This is a powerful skill similar to anti-armor, which can increase the thickness of the fast dragon by at least one level.

Needless to say, the Esoteric Crystal on the fifth floor allows Ye Elf to master the powerful Esoteric Skill of Wild Growth. The attack has been significantly improved, and the characteristic of becoming more courageous in battle can even be unexpected in battle. Threat to the enemy!

It can be said that Lin Wen's harvest this time is very rich!

Every item is of great help to Lin Wen!

There's also the sixth floor...the last floor's reward!

Legendary Pixie Projector!

A legendary elf can be summoned to fight!

Any item that involves a legendary elf is very rare, let alone a prop that can summon a legendary elf!

Simply incomparably powerful!

The only shortcoming is that the summoned legendary elf will not be charged, and will act according to his own character and faction.

However, Lin Wen didn't think that, with his high luck, when he needed to use this item, he would summon a legendary elf of the evil camp!

He will surely summon a elf who can help!

This is Lin Wen very sure!

"It's a good harvest."

After straightening everything out in his mind, Lin Wen couldn't help but muttered.

It can be said that this trip to the Tower of Refinement can even be called a complete success. All his plans before he came here were successfully implemented, and his strength was further improved before the war!

Even... even Lin Wen, before he came here, did not expect such a rich reward this time!

After straightening everything out, Lin Wen sat in the back of the car, and instead of thinking any further, he took out his communication device.

Because he needed to concentrate on fighting in the Tower of Refinement and didn't want to be disturbed by other things, after entering the Tower of Refinement, Lin Wen turned off his communication equipment, and there was no way for others to send him any news.

After opening it now, Lin Wen saw several missed messages!

These... were all sent to him during the period when he turned off the communication equipment!

Lin Wen glanced at it, there were Ling Feng, the cute night cat, and the unfamiliar ones, 313 but added friends...

With a slight smile, Lin Wen was just about to reply one by one when he saw another communication request from the communication device.

Lin Wen took a look and saw that it was the cute little girl called Night Cat!

Without hesitation, Lin Wen answered the phone directly.

As soon as the communication was connected, the familiar and crisp voice of the cute night cat came from the ear: "Brother Yang Yan, you are so amazing!"

Lin Wen smiled lightly and said modestly, "It's just average!"

"That's not it." On the other end, the cute night cat snorted: "I cleared the tower of refinement in one fell swoop, and completed what many players in the Carlos area have never done. Brother Yang Yan, you are really getting better and better. !"

"Thank you for your compliment, Little Night Cat." Lin Wen replied.

At this moment... a snickering sound suddenly came from the communication device, and then the cute night cat's voice came again: "Brother Yang Yan, you looked very handsome when you finally escaped."

Lin Wen:  …

"Hey, hey, what do you mean, little girl?"

Just as he was about to answer, the communication on the other end was directly hung up, only a beep sounded. .

Chapter seven hundred and twenty eight ghost clothing online

Lin Wen helplessly took the communication device from his ear, and shook his head helplessly: "This little girl."

At the same time, there was a wild forest somewhere in the Kanto area.

The smiling cute night cat stuck out his tongue, put down the communication device in his ear, and muttered, "Haha, Brother Yang Yan is so funny."

Then... her eyes fell to the front: "Nianmeilong, we are going to change places to fight!"


As soon as the communication device was removed from the ear, it rang again!

Lin Wen held it up helplessly, only to see that this time it was Ling Feng!

Without thinking, Lin Wen connected the communication.

As soon as it was connected, Ling Feng's voice came from the opposite side.

"Brother Yangyan, you're really a cheater. You can be so brilliant wherever you go. It's only been a few days in the Carlos area, and you have made such a big move. You are the focus of the spotlight!"

Ling Feng's voice is full of emotion, look at others, look at himself, just arrived in the Carlos area for a few days, he has already acted with the regional champion, and now challenging a tower of refinement has caused the entire elf century to shake!

Countless players are watching it!

Looking at other people and looking at himself, Lingfeng felt that he was the first player guild in the two major regions of Chengdu and across the Guandu, and the president of the Lingxi guild can already be said to be very cheating.But compared with the Heart of Yang Yan, it is absolutely inferior!

Hearing Ling Feng's voice, Lin Wen said helplessly: "I don't want to either... When I went to pass the level, in order not to be discovered by the players, I deliberately used an anonymous challenge."

"Who knew it would end up like this."

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