Hearing the voice inside, Lin Wen stepped into it, his eyes swept across the room.

Those who can come to the Carlos area are all elite players in the Lingxi Guild, and all of them are superior in strength, and those who can gather in this room are the senior members of the Lingxi Guild!

Only they have this status!

Lin Wen's eyes swept around, and he saw many familiar faces!

After nodding towards them, Lin Wen withdrew his gaze.

The senior members of the Lingxi Guild in the room were sitting and discussing. After seeing Lin Wen coming in, they all turned their attention and stood up.

Ling Feng took a step forward and asked, "When will you start planning?"

When the two communicated through the communication device before, it was already explained that Lin Wen was going to go directly to look for Ka Lunai and ask about the specific situation.

Faced with his question, Lin Wen did not hesitate and replied directly, "Tonight?"

"Tonight?" Ling Feng frowned slightly when he heard this, and then calmed down: "Okay.".

Chapter [-] Infiltrate

Chapter seven hundred and thirty second sap take away

Karuna walked in front, very upright, and didn't worry about being discovered at all.

Soon, she came to the outside of the White Sandalwood Forest and was discovered by the patrolling Alliance guards!


A slightly cautious voice sounded, and then, a beam of light shone on Karuna!

After seeing Karuna's face clearly, the guard exclaimed, "Miss Karuna?"

"What? Miss Karuna is here?"

The eyes of several guards around him suddenly swept over!

As the league champion in the Carlos region, and a well-known elegant actress, Caruna's reputation in the Carlos region is absolutely unmatched!

Under such circumstances, Karuna's appearance almost immediately attracted the attention of all the guards here!

Lin Wen, who was dressed in ghostly heavy clothes, after seeing this scene, hurriedly accelerated, and lurked toward the white sandalwood forest in an area with no lighting.

Ka Lunai watched Lin Wen's actions from the corner of his eyes, smiled at the guard in front of him, and said, "How is it? Did someone enter the White Sandalwood Forest?"

"No!" The guard in front of him shook his head a little excitedly: "We can guarantee that no one can break into the White Sandalwood Forest."

The surrounding guards stopped one after another, and nodded when they heard the words.

"That's good." Karuna's expression didn't show any difference, and then said: "The Alliance attaches great importance to the affairs of the White Sandalwood Forest. You must not let anyone break into the White Sandalwood Forest!"

"Yes, we understand, Miss Karuna!" a guard responded.

At this moment, an alliance guard seemed to notice something and looked back.

The rear was pitch black, and no figure could be seen at all.

The guard shook his head and muttered, "Did I hear it wrong?" Then he turned his head back in surprise, his eyes focused on Karuna again.

A smile appeared on Karuna's mouth, and then she said, "I'll take a look elsewhere."

"Well... Miss Karuna, please do it." The alliance guard said.

Saying that, she watched Karuna go away with respectful eyes.


the other side!

Lin Wen successfully sneaked into the White Sandalwood Forest!

Under the circumstance that Karuna was attracting attention, under the influence of the ghosts and heavy clothes, although there were many guards outside the White Sandalwood Forest, they couldn't stop him!

"This dress is really easy to use." Lin Wen's eyes fell on the ghostly heavy clothes on his body!

He initially obtained the design drawings and handed them over to the Lingxi Guild for production, which was for the tree of the beginning of the world!

At that time, he and Qianxia went there together, and after breaking through the outer perimeter, they found that the difficulty inside was too strong, and reluctantly gave up!

And now... with this dress, it shouldn't be a problem if you want to sneak in!

Not only that, many secret realms in the Elf Century, I am afraid that need to use this prop, it can be said to be very useful!

With his mind drawn back to his mind, Lin Wen looked into the depths of the white sandalwood forest, only to see lights shaking constantly under the cover of the forest!

The alliance can say that the White Sandalwood Forest has made a lot of determination. Even inside, there are still many patrolling guards!

In order to prevent being discovered, Lin Wen did not dare to ride

The elves can only walk slowly to the depths through the effect of ghostly heavy clothing and their own caution.

After so many days of preparation time, Karunai had already told Lin Wen the most likely location of Xerneas, so Lin Wen had an accurate goal and walked directly there!

Along the way, the alliance guards patrolling in the forest can be said to be endless, but relying on the effect of ghosts and heavy clothes, and Lin Wen's own caution, they were not directly discovered.

With his strength, he is naturally not afraid of the guards of the alliance, but Xerneas has not been released yet. If these guards find out and are known by the alliance, it will be a trouble. !

Therefore, Lin Wen can be said to be very cautious and avoid being discovered as much as possible!

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