Relying on the various skills of the super power system, in order to show the unparalleled powerful combat power in battle!

This is also the reason why Lugia can easily defeat Mewtwo after being told by Lin Wen!

Compared to Lugia, who has lived for thousands of years, Chaomeng, the newly born legendary elf, is still in an incomplete state, and is undoubtedly a little too tender!

Although Ling Feng and others have also seen Lugia, as a kind and legendary elf, Lugia will not immediately disperse his breath, especially for the players of the alliance camp, so their feelings Not too deep!

And now... they are facing the nightmare of the Kalos region, Yveltal!

As early as [-] years ago, a powerful elf who single-handedly caused huge damage to the Carlos region!

Now, after eight hundred years of slumber, its strength may have recovered long ago, and it will even have a certain improvement! .

Chapter seven hundred and forty-one heaped with corpses

This allows the elite members of the Lingxi Guild to have the most intuitive experience!


Unrivaled power!

The permeating evil aura made people even couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts!

And... just before Ling Feng and the others arrived, they also saw the scene where Nian Meilong was almost defeated!

If Yan Kai hadn't acted in time and let Da Chao Beibi rescue Nian Meilong, I'm afraid Karunai would have lost the strength of an elf main force!

You must know that this is the champion of the Carlos region. The entire elf world is full of powerful people who can be named by human beings. However, in the battle with Yveltal, he will still be easily defeated by his own elf, Yipei. The strength of Ertal's elves is definitely far beyond their imagination!

"Forty Twenty"

His gaze stayed on Yveltal's body for a while, Ling Feng withdrew his gaze, looked at Karunai not far from his side, and asked, "Miss Karunai, where is the Heart of Yang Yan?"

In his heart, he was very puzzled. At first, after seeing the aurora that carried through the whole world, Ling Feng thought that Brother Yang Yan had succeeded in releasing Xerneas. Who knows, it was Yvelta first. Er, the evil legendary elf appeared, but Xerneas never appeared!

This undoubtedly greatly exceeded Ling Feng's expectations!

He thought that when he came to the White Sandalwood Forest for support, he would meet the Heart of Yang Yan, but after sweeping his eyes around, he was stunned to find that there was no Heart of Yang Yan here!

This undoubtedly makes Ling Feng a little confused. The Heart of Yang Yan, which can be said to be the strongest among their players, can definitely play a huge role in the battle, but in this case, even Karunai lies in Yi Pei. Ertal fights, but what about the Heart of Sunfire, the creator of this quest, where did he go?

What is he doing?

"Researcher Yang Yan is trying to wake up Xerneas."

Hearing Ling Feng's inquiry, Karunai explained: "Xerneas has been sealing Yveltal for hundreds of years, consuming his own power, and now the energy in his body is almost exhausted, so After researcher Yang Yan broke the seal, it still failed to wake up!"

"But... Researcher Yang Yan should have found a way to wake it up!"

Karuna's eyes turned to the rear: "At this time, he is trying to wake Xerneas from his deep sleep. I came here to intercept Yveltal, just to give Yang Yan researcher enough. time!"

"Originally, I thought I couldn't hold it any longer." Karuna showed a wry smile: " came in time, and then, no matter what, we will intercept Yveltal at the Here, don't let it cause damage to Researcher Yang Yan!"

Karuna's eyes focused on Yveltal: "The strength of this legendary elf is beyond imagination. If you want to truly defeat it, only Xerneas will appear again!"

"So it is!" Ling Feng nodded lightly, indicating that he understood!

Then... his eyes swept over the surrounding elite members of the Lingxi Guild, and slowly said: "I think everyone has already accepted the task, if the task fails, then we will be punished extremely severely, and the guild will also suffer a huge amount of punishment. loss!"

"So, this mission, there is no need to say that there is a failure!"

"We must succeed!"

"Intercept Yveltar here and buy time for Brother Yangyan, even if it is to pile up with corpses! It must be successful! Do you understand?"

Ling Feng said decisively!

The players of the Lingxi Guild were excited and said in unison, "Understood!"

"Okay!" Ling Feng nodded sharply, not feeling terrified because he encountered such a powerful evil legendary elf, nodded and said, "In that case, prepare to fight!"

All the members of the Lingxi Guild threw their elf out one after another!

Not far away, Yveltal watched the elite members of the Lingxi Guild chat with great interest, and after seeing them release the elf, he said: "Finished? You little bugs are really a waste. Time, when it's over, let's die!"

"Damn it! The legendary elf is amazing? Are you still mocking us?"

Some players couldn't help but complain!

In the next second, the battle begins abruptly!

The members of the Lingxi guild who came to the Carlos area this time can be said to be the elites among them. Everyone's strength is not weak among the players. In this case, they also have their own arrogance!

Nearly a hundred elves merged towards Yveltal, ready to attack at any time!

At the same time, Karuna, and the two heavenly kings in the Carlos region, Yan Kai and Paquila, commanding their own elves, are also ready to join the battle!

Yveltal's eyes swept across the many elves that were approaching him, and said disdainfully, "A bunch of trash bugs!"

Then... on its body, countless air blades suddenly condensed!

Air Slash!

Facing the move that Karuna used, it was used again!

Dozens of sharp air blades suddenly appeared in midair, and the number continued to increase!

In the blink of an eye, it has evolved into hundreds of air blades!

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