The four vine whips kept swiping in mid-air, and it was impossible to tell a winner or loser for a while, and after each swipe, Ye Elf would take the initiative to control his vine whip to shrink back, and then start the first step. Second attack!

This undoubtedly makes the mirror leaf elves develop thinking inertia.I think that the vine whip between the two will not be able to tell the winner for a while, as long as the slamming continues like this, it will be fine!

At the same time, Ye Elf's skills brewing in the sprint, trampling on his body, also gave the mirror image of Ye Elf an illusion, that is, this own enemy, ready to take close combat with himself!

In this case, most of the attention of the mirrored leaf elves is naturally focused on the leaf elves, in case they are suddenly attacked by it!

Only a small part of attention was left for the rattan whip that was slamming in the air!

Ye Elf, grasped this point, and started attacking brazenly!

The vine whip, which had been cooperating with the mirror leaf elf to slash, suddenly moved. One vine whip directly slammed it, and the two vine whips of the mirror leaf elf were all gathered into his arms, while the other vine whip, Attacked on the mirror leaf elves!

Compared with the vine whip, the mirrored leaf elf undoubtedly pays more attention to the body of the leaf elf. Therefore, even if the vine whip strikes and pays little attention to it, it does not react immediately!

The immediate result that did not react immediately was that at this time, its front left leg was bound by the vine whip and was trying to break free!

It can be said that Ye Elf's plan is one after another. It can be seen from this that Ye Elf's fighting consciousness is definitely very strong, as he has a very high AI wisdom, and he is being promoted to lord. When he was an elf, he had the experience of fighting against three holy swordsmen elves without Lin Wen's command. Ye elf was an elves who could fight independently without Lin Wen's command, and his combat power was almost unchanged!

Therefore, Lin Wen admired Ye Elf very much, and felt that it was a very correct choice for him to choose Leaf Elf to participate in the battle in this level!

Just when Lin Wen had made up all of Ye Elf's overall plans in his mind, Ye Elf's power-charging skills had already been completed!

This is the sun beam skill!

Sun Beam: After charging for a period of time, it launches a super hot beam that is extremely fast and difficult to dodge. The damage caused is related to the special attack. On a sunny day, it can directly play the maximum damage without charging, and the skill consumption is reduced to 50%. Force can increase skill damage by up to 200%!

This is an extremely powerful skill!

It can also be said that it is one of the most amazing skills of Leaf Elf damage!

It planned such a near-perfect plan by itself for this final solar beam attack!

At the same time, in 2.3, after being restrained, the somewhat flustered Mirror Leaf Elf also sensed the danger. In addition to being flustered, his mind became much clearer. Facing the vine whip that restrained his left front leg, he did not take any useless pulling. The single horn on its forehead flickered, and then... it swiped sideways toward the vine whip!


The single horn is like a sharp sword. After it is drawn, the cane whip is divided into two sections in an instant!

Losing the strength support from the Leaf Elf, the vine whip wrapped around the left leg of the Mirror Leaf Elf fell off and withered quickly!

Mirror Leaf Elf, break free!

However, before it was pleasantly surprised that it finally broke free of the vine whip, a strong sense of crisis entered the heart of the Mirror Leaf Elf! ........

Chapter seven hundred and seventeenth amazing resilience

Because it sensed that an incomparably powerful force was coming towards it!

That's a sunbeam!

Leaf Elf's Sun Beam Skill!


Smoke is flying!

Lin Wen kept his eyes on the battlefield. He saw the mirrored leaf elf successfully break free from the vine whip, saw the panicked look on the face of the mirrored leaf elf, and even saw the mirrored leaf elf hit by the sun beam, finally. Then dodge hard!

So... he wasn't sure if the sun beam hit the mirrored leaf elf!

After the sun beam attacked, Ye Elf's eyes also focused on the spot where the sun beam was bombarded, his eyes were bright, and he wanted to check the results.

The smoke gradually dissipated...

After seeing the figure that appeared in the smoke, Lin Wen raised a little in his heart!

That is the figure of the mirrored leaf elf!

It obviously suffered huge damage. At this time, it was lying on its side on the ground 19, its body trembled slightly, and there was this scorched black on its abdomen!

That was the result of the sun beam bombardment!

Lin Wen couldn't help but clenched his fists hard, and he succeeded!

Sun Beam, as a skill with extremely fast firing speed and extremely difficult to dodge, the most difficult part is not after firing, but when charging!

After all, this is a very powerful skill that can completely change the situation of the battle. The enemy is not just waiting for you to charge up smoothly!

However, if the power is not charged, the power of the solar beam will become limited, and the effect of changing the situation of the battle will not be achieved!

The original purpose of the leaf elf was probably not to restrain the mirrored leaf elf, so that it would not be able to dodge his next attack!

Its original purpose, I am afraid, is to delay through the vine whip, so that the mirror leaf elves will not affect their power accumulation!This attack can be successfully launched!

Thinking of this level in his heart, Lin Wen undoubtedly took another look at his leaf elves. In terms of wisdom, his leaf elves are not inferior to some legendary elves at all. They have their own fighting methods and their own fighting methods. method!

Moreover, it is very similar to Lin Wen's command method!

As the first elf that Lin Wen has cultivated since the Eevee period, Lin Wen probably has the deepest understanding of the leaf elf, but also, why is the leaf elf not the elf who knows Lin Wen the most?

So... under the strong wisdom, Ye Elf did not adopt the fighting method of being reckless, fighting to the death, but fighting with a plan and premeditated plan, and now he has successfully harvested the results!

The gazes of Lin Wen and Ye Elf were fixed on the mirrored Leaf Elf lying on the side!

Under the gaze of the four eyes, the body of the Mirror Leaf Elf moved, and with a kick of his front hooves, he stood up with some difficulty.

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