battle between these two leaf elves!


At the other end, on the way to the attack, the two leaf elves fought each other again!

The Leaf Elf of Linwen took the lead in launching the attack, and two sturdy vine whips shot out in a hurry. During its running, the vine whip was still stable and attacked the mirror image of the Leaf Elf at the other end!

Facing the attacking vine whip, the Mirror Leaf Elf used the same counterattack!

Cane Whip Skill!

The vine whip it shoots, in terms of toughness, is not inferior to the Leaf Elf!

Then... four dark green vine whips clashed together in the air!

Pop, pop, pop!

The vine whips clashed together and made a very loud sound, echoing in the forest!

Normally, the fight between these two elves would probably cause the whole forest to boil, but now it is a forest environment created by high technology inside the Refinement Tower. Apparently there are no other creatures!

clap clap clap!

The toughness of the two elf vine whips is almost the same, and the result is that the vine whips have fought in the air many times, but no one can do anything!

Lin Wen's eyes were not blinking at this place, although he had already realized in his heart that this battle would definitely be a protracted one, and it was estimated that it would take a long time to decide the winner, but he would not miss it. any piece!

When the two vine whips clashed in mid-air, neither the Leaf Elf nor the Mirror Leaf Elf stood still, but sprinted towards each other at the same time!

In the lush forest, these two elves were like chameleons, almost disappearing. As a result of the rapid movement speed, they were like a green phantom that disappeared in place in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the two elves were about to touch again!

Leaf Elf's hooves lifted slightly, a faint green light flashed, and the skill was brewing.

Lin Wen, who was watching the battle, saw it at a glance. This is Ye Elf's personal trampling skill!

Trample: Fighting physics skills, use the powerful arches and legs to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, causing a stun effect with a certain probability, the damage is related to the special attack. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixteen powerful intelligence

While Lin Wen noticed the movements of the Leaf Elf, the mirrored Leaf Elf also noticed the movements of the Leaf Elf!

Its body bowed slightly, and it was already well protected, ready to make the most violent counterattack the moment Ye Elf's attack hit!

At this moment, a mutation occurred!

The four vine whips were originally swiping at each other in mid-air, and they were in a state of one touch, but... after another slap, one of the vine whips suddenly turned flexibly, the vine whip bent into an angle, and instantly retracted. tight!

This vine whip... belongs to the Leaf Elf!

The two vine whips of the Mirror Leaf Elf were instantly bound by the vine whips and could not move for a while!

At the same time... another vine whip of the Leaf Elf shot out and attacked the Mirror Leaf Elf!

"Zero Five Zero" is something that the Mirror Leaf Elf never imagined!

It was getting ready to deal with Ye Elf's melee attack, but it didn't expect that a vine whip would attack in mid-air!

The speed of the vine whip was extremely fast, facing the slightly stunned mirrored leaf elf, it instantly attacked its side, and with a flexible turn, it bound its front left leg in it!

The Mirror Leaf Elf tried to break free, but the vine whip was not only strong, but also full of tenacity. Just by its pulling and dragging, there was no way to break free of the vine whip!

On the other end of the leaf elf, after the vine whip successfully bound the mirrored leaf elf, its steps stopped, the light above its head condensed, and it suddenly began to charge!

Lin Wen's eyes have been watching the battle between the two elves. Seeing that in the blink of an eye, the situation of the battle is developing towards the side that is stronger with Ye Elf, and he can't help but secretly sigh "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fixed on Ye Elf's body, and he said with emotion, "I didn't expect Ye Elf's fighting consciousness to be so high!"

Obviously, mirroring the Leaf Elf is the trick of the Leaf Elf!I got caught under the cover of Ye Elf!

In the battle between elves, if the gap between the strengths is not too large, it is not because your strength is stronger, you can win!

Every battle is a battle of wits and courage!

Only the elf with a certain amount of strength and wisdom is not weak, in order to achieve the final victory!

And the mirrored leaf elf produced by the Tower of Refinement, although the wisdom is not weak, but the only lord-level leaf elf king in the elf world obviously has a certain gap!

Lin Wen has been observing the battle, and it can be said that he sees the specific situation clearly!

At the very beginning, when the two leaf elves started to whip the vines against each other, the leaf elves probably had a plan in their hearts!

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