In the face of the surging Flying Leaf Knife, Ye Elf did not dodge and sprinted forward!

This is undoubtedly the wisest and most correct choice!

As a grass-type skill, the Flying Leaf Knife does not deal much damage to the Leaf Elf. In addition, the Leaf Elf is now in a state of Fettered Skill and Unyielding Will, which reduces the damage taken by 50%!

In this case, although the surging flying leaf blade looks very ferocious, it can't cause too much effective damage to the Leaf Elf!

Amidst the hail of bullets, the Leaf Elf charged fiercely!

Countless sharp blades slashed across the Leaf Elf's body, but with the grass-type energy and indomitable will to reduce damage, they didn't even cause effective wounds, and they all fell to the ground!

This scene greatly exceeded the expectations of the mirror elf!

In its idea, the Leaf Elf will dodge when facing the Flying Leaf Knife, and then it will make the next attack!

But now... Ye Elf actually chose to carry its attack and rushed over, which shocked the mirror Ye Elf very much, not (bjfg) was slightly stunned, and was stunned for two seconds!

That's the crucial two seconds!

With the addition of the moving forest and unyielding will, the speed of the leaf elf has reached a very terrifying level. After breaking through the flying leaf knife, it has come to the mirror image of the leaf elf in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the Mirror Leaf Elf was still in a stunned state, and the speed of the Leaf Elf, after the addition of the Unyielding Will, far exceeded it, and he just reacted!

Sensing that Ye Elf had come before him, and feeling the mysterious sword on Ye Elf's forehead that contained incomparably powerful power, the Mirror Leaf Elf immediately prepared to dodge!I want to dodge this attack.

However!It doesn't stand a chance!

In the beginning, the Leaf Elf used Lin Wen's various passive skills to add to it, and the mirrored Leaf Elf produced by this tower of refinement has twice the strength of the Leaf Elf. The strength is almost equal!

The speed between the two is about the same!

However, now, the emergence of fetter skills has broken this balance!

The speed bonus of up to 50% is unimaginable under the already terrible speed base of Ye Elf!

Facing the leaf elf whose speed is soaring, the mirrored leaf elf has no possibility of dodging. Although it has moved its body as much as possible, it can only watch the powerful sword that seems to destroy everything. Straight towards yourself!

In the first few seconds, the two elves were still in a stalemate, consuming each other's physical strength.

But in the next, as Lin Wen and Ye Elf had the same mind, they activated the bond skills with full tacit understanding, and the battle situation had an astonishing reversal!

The sudden attack of the Leaf Elf greatly exceeded the expectations of the Mirror Leaf Elf!

The mysterious sword moved forward and pierced into the belly of the mirrored leaf elf.Inflicted enormous damage to it!

If someone can pay attention carefully, they will find that the location of the mysterious sword attack chosen by the leaf elf is exactly the place where the mirrored leaf elf was bombarded by the sun beam before!

Although the Mirror Leaf Elf's injury has been recovered to a certain extent through the rich grass-type energy in the forest, here... it is not completely recovered!

Now the attack of the mysterious sword has caused extremely serious secondary damage!The wound that had almost recovered completely was torn apart again!

Because of the pain, the Mirror Leaf Elf's face was twisted a little, and he couldn't help but let out a piercing cry!

Its front hooves suddenly softened, and its entire body knelt heavily on the ground!

The mysterious sword, as the strongest single skill of the Leaf Elf, is extremely powerful!Terrible!

The previous battle was not used, there is no chance!After all, the Mirror Leaf Elf is not a fool. In the face of such a powerful attack, he will definitely dodge it, but he will not send it up to you to fight!

However, with the opening of the Unyielding Will skill, Ye Elf does not need to wait for opportunities, but creates opportunities by himself!

In one fell swoop, the mirror leaf elf was seriously injured again!

Ye Elf's movements did not stop!Unyielding Will has a time limit, and it obviously wants to take this opportunity to completely defeat the opponent!

After all, as a grass elf, the leaf elf clearly knows how powerful the recovery ability is. Although the mirror image of the leaf elf's injury looks very serious now, if it is given enough time to recover, then... it may not be impossible. Back to health!

Facing the very miserable mirrored leaf elf below, the leaf elf showed no mercy, the mysterious sword suddenly pulled out and entered a cooling state.

At the same time, its unicorn radiated a green light again!

Although it is not as amazing as the momentum of the mysterious sword, it should not be underestimated!

Million wood horn strikes!

The unicorn strikes again!

If just now, in the face of the mysterious sword of the leaf elf, the mirrored leaf elf still has the possibility of dodging, then now, it has become a lamb on the chopping block, ready to be slaughtered! .

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth wild growth

The powerful damage of the mysterious sword caused it to suffer irreversible fatal wounds. Today's mirrored leaf elf has been paralyzed on the ground, and there is no way to dodge!

Under this circumstance, a million wooden horns struck again!


The unicorn suddenly hit the mirrored leaf elf!

The powerful crit effect caused the Mirror Leaf Elf to suffer more serious damage~!

After being attacked by the mysterious sword before, it can still whine, but after the attack of the million wooden horns strikes again, this mirrored leaf elf, the night scene has no sound.

Its body twitched unconsciously, and then... like a bubble, it slowly dissipated under the sunlight cast in the forest!

This is a mirrored elf made by the Tower of Refinement, and it has no life at all, which is why the Ye elf did not hold back at all when fighting!

The body of the mirrored leaf elf dissipated, which undoubtedly means that Lin Wen's fifth-level challenge... has been successful!

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