at the same time.

Outside the White Sandalwood Forest, the gathering place for the elite members of the Lingxi Guild.

Not long after the aurora appeared, a system alert sounded in the ears of the elite members of the Lingxi Guild!

"Ding Dong, the player's soul lamented, you triggered an emergency mission: the safety of the Carlos region.".

Chapter [-] Crisis

"Ding Dong, the player's soul lamented, you triggered the mission: the safety of the Carlos region."

The safety of the Carlos area: Because of your willful actions, the evil legendary elf Yveltal has once again dedicated himself to the world. You must solve this crisis perfectly and protect the safety of the Carlos area!

Mission Rewards: None.

Mission Failure Penalty: Reputation will be reduced by 20000 points, and those who are insufficient will be blacklisted by the alliance, and will not be able to continue to receive help from the alliance until ~reputation returns to a positive number.

Not a single task, but a group task-task, and it is mandatory!

At the moment when the system prompt appeared in his ear, many members of the Lingxi Guild _ looked at each other.

They all saw Caution in each other's eyes!

The appearance of this task will undoubtedly push the Lingxi Guild to a dead end, and it must be done hard!

This is an opportunity and a disaster!

However... Before Ling Feng and others could discuss this matter, they saw a black and red figure passing by at an extremely fast speed over the white sandalwood forest!

As this figure passed by, the forest trees below seemed to have lost their lives, withering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Karuna's eyes narrowed suddenly!

"That's... Yveltal!"

Ling Feng and others also showed shock in their eyes. Is this... is this the legendary elf, Yveltal?

Just this momentum, the evil aura that pervades his body, is very shocking!

And their enemy is this powerful evil legendary elf!

Yveltal didn't pay any attention to Karuna and the members of the Lingxi Guild at all, but galloped along the forest and over the forest!

As it flew, the white sandalwood forest withered quickly!


Seeing Yveltal disappear from sight, Karuna showed a very surprised expression!

Yveltal and Xerneas are under seal. As long as Xerneas' seal is not broken, then Yveltal will be sealed forever!

And now, Yang Yan researcher is obviously going to destroy the seal of Xerneas!

But... why only Yveltal appeared here?

What about Xerneas?

Where did that good fairy-legendary elf go?

In Karuna's heart, she was keenly aware that something was wrong!

This question flashed in his mind, and Karuna did not hesitate at all. Now, because of Yveltal's appearance, the guards stationed in the White Sandalwood Forest by the Alliance can be said to be a mess!

She directly ordered Yan Kai, the Heavenly King of the Carlos region, who came with her this time, to preside over the order here, and then... rushed into the white sandalwood forest by herself!

She has to figure out what's going on!

After entering the White Sandalwood Forest, Karuna's brows were slightly wrinkled, because the trees on both sides had lost any breath of life, withered and filled with the smell of decay!

All of this... Yveltal caused it!

Thinking of this, Karuna's footsteps quickened even further!

Yveltal's strength is beyond imagination. Without the help of Xerneas, the elf, and without Yveltal's old enemy, then... Carlos may even turn into loneliness The place of death!

The power of the legendary elf cannot be resisted by humans!

She also knew where Lin Wen released Xerneas, so...with an accurate target, she ran towards the target without any hesitation!

Time goes by!

Karuna's advance was very fast, and after a rapid advance, she finally came to this place!

The first time, Ka Lunai's eyes focused on Lin Wen!

I saw Lin Wen at this time, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was manipulating a device!

Looking down his line of sight, Karuna's eyes focused on the green ancient tree!

The surrounding trees have withered, and this green ancient tree is very conspicuous!

"Is this the ancient tree that Xerneas turned into after falling asleep?" This thought appeared in Karuna's heart.

"But..." Karuna's brows furrowed, and her delicate eyebrows were very beautiful: "Yveltal has already appeared, why... Xerneas is still in the state of an ancient tree? Could it be... at this time? It still hasn't woken up from its slumber?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Karuna's heart sank.

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