But no matter what, two legendary elves were involved, and the personnel of the Carlos Regional Alliance did not dare to be slighted. After the discussion, they immediately prepared to send personnel to find out!

We must find out what happened in the White Sandalwood Forest!

At the same time, the guards stationed in the White Sandalwood Forest have also received orders to explore the White Sandalwood Forest, hoping to find out!

The entire Carlos Regional Alliance has been active!


At the same time, after being shocked by 697 for a short time, the elite members of the Lingxi Guild also came back to their senses and got ready for battle!

Since there has been a change in the White Sandalwood Forest, then...the start of their battle is obviously not far away!

at the same time!

The depths of the sandalwood forest!

Not far from the release of Xerneas from Linwen, a vortex suddenly appeared in a calm lake!

At first, it was just a small whirlpool, with slight ripples on the lake, which was harmless.

But as time went by, in just a few seconds, the vortex on the lake became bigger and bigger, as if a demon was about to be born!

It seems that a critical point has finally been reached!

I saw that in the center of the vortex, a figure rushed out of it in an instant!

That's a genie!

It has a darker body tone and has a grey pattern on the bottom.The junction of the wings and tail with the body has three stripes running along the edge.The ends of the wings have five claws, three of which are curved inward.The bottom of the body is bright red with a black bifurcation pattern, which appears on the neck and head!

It has a sharp beak-like snout, black horns protruding from above the blue eyes, a part that is sharply curved and pointed forward, and a smaller bifurcation that points back.A collar of grey feathers surrounds the neck and extends to the back, and the legs are claws like birds of prey.Like the rest of the bottom, its feet are red with black patterns, and its claws are grey.Each foot has two toes on the front and one on the back.Today, it is suspended in mid-air, and when its wings and tail are fully extended, it takes on the shape of the letter Y!

This elf!It is the symbol of evil in the Carlos region!Yveltal!

Yveltal is shrouded in a strong aura of evil, like the destruction of the world!

Its eyes swept around, and then... suddenly a huge roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, announcing its return!

Then... it was above the white sandalwood forest and began to fly rapidly!

I saw that as it flew, the concentrated evil aura of jealousy was reckless, and the forest below withered rapidly, without any aura!

The entire forest seemed to be in a dead silence!

This is arrogantly announcing his return!

After receiving the order, the guards of the alliance entered the white sandalwood forest one after another and began to investigate, but before they could go deeper, they saw the black-red silhouette passing by in mid-air!

"This is...?" A guard couldn't help but murmured. (bjcb)

immediately!Even more shocking things happened!

After seeing this black and red figure passing by in the sky, the forest and trees next to them withered up with the naked eye, losing the breath of life!

Finally, a guard couldn't help but exclaimed!

There is a deep panic in his figure, which is the fear that arises when he sees things he can't imagine!

"This is... this is! This is Yveltal!"

"Yveltal broke free from the seal!"

"Damn it! Didn't Xerneas seal it up? How could it come out!"

After knowing the identity of this elf, the guards of the alliance couldn't help exclaiming!

As the personnel sent to guard the White Sandalwood Forest, they more or less have a certain understanding of the reasons for the blockade of the White Sandalwood Forest!

So... I saw Yveltal appear at this time, and I was in shock!

"You must contact the top of the alliance quickly!"

An alliance guard broke away from the shock, came back to his senses, and quickly began to contact the alliance executives in the Carlos area.

Soon, the top of the alliance in the Carlos area got the news!

Once the destroyer of the Kalos region, Yveltal reappears!

The alliance executives in the Carlos area were instantly alert!

The destruction that Yveltal caused to the Carlos region hundreds of years ago is still vivid, and the Alliance does not dare to despise this evil elf!

Inside the entire alliance, a red alert was quickly issued!

A new expansion has appeared!

However... this time, the Carlos Regional Alliance did not issue an official document, but conducted it in the form of a blockade to avoid causing panic among the residents of the Carlos region!

However, in various cities, the trainers quickly assembled, ready to fight at any time!

It is now in the middle of the night, and the scene of the alliance's trainers suddenly gathering has made many players feel very stunned!

At night... what are these alliance trainers going to do?

Players are very curious!


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