"What happened" "?" Ling Feng blinked, thinking in a daze.

Immediately... he quickly flipped through the relevant posts, and quickly sorted out the whole thing.

"So that's it...the tower of refinement in the Carlos area..."

"Crossed the first two floors in a few minutes, defeated the Gym Master Korni Mirror in record time, and then faced the lord-level elf in just three minutes, breaking the record in the Carlos area in one fell swoop. An unprecedented fifth floor!"

Ling Feng looked at the post on the forum and said softly, every time he read a sentence, the smile on his face became even bigger.

Then... he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Thanks to these players, they are still guessing who this person is, do you still need to think about it? Obviously it is Brother Yang Yan!"

Heart of Yang Yan!

Others don't know that the heart of Yang Yan has gone to the Carlos area. Ling Feng, who has just finished talking with Lin Wen, is very clear. He doesn't think that a player will suddenly appear in Carlos to complete these feats. Then... the only possibility Sex, only the heart of Yang Yan who is currently in the Carlos area!

This big brother is really not idle all the time, he always wants to make some big news!

Ling Feng sighed softly, and then closed the forum, instead of continuing to watch it, he continued to prepare for the next thing!

Settling in the Carlos area!

This is undoubtedly another opportunity for Lingxi Guild to make great strides. Lingfeng doesn't want to lose this opportunity because of Lingxi Guild's own reasons, so it is better to prepare early!

At this time, the elite members of the Lingxi Guild are already heading to the Carlos area in batches!


The Tower of Refinement, the fifth floor!

The battle between the Leaf Elf and the Mirror Leaf Elf is still going on!

After being hit by the sun beam, this mirrored leaf elf moved more cautiously and cautiously, and coupled with its powerful recovery ability, even the leaf elf had no effective way to deal with it for a while!

But... Lin Wen was keenly aware that the panting movement of this mirrored leaf elf was getting farther and farther away!

Obviously!The attack of the sun beam also had a great impact on it, and its physical strength was greatly damaged!

In contrast... Although the Leaf Elf has also been attacked to a certain extent since the start of the war, compared with the mirrored Leaf Elf, it is nothing compared to the shadow of a witch, and it is completely within the range of the Leaf Elf!

Time goes by step by step!

Procrastinating like this... is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to Ye Elf!

But... it's not enough!

Lin Wen's eyes fell on Ye Elf, looking forward to Ye Elf's gaze looking at him!

At this moment, Ye Elf seemed to sense something. He had just fought with the mirrored Leaf Elf, then turned around and looked towards Lin Wen!

Lin Wen and Ye Elf looked at each other!

Bonding skills, activate!

Fettered Skill: Unyielding Will: After use, remove and immune to all control effects, increase movement speed by 50%, and reduce the damage taken by the elf by 50%, consume 10 points of stamina per second, and 10% of the blood of the elf !

Bonding skills!

The rules of the fifth floor of the Tower of Refinement are: let the elf defeat twice his mirror opponent without applying battle orders and communication!

However, the inability to use battle commands and the inability to communicate means that there is no way to speak, but it does not mean that (the king's) players cannot use skills!

Especially this kind of bond skill that requires the tacit understanding of the elf and the trainer to be released!

Lin Wen and Ye Elf have experienced countless battles. Ye Elf can already understand any command of Lin Wen. After his eyes are focused on Lin Wen, he already understands the meaning of Lin Wen and uses it together with Lin Wen. Got the bond skills!

In the continuous battle after the sun beam, the stamina of the mirror leaf elf has been greatly attenuated. In this case, it is undoubtedly very suitable for a wave to take it away!

After the use of the bond skills and the unyielding will, Ye Elf's speed suddenly increased!

In the forest, with the bonus of the lord-level skill moving forest, its speed has already reached a terrifying level, and now it has the bonus of unyielding will, and the speed can no longer be captured by the naked eye! .

Chapter seven hundred and nineteenth lore

Ye Elf quickly ran towards his mirror image!

At the same time, in the process of sprinting, the unicorn on Ye Elf's forehead shines brightly, and a bright green sword gradually takes shape!

Mysterious Sword!

Leaf Elf's most powerful single skill!

The speed of this sudden surge completely exceeded the expectations of the mirrored leaf elf. Facing the attacking leaf elf, its attention was highly hit, and countless leaves around it condensed!

Flying Leaf Knife!

Swish swish!

Countless sharp flying leaves swept away towards the attacking Leaf Elf, trying to force it to dodge, thus creating opportunities for the mirrored Leaf Elf!

The bond skill will consume the physical strength of the forest pattern and the leaf elves every moment. Obviously, it is not a skill that can last for a long time. We must take this opportunity to solve the mirrored leaf elves in one fell swoop!

Lin Wen kept his eyes on the battle, and when he saw the Flying Leaf Knife attacking Ye Elf, he couldn't help but frown slightly, Ye Elf, what kind of choice will Ye Elf make?

Do you choose to rush over directly, or choose to dodge and look for opportunities again?

Ye Elf, quickly gave Lin Wen an answer!

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