With the wave of Yveltal's wings, hundreds of air blades suddenly launched 4.7 out, attacking the elves of the elite members of the Lingxi Guild!

Swish swish swish!

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded!

The elite members of the Lingxi Guild felt the powerful attack of the air blade and quickly commanded the elves to dodge!

However...it's too late!

In the battle against Yveltal, Karuna can command the elves to dodge and even defend against Yveltal's attacks, that's because she is strong enough!

Her three main elves are all lord-level elves above LV80, and their attributes have reached extremely high levels, with ample buffer space!

Therefore, in the face of Yveltal's attack, we can effectively counterattack and delay the time!  …

Chapter [-] Huge gap

But compared to Karuna... what about the elite members of the Lingxi Guild?

Among the players, they can already be said to be elites, and each of the elves has a certain record and outstanding strength!

But compared to NPCs, let alone regional champions like Karuna.Even compared with the regional kings, they still have a certain gap!

The direct result is that these players have already felt the power of the air blade and instructed the elves to dodge... However, when their little elves faced the extraordinary speed of the air blade, they simply did not have it. Enough speed to dodge!

In the blink of an eye, countless air blades had already attacked these elves. Facing such a fast and elusive air blade, they could not dodge at all!

The wailing of countless elves resounded!

That is the huge damage caused by the attack of the air blade!

 01 Although the elite members of the Lingxi Guild who came to the Carlos area this time have at least one boss-level elf, and the level is not low, but with the legendary elf, they have lived for at least a thousand years. Is there any comparability with Yveltal?

As early as in the final battle of Team Rocket's annihilation, the incomplete Mewtwo that appeared was an existence that players were completely unable to contend with, not to mention Yveltal, who was revered as a nightmare in the Carlos region!

At this time, it is not weaker than the original Chaomeng Xing!Even stronger!

The air blade is raging!

As a powerful attack that can cut through the air, when attacking the elf, it is almost invincible. Hundreds of sharp air blades swept in. I saw that the elves of the Lingxi Guild were attacked with pain on their faces, and some only supported one or two. In seconds, he has lost his ability to fight!

In the blink of an eye, most of the elves of the Lingxi Guild were reduced by half!

This scene... made the elite members of the entire Lingxi Guild fall into shock!

They thought about the power of Yveltal, and even after feeling the breath of Yveltal, they raised their psychological expectations even more!

But... they found that they still underestimated Yveltal!

With one blow, the entire Lingxi Union was almost wiped out!

Even the remaining elves, who have not lost their ability to fight, have been severely injured!It looks like a gust of wind can blow it over!

Fortunately, all the members of the Lingxi Guild who came here were elites, and their mentality was excellent. After the initial shock, they quickly released their elves!Get ready to keep fighting!

Each player can carry six Poké Balls at the same time, but most players can take them out for command battles, and there are only two!

Nearly a hundred elves appeared in the field in the blink of an eye!

Then... the players of the Lingxi Guild seized the opportunity and issued orders one after another at the same price!

"Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame!"

"Miaohuahua, use the seed machine gun!"

"Da Duck, use Psychic Power!"

"Gem starfish, use foam rays!"

One after another command came out!

Nearly a hundred little elves attacked at the same time!

For a time, the skill special effects, the light shines, and it looks very gorgeous!

Countless attacks all attacked Yveltal!

"What a bunch of tiny ants!" Yveltal let out a tireless laugh, disdainful in the face of the incoming attack!

It just controls the black mist that surrounds itself, and gradually stares!

The next second, countless attacks hit the black mist!

Even the champion of the Carlos region and the main elves of Karuna can resist the attack. How can these ordinary players break through the defense of the black mist?

With the joint efforts of countless elves, they cleared some of the black mist, but they quickly replenished it, which is very unimaginable!

The combined force of dozens of elite members of the Lingxi Guild couldn't even break Yveltal's defense, and couldn't even hurt the opponent's fur.

"The ants, do you have so much power?"

Yveltal's evil aura became stronger and stronger, and he looked at many players with gloomy eyes: "I'm not even hot!"

"If that's the case... then let you taste the fear!"

After it finished speaking, an incomparably powerful force suddenly burst out!

Dark aura!

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