The incomparably hot temperature was unbearable even for the players and elves below, and they all retreated to avoid the aftermath of the flame strike!

This is Ho-oh's legendary skill!

Incredibly powerful skills!

The whole sky was set on fire!

The countless players below stared at this scene dumbfounded, and dared not close their eyes for a long time!

"Oh my this the power of a legendary elf? It's too scary, isn't it?"

"Legendary elf, can players really catch it?"

"Fuck! 800 is invincible! Simply!"

In the sky, fire ignited!

Against the backdrop of the sea of ​​fire, Ho-wang charged towards Yveltal with an unrivaled formidable aura!

Then, everyone in Ling did not expect that a shocking scene happened!

In the previous battle, in the face of Ho-oh, Xerneas's active attack, Yveltal was never afraid, and he faced it head-on!

But now, in the face of Ho-oh's flame impact, it actually... chose to escape!

Facing the ferocious lore of King Feng, this evil-type legendary elf who was domineering and domineering at the beginning of the period actually turned around and started to flee!

Everyone is stunned, this is a scene that no one thought of!

Yveltal's evil and domineering make people unconsciously think that it will be an elf who will fight to the end. However, now, in the battle situation, it has fallen into a disadvantage. Immediately abandoning the arrogant mask, he was about to escape directly!

However, just as Yveltal turned around to escape, Xerneas also moved!

As an old enemy for hundreds of years, I am afraid that no one knows Yveltal's character better than Xerneas! .

Chapter [-] Double Strike

Vile, evil, brutal!

Xerneas was prepared long before the battle!

The moment Yveltal turned around and was about to escape, Xerneas' back immediately flashed colorful spots, and then, the starry sky suddenly became dark!

Legendary Skill: Lunar Eclipse!

The fairy aura, as well as the dark aura, are more inclined to the characteristics of the two elves!And the current skills are the legendary skills that Xerneas really used in battle!


I saw that the main piece of sky suddenly darkened, and Yveltal's escape route was directly blocked. Then, above the sky, the half-moon hanging high suddenly shot a powerful light downward!


Legendary skill, use the power of the moon to attack the opponent, inflict huge damage to the enemy, and the weather turns into night!

The next second, caught off guard, the lunar eclipse slammed into Yveltal's back!

It suddenly became angry, and Yangtian let out a roar!

The escape route was blocked, and Yveltal was forced to fight back!

The black mist on the body became more and more intense, almost covering the huge body, Yveltal roared, and the legendary skill was used!

Darkness is coming!

I saw that in the sky of the night, as if ink had been splashed, countless dark elements emerged and condensed into balls!

Afterwards, it bombarded the two legendary elves in general!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

In the face of the incoming dark energy ball, even Ho-wang and Xerneas did not dare to be careless and dodged one after another!

The dark energy balls that had been dodged by them hit the ground with a terrifying sound!

One after another deep pits appeared on the ground!

The full-length hell, as if it was bombarded by countless missiles!

Yveltal's legendary skills are far beyond people's imagination!

As early as after Hoo used the Fire Strike, the players fell into shock. Now Xerneas and Yveltal have used their legendary skills one after another, and the entire scene is very silent!

The power... so amazing!

The final fight between the three legendary elves was far beyond the players' imagination!Let every player fall into shock!

While the countless dark energy balls were venting, the attack of the lunar eclipse continued!

With the help of the powerful attack of the moon, the power is amazing. After Yveltal was prepared, the next lunar eclipse skill was successfully evaded!

Then, the dazzling light bombarded the ground!

Suddenly, smoke and dust splashed everywhere!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a bottomless gulf suddenly appeared in place!

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