After Lin Wen hung up the phone, he put the communication device away.

Because... Miare City is already in sight!

His eyes were fixed on the city full of art, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said in his heart: "Everything is ready, the next thing... is to start implementing the plan!"

Lin Wen is looking forward to it!

The taxi drove into the city of Miare, Lin Wen did not choose to return to his residence, but directly chose to go to the Elf Alliance!

He's going to find Karuna, explain the situation, and get ready to start implementing the plan!


The alliance hall is full of people.

Lin Wen walked to the entrance of the Alliance Hall in a low-key manner, then took out the communication equipment and connected with Karuna.

The two have already exchanged their contact information with each other, and they can communicate anytime and anywhere for easy communication.

Among the players, Lin Wen is probably the only one who can get the contact information of the champion!Since the launch of the Wizard Century server, he has long become a benchmark (bjdc) character, and his reputation in the alliance is rising step by step. After experiencing the annihilation of Team Rocket, his hidden status in the alliance is not as good as the champion. But at least it can definitely be called the King of Heaven!

Because everything needs to be discussed in detail after meeting, so after using the communication device to chat with Ka Lunai, Lin Wen hung up the communication device and waited at the entrance of the Alliance Hall.

Not long after, a female staff member in an alliance uniform came to Lin Wen and asked slightly cautiously, "Hello, are you a researcher Yang Yan?"

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

The female staff member of the alliance breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said, "Researcher Yang Yan, please come with me."

Then took the lead.

Lin Wen followed behind her and walked towards the depths of the alliance station.

Karuna didn't come to pick him up in person.

The ban of the Carlos Regional Alliance has just been issued, and Xerneas is ready to be released, and even the White Sandalwood Forest has been blocked!

You must know that before, whether it was Karunai, the regional champion, or Lin Wen, a Yang Yan researcher with a certain reputation in the alliance, they all agreed with the release of Xerneas!

Moreover, the strength of both of them is very strong, in the entire Carlos region, they belong to the top level!

If the two meet upright in the outside world, it will inevitably make the alliance have some sensitive guesses!

Absolutely no such thing!Then disrupt Linwen and Karuna's entire plan!

So... even though it was a little troublesome at this time, the two were still very cautious.

Following behind the female staff of the alliance, Lin Wen turned left and right with her, and then came to a relatively remote place within the alliance.

Lin Wen glanced left and right, but saw no figure.

Afterwards, the female staff of the alliance stepped forward and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in."

Karuna's voice came from the room.

The female staff of the alliance pushed open the door, then turned around and made an inviting expression to Lin Wen.

Lin Wen did not hesitate, and walked directly into the room.

Then... the door of the room was closed by the outside staff, and in the entire room, only Lin Wen and Karuna were left.

Lin Wen didn't hesitate, and after looking up to see Karuna's figure, he said bluntly: "Miss Karuna, I have everything ready here! A group of very elite trainers have come to Carlos from the Guandu area. area."

Immediately... he paused and said, "Miss Karuna, how are you preparing?"

Ka Lunai sat on the chair and got up when she saw Lin Wen coming in. Hearing Lin Wen's question, she smiled and nodded, "Naturally ready."

Immediately, she pointed to the chair on the side: "Researcher Yang Yan, let's sit down and talk."

Lin Wen nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, he and Karuna each sat down.

"I have already contacted several heavenly kings." Karuna said immediately: "And, I specifically went to ask the doctor about the way to release Xerneas."

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Of course, he knew something about the Doctor that Caruna was talking about.

That's the area doctor in the Carlos area!That is to say, he belongs to the same level as Dr. Ohno.

Although the Carlos Alliance has explicitly banned the release of Xerneas, but... some people in the alliance are also dissatisfied with this ban!

Those people, like Lin Wen and Karuna, felt that they should help Xerneas, not leave it alone.

Karuna naturally dared to ask Dr. District about such related matters, obviously this is also a person who can be trusted.

Therefore, Lin Wen did not ask too much.

Karuna then said: "The way to release Xerneas is very simple, you only need to pour a lot of energy to break the seal balance."

Chapter [-] Action Begins

Speaking of this, Karunai said with a meal: "After the doctor learned of my plan to release Xerneas, he provided me with an energy storage crystal, which can be used to release Xerneas."

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