At the moment when the energy poured in, a portal surrounded by countless shackles, like a virtual mirror image, appeared above the green ancient tree!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: " this where the seal is located~~?"

Blocks of energy storage crystals suddenly radiated dazzling light, and more and more energy poured into the green ancient tree, and then... I saw the portal wrapped in countless shackles in mid-air, and suddenly began to shake violently!

The seal was silent, but when Lin Wen saw this scene, he could think of the sound of the chain trembling!

The energy infusion of the energy storage crystal continues!

By storing the energy in the crystal, Xerneas was unbalanced, and then the seal was naturally released!

In mid-air, the frequency of the portal shaking with countless shackles is getting bigger and bigger!

at last!

With a faintly heard crackling sound, the first chain broke!

This... is just a start!

Then there was a series of chain breaking sounds!

I saw that the chains wrapped around the portal were broken and shattered one by one, and then turned into energy and dissipated in the sky!

In a short period of time, no chains have been seen on the portal!

This scene of liberating the legendary elf is undoubtedly very shocking and exciting!

After seeing all the chains and wanting to disappear, Rao Yi Lin Wen was calm, and couldn't help but mention it: "Next, is it time for Xerneas to appear?"

Then... in Lin Wen's slightly shocked eyes, I saw the portal in mid-air... slowly opened!


Outside the sandalwood forest.

After Karuna successfully entered the White Sandalwood Forest under the cover of Lin Wen, she returned to the previous gathering place!

Here, the elite members of the Lingxi Guild have gathered here, ready to start fighting at any time!

And over time, the king of the Carlos region also came here!

These are all helpers for Kalu to contact for this time!

Time... little by little.

"." Strange, why hasn't there been any movement yet."

Ling Feng's eyes looked at the depths of the white sandalwood forest, where there was no movement.

"Yeah." The soul beside him lamented and said anxiously, "It's been half an hour, and there's still no movement."

They who were waiting outside were undoubtedly the most anxious!

Right now!

I saw that in the dark night, a light suddenly appeared!

The elite members of the Lingxi guild gathered here, Karuna, and the king of the Carlos region who have come here, all turned their eyes towards the place where the light came from!

That is the depths of the white sandalwood forest!

I saw an aurora (did you get it) running through the world, illuminating the entire night like day!

"Is this... Brother Yang Yan succeeded?" Ling Feng murmured.

The aurora runs through the sky, and the shock it brings is extremely great!Let the elite members of the Lingxi Guild fall into shock!

Even the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna couldn't help being a little lost!

In the entire Carlos area, you can even faintly see this aurora that runs through the heavens and the earth!

The alliance guards stationed in the White Sandalwood Forest were disturbed by this movement and looked at this scene in stunned silence!

"What happened inside the White Sandalwood Forest?"

"You must contact the top of the alliance quickly!"

"Contact now!"

The guards of the alliance were shocked and contacted the top of the alliance urgently! .

Chapter [-]: The Return of the King

That night!

The top leaders of the alliance in the entire Carlos area were alarmed, and they gathered in the alliance urgently to start an urgent discussion!

What exactly happened in the Sandalwood Forest?

All the high-level officials of the alliance know that Xerneas and Yveltal are both sleeping in the white sandalwood forest. It is to prevent accidents, so they sent a large number of alliance guards to prevent and block the entire white sandalwood forest. !

However, now, such a big change has occurred in the White Sandalwood Forest!

"Could it be... Xerneas can't stand it?"

Some people have this kind of speculation in their hearts!

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