This is the most terrifying place for the king!

Rise from the ashes!

Constantly reborn from the ashes!

As a phoenix, when fighting, it doesn't have to care about its own safety at all!

At the same time, Xerneas, who did not join the frontal battlefield, was constantly releasing healing skills!  …

Chapter seven hundred and fifty second escape

Healing fluctuations, aromatherapy!

A series of skills are helping Ho-wang recover his physical strength!

This is the most perverted place for these two elves!

One, has the powerful ability to be reborn from ashes, this infinite rebirth!

The other one, as a fairy-type skill, not only has a strong auxiliary ability!At the same time... its own recovery ability is also very powerful!

After a long attack on Ho-oh to no avail, Yveltal's anger grew stronger, and his eyes focused on Xerneas!

It's ready for another target!

The silent wave of evil struck suddenly!

Aim for Xerneas!

Xerneas couldn't resist, and also suffered a certain amount of damage, and couldn't help but let out a muffled sound.

This made many players who were watching couldn't help but exclaim.

However... the next second, Xerneas' powerful recovery ability came into play, and on top of its body, a green 17-color light appeared, constantly surrounding the body!Later, the injury has improved!

As the darling of the forest, Xerneas' recovery ability is unrivaled!

And it, combined with Ho-oh's combination, became this truly tyrannical and disgusting combination!

Ho-oh's infinite rebirth, Xerneas' powerful recovery ability!

If these two legendary elves fight together, I am afraid that even if they encounter the creator god Arceus, they can drive them away!

Yveltal, is Arceus stronger?

The answer is obvious!

With the cooperation of the two elves, at the beginning, Yveltal also successfully demonstrated his reputation as a nightmare in the Carlos region, pressing the two elves to fight, but as time passed... In addition to the damage caused by the cooperation between Xerneas and Ho-oh, even its offensive has been weakened to a certain extent!

Facing the combination of Ho-oh and Xerneas, despite Yveltal's astonishing strength, he still couldn't turn over!

It's attack is very sharp, but... but it is abruptly consumed by physical strength!

Originally, at the very beginning, Yveltal also made a mockery, but now that the battle has come, it has not said a word at all!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have had dozens of rounds of fights!

In the beginning, Yveltal could fight back and forth with Ho-oh and Xerneas, but after several rounds of skill pairings came down, Yveltal was also beaten and retreated. , was seriously injured!

However, this is not enough!

It is still difficult to completely defeat a legendary elf that has survived for thousands of years, and there is no way to decide the winner in a short time!

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid it will take another day and two nights to officially decide the winner!

However, this involves a very serious problem!

You must know that Feng Wang was summoned by Lin Wen through the legendary elf projector, and it only exists for five minutes!

And the battle between the three legendary elves has consumed half of this time!

If time goes on!Then Ho-wang will disappear when the time comes!

If Xerneas is the only legendary elf left, it will undoubtedly return to the original deadlock!

Other players don't know about these things, but Lin Wen is clear!

He dare not delay time!

Looking at Ho-oh and Xerneas who were attacking in the sky, Lin Wen suddenly shouted: "Don't delay time, Ho-oh, Xerneas, increase your output, release your own ultimate move, fight for Defeat Yveltal in one fell swoop!"

Lin Wen's voice successfully reached the ears of the two legendary elves!

With the wisdom of King Ho, he naturally understood the reason why Lin Wen gave such an order!

It also knows very well that as long as five minutes are up, it will disappear here!If he fails to defeat Yveltal before that, then... it may cause serious trouble to the entire Kalos region!

Thinking of this, a determination flashed in the eyes of King Ho!

The flames flickering with golden light suddenly ignited on his body!

It attacked Yveltal again!

The body burning with flames is like a shooting star, the legendary skill, the flame strike is activated!

At the moment when Hoo sprinted, there was still no battle around him, but as it sprinted forward, the flames around him suddenly burst into flames!

In the dark sky, a sea of ​​fire burned!

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