Obviously... although the previous solar beam caused great damage to it, it did not make it lose its standing.

"But that's fine..." Lin Wen said in his heart: "Although it didn't suffer fatal damage, its combat power has obviously been greatly reduced. Next, Ye Elf can easily defeat it."

Just as these things flashed in Lin Wen's mind, he unconsciously glanced at the mirrored leaf elf, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes!

I saw that after the mirror leaf elf stood up, a flash of green light suddenly appeared beside it!

Lin Wen commanded Ye Elf to fight so many times, so he naturally knew what it was!

That is grass energy!

Incomparably rich grass energy!

After the fluorescent green light spots appeared beside the mirrored leaf elf, they poured into the body of the mirrored leaf elf. Its injuries have recovered a lot in a very short period of time!

I saw the scorched black area that was bombarded by the sun beam on the abdomen. After the grass-type energy poured in, it gradually returned to normal... At the end, there was almost no injury, as if the sun beam was bombarded before. This is not the mirror image. Leaf elves in general.

Lin Wen's mouth opened, but he couldn't help but close it again: "Isn't it??"

"Ah's recovery ability is a little too perverted, isn't it?"

Lin Wen thought of it in his mind!

He originally thought that after being bombarded by the sun beam, the battle was almost certain, but now that the mirror leaf spirit has made such a scene, it will undoubtedly make the battle confusing again!

"Are grass-type elves going to be so perverted..."

Lin Wen suddenly thought of it in his heart, but then he realized that his leaf elf was also a grass elf, and probably had a recovery ability that was not inferior to that of the mirrored leaf elf on the opposite side. He couldn't help shaking his head.

Grass-type elves are known for their stamina and recovery ability. In this battle, Lin Wen was undoubtedly very impressed by this!

But then... he keenly discovered some problems!

Because, the mirrored leaf elf not far away is breathing quite violently!

Lin Wen frowned slightly: "Although the injury has recovered, it does not affect the next battle, but has the physical strength been greatly affected?"

The power of the sun beam is so terrifying, it can restore the damage caused by the sun beam, and the mirrored leaf elf is obviously not 070 intact!

"Then...the next battle."

Lin Wen didn't know what to think in his heart, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes retracted from the body of the mirrored leaf spirit, and fell on the body of the leaf spirit.

"Ye Elf... I hope you understand what I mean."


Time passed gradually.

As the time of this Tower of Refinement challenge is getting longer and longer, the twenty-five players who entered the Tower of Refinement have now all come out of the Tower of Refinement!

Among them, in this challenge, the one with the best results only came to the third floor. After facing the mirror image of Kerni, he failed and failed to reach the fourth floor!

I have to say that among the twenty-five people this time, there are still one or two masters, and the previous record was to break into the fourth floor.

But this time, they all tasted failure on the third floor!

There is only one reason for everything!

They were so shocked!The shocked mood seriously affected the smooth command to fight, which ended in a fiasco!

And the culprit of all this is obviously the 0017 who challenged the Tower of Trials with them, the anonymous player! .

Chapter seven hundred and eighteenth slaughter

That guy actually broke through the record in the Carlos area in one fell swoop, went to the fifth floor, and was in the same phase with them, which undoubtedly shocked the minds of the tower players in the same period!

Can't imagine it at all...

Now, the twenty-five people who entered this challenge at the same time, except for the anonymous player No. 0017 who did not know what happened on the fifth floor, have all been eliminated!

They did not choose to leave the Tower of Refinement, but stayed in the square with the crowd of players who had heard the news, staring at the big screen, looking forward to a real miracle!

Is there a sixth floor in the Tower of Refinement?

At the same time... in the hearts of these players, there is a question that is like a cat's claws scratching their hearts, making their hearts very itchy, but they can't get an answer.No way to start.

That is... who is this 0017?

Why is he so cheating?

However, everything seems to be revealed soon!

Because... in the Tower of Refinement today, there is only the last player left, which is this 0017. Whether his next challenge is success or failure, as long as he comes out, his identity will naturally be changed. Known by the majority of players!


Kanto area.

Lingxi Trade Union Headquarters.

After assigning all the tasks in hand, Ling Feng logged into the forum, ready to see if there is any information worthy of attention in the near future.

Information is something that every player and every trade union cannot ignore!

As the chairman of Lingxi Guild, Lingfeng obviously attaches great importance to this point. Although there are many player posts in the forum, there are also many posts that contain valuable information.

But today... he just came to the forum, and when he saw the almost massacre-like discussion thread, he was immediately a little stunned.

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