After a long journey, Lin Wen finally came to Xerneas!

Taking out the map in his hand, after checking that there was no mistake in the location he came to, Lin Wen's eyes fixed on the alliance guards who were active in this area!

Freeing Xerneas is not something that can be done in an instant, these guards are a bit in the way!

Squinting his eyes slightly, Lin Wen took out a Poké Ball.

Shanaido appeared in place.

"Master Yang Yan, what do you need me to do?"

After Shanaido was released, the voice of Shanaido's inquiry came from the telepathy.

"Shanaiduo." Lin Wen stared at the surrounding alliance guards and said, "I hypnotized all these people, and let them fall into a deep sleep."

Shanaido is a super-type elf, and he is good at this kind of thing.


"Okay, Lord Yang Yan."

In the telepathy, Shanaido's reply came.

Then, I saw a purple light in Shanaido's eyes, and the invisible super power spread out, covering this area...


There was a sound of falling to the ground!

The alliance guard next to him suddenly noticed something was wrong, and his eyes instantly turned to him!

Then... he felt a dizzy feeling in his head, and before he could make a sound, his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.

Shanaido's special attack attribute has now reached a very high level, so the effect of using skills is outstanding!

I saw the sound of falling to the ground constantly ringing around, and no one could even shout, and they all lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Then... Shanaido slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Wen did not slack off because of this, and asked, "Sanaduo, are there other people nearby?"

Hearing Lin Wen's question, Shanaido nodded, then closed his eyes and began to sense it carefully.

About [-] seconds later, it opened its eyes and replied in the telepathy: "Master Yang Yan, there is no other person in this area.".

Chapter [-] Breaking the Seal

"That's good." Lin Wen nodded lightly, finally feeling relieved.

After that... I temporarily retracted Shanaido into the Poké Ball and walked out slowly.

I saw that not far in front of him, there was an alliance guard who fell to the ground, sleeping soundly.

Lin Wen ignored him and walked quickly along the map towards the location of Xerneas!

Soon, he came to the exact spot!

After lightly swiping his gaze around, Lin Wen's gaze accurately noticed an area!

That is a green old tree!

In the withered center of the forest, such an ancient green tree is very conspicuous!

Lin Wen's eyes immediately focused on him!

"If I guessed correctly, this is the state after Xerneas fell into a deep sleep." Lin Wen said softly.

Before coming to the White Sandalwood Forest, Karuna had already told him the news of how to free Xerneas from the District Doctor.

Now that he came to the ancient tree that Xerneas turned into after he fell asleep, Lin Wen immediately started to act.

The alliance guards in this area have fallen into a deep sleep one after another, and Lin Wen took out the energy storage crystal from his backpack without any scruples.

The way to release Xerneas is just to use multiple energy storage crystals to make Xerneas unbalanced and unable to maintain the burden of the enchantment!

Lin Wen took out dozens of energy storage crystals from his backpack, each of which contained incomparable power!

Afterwards, Lin Wen took out a device that Karuna had handed to him.

The energy storage crystal is a crystal that stores energy, and other devices are needed to release the power in it.

The device was placed next to the green ancient tree, and Lin Wen placed the energy storage crystals in it piece by piece.

He placed it very seriously, and now that he is at the door, Lin Wen doesn't want any accidents!

Soon, he placed all the crystals in the device.

Squinting slightly, Lin Wen pressed a red button on the device!

After pressing the button, Lin Wen quickly stepped back, and after several tens of meters in a row, he stopped slowly!

The energy storage crystal contains a huge amount of energy. If you are not careful, it may cause damage to him!

Not long after the forest pattern retreated, the device under the green ancient tree suddenly changed!

A powerful air wave swept over!

The powerful energy visible to the naked eye is recklessly pouring into Xerneas!

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