Lin Wen nodded again and again.

As the champion of the Carlos region, Kalunai's network in the Carlos region is undoubtedly very extensive. Lin Wen dared to take the initiative to open this expansion, and the addition of Kalunai is also inseparable!

After listening to Ka Lunai finish, Lin Wen said, "Since that's the case, it's not too late, we'll start tonight!"

Karuna nodded lightly, agreeing with Lin Wen's thoughts.

"Miss Karuna, it's up to you to attract the attention of the White Sandalwood Forest guard. After all, your identity is here."

"And I..." Linwen paused, then said: "I was embedded in the white sandalwood forest, and I used the energy storage crystal to make the seal of Xerneas unbalanced, unable to continue to maintain the burden of the enchantment, and released Zer. nia_s."

Karuna nodded lightly, not objecting to Lin Wen's plan.

What Lin Wen said is indeed a relatively correct plan!

As the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna is known to everyone in the entire alliance, and it is best for her to attract the attention of the guards of the alliance.

In contrast...Although Lin Wen also has a certain reputation in the alliance, this is the Carlos area, after all, it can't compare to Karuna.

"Since that's the case, we'll start taking action tonight!" Karuna said firmly.

"Yeah." Lin Wen agreed.

Ka Lunai's eyes immediately turned to Lin Wen, and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, please be careful!"

The two looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes!

Although they are very confident, they are also aware of the dangers of this mission. This involves two legendary elves, and it blatantly violates the prohibition of the alliance!

If it is not handled properly, it will cause indelible losses to the entire Carlos region. Even with the status of Karunai and Lin Wen, I am afraid that they will be eaten alive!

Xerneas will also be extremely disappointed by their actions, but it will be thankless at that time!

Even... Lin Wen has guesses in his heart, if there is any accident, I am afraid that even the Lingxi guild that came from the Guandu area will receive punishment from the alliance, or even expel!

All of this is very possible!

Therefore, we must complete everything neatly and please both sides!

Seeing the worry in Ka Lunai's eyes, Lin Wen smiled slightly, raised his fist in his hand, and said, "Miss Ka Lunai, we will definitely succeed!"

Ka Lunai was stunned for a moment, and then a sweet smile appeared on her face. Bai Nen's arms stretched out, clenched into fists, and collided with Lin Wen's fists.

"It will be a success!"

Afterwards, the two dispersed and prepared themselves!

Now that it has been decided to act this evening, it is natural to make the final preparations!

No mistakes are allowed!

After leaving the alliance, Lin Wen went straight to a location in Miare City, where the elite members of the Lingxi Guild came to the Carlos area temporarily!

After getting into the taxi, Lin Wen quickly arrived at the place.

As soon as he got off the taxi, Lin Wen heard a slightly familiar voice.

"God Yangyan?" There was a little doubt in the voice.

Lin Wen turned his head to the side, and saw that the one who asked out loud was the soul lamenting!

This elite member of the Lingxi Guild that he is very familiar with!

"It's you." Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then said, "How many times have I said it, everyone is a friend, just call me the heart of Yang Yan."

Soul lamented and smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Yang Yan is big... Yang Yan's heart."

"That's right." Lin Wen said with satisfaction.

It's okay for players he doesn't know to call him that, but acquaintances he knows also call him that, but it makes him feel very weird.

Seeing Soul Lament changed his name, Lin Wen said, "Where are Lingfeng and the others? What are they doing?"

"President and the others are discussing related plans. It's inside." Soul lamented and replied: "Yang Yan Da... Zhi Xin, shall I take you in?"


When Lin Wen heard this strange name, he exhaled helplessly and said, "Okay."

Then, under the guidance of Soul Lament, Lin Wen came to a room.

The soul lamented softly and knocked on the door, and there was a very familiar voice from Lin Wen.

"Please come in."

It was Ling Feng's voice.

Afterwards, Soul Lament took the lead in pushing the door and said, "President, Yang Yanda...heart is here!"


"Brother Yang Yan is here?" Ling Feng was slightly surprised.

"God Yangyan is here?"

"Where is it?"

The senior leaders of the Lingxi Guild in the room also asked.

"I am here."

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