Lin Wen is very innocent.

He was running for the reward, and he didn't want to alarm anyone at all, but it backfired, and finally shocked the entire Elf Century!

You must know that when Lin Wen just came out of the Tower of Refinement, he looked at the crowd of players outside, and he was very confused!

After knowing that they came here because they broke into the Tower of Refinement, they were even more speechless.

"Brother Yangyan, isn't this just proof that you are cheating"!" Ling Feng said to the communication device: "Anything you do casually can cause a sensation among players! Really, I think you are already invincible. ."

Both characters from the same guild, and friends who have known each other since the beginning of the game, Lin Wen and Lingfeng have a good relationship, so they don't have any scruples when they talk, and they joke about each other a lot.

"Okay, don't hold me." Lin Wen decisively chose to change the topic and said, "How is it, how is the guild preparing for the settlement in the Carlos area?"

His tone became solemn, and he talked about business.

Realizing that the next thing is going to be serious, Ling Feng also put away his frivolous tone and said: Our guild is ready! "

"The elites of our guild have arrived in the Carlos area one after another in the past few days, and are on standby at any time, ready to attack."

Lin Wen nodded secretly.

After Ling Feng said this, he opened his mouth and said, "And... I have another good news to tell you."

"Good news?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment before squinting, "What is it?"

"The ghost heavy clothes you asked the guild to help make before have been made!"

"Finished?" Lin Wen's tone was a little surprised.

The ghostly heavy clothes are a drawing that he has obtained for a long time. In his plan, there are many things that will use this clothing that can be hidden and hidden!

"That's right, it's finished." Ling Feng's voice came: "But... only one piece was made, and I have asked them to take this dress with them when they went to the Carlos area this time, hoping to make a difference. ."

"Just one piece?" Lin Wen frowned slightly, then stretched it out and said, "Enough."

"Well." Ling Feng asked from the other side.

"Brother Yang Yan." Then Ling Feng's questioning voice came again: "Are you really sure about this matter?"

There was anxiety in Ling Feng's tone.

Opportunities also often contain crises!

If you want to get rich, you must go through hardships and obstacles!

Lingxi Guild wants to take this opportunity to enter the Carlos area, obviously it is not enough to think about it. Lingfeng also realizes that what they have to face is likely to be a legendary elf!

In the annihilation of Team Rocket, players have already seen the strength of the legendary elf, so they are quite worried about this!

After all, success is good, and everyone is naturally happy, and the Lingxi Guild has a strong presence in the Carlos area.

But if it fails... the damage to the elite members of the Lingxi Guild will undoubtedly cause the Lingxi Guild, which is currently developing rapidly, to stop, which is definitely a huge loss for the Lingxi Guild.

Hearing Ling Feng's question and hearing the worry in the other party's mouth, Lin Wen smiled lightly and said randomly, "..."

After a pause, Lin Wen continued: "You must know that this time the participants are not just us players!"

"Although the alliance in the Carlos region is opposed to this matter, and even strongly blocked the White Sandalwood Forest (with money), but! You know, my helper is the regional champion of the Carlos region, Caruna. ."

"And... she will also contact the king of the Carlos region to join."

"And... Xerneas and Yveltal have a deep hatred. Our enemy is Yveltal. Xerneas, the legendary elf, will also help us!"

"It's all about our odds."

Lin Wen analyzed to Lingfeng word by word, reassuring him.

Listening to Lin Wen's analysis, Ling Feng nodded secretly, and then said, "I understand!"

There was firmness in his eyes, obviously he was ready to get involved, and he would not look back in one fell swoop!

This is an opportunity for a consonance guild!

What makes Lingfeng even more confident is... This time, the heart of Yang Yan is leading the way! .

Chapter [-] The method of release


Heart of Yang Yan has suffered from losses since the game was launched to the present?

of course not!

The Lingxi Guild can develop to the current level, and it has nothing to do with the heart of Yang Yan. Since this is the case... What else needs to be feared?You guys stand shoulder to shoulder!

This time, Ling Feng personally led the team to the Carlos area. After hanging up Lin Wen's call, he began to discuss specific plans with the elite members who came to the Carlos area.

It is worth mentioning that the elite members who came to the Carlos area this time have many acquaintances of Lin Wen.

This time, an elite squad leader of the Lingxi Guild can be said to be an old acquaintance of Lin Wen, and it is the soul lamenting!

Moreover, among the elite members who came this time, there was an acquaintance with Lin Wen, Long proud of the world!

This former president of the Heaven-Defying Dragon Clan, now the vice president of the Lingxi Guild, also participated in this mission because of his high combat power!

After Lingfeng began to gather the personnel, these people gathered together and waited for the mission to start!


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