Lin Wen's eyes lit up!

Although it seems that this is just a very ordinary word, but this is a champion's promise!

The promise of the Carlos Regional Champion!

This means that Ka Lunai has recognized the Lingxi Guild, and he agrees with the Lingxi Guild's entry into the Carlos area, and will even provide some help!

This is undoubtedly a huge gain as well!

The reason why Lingxi Guild joined this battle is that they want to take this opportunity to enter the Carlos area and develop their own power!

Now, Ka Lunai's words have undoubtedly made Lin Wen realize that the efforts of the Lingxi Guild have not been in vain, and all the efforts are worth it!

They took such a big risk to come to the Carlos region to participate in this task that would be thankless if it failed, and it was worth it!

Wealth is in danger!

Obviously, Lingxi Guild made the right bet!Ling Feng also bet right!

The Heart of Yang Yan did not disappoint them!

"Okay, Researcher Yang Yan, I won't stay too long, I'm going to return to the alliance." Karuna said.

"Miss Karuna, see you next time," Lin Wen said.

"See you next time." Karuna nodded slowly.

Then... She took out the communicator and walked quickly towards the outside of the White Sandalwood Forest, leaving only a back view for Lin Wen.

The two heavenly kings in the Carlos area left here just after the battle. Their relationship with Lin Wen was not familiar, so they did not stay too much, but quickly rushed back to the alliance and presided over the overall situation!

In the blink of an eye, Karuna's back disappeared here.

Afterwards, Ling Feng led a group of elite members of the Lingxi Guild to come over.

"Brother Yang Yan." Ling Feng said directly after coming over, "We also left first!"

They were on the side and saw that Shanaido was taken away by Xerneas, and they had certain guesses in their hearts, but now that the mission was over, it was time for them to leave.

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then repeated what Karuna said just now to Ling Feng.

After hearing Lin Wen's retelling, Ling Feng's face showed a hint of joy, and he could naturally understand what Ka Lunai's words meant!

If nothing else, then... it is almost inevitable that the Lingxi Guild can successfully settle in the Carlos area!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's mood to leave is even more urgent, and he hurriedly said: "In this case... Brother Yang Yan, I will not stay here too much, and now I will prepare related things!"

The people who came to the Carlos area this time are all elite members of the Lingxi Guild, but if a guild wants to expand its strength, it is obviously impossible to achieve it by relying on elite members!

There are so many things to prepare for!


Lin Wen nodded lightly to show his understanding.

Later, under the leadership of Ling Feng, all the elite members of the Lingxi Guild also left the White Sandalwood Forest!

Here... suddenly only the existence of Lin Wen remained.

The white sandalwood forest is quiet, and the surrounding forest is thick with greenery. After the restoration of Xerneas, there is no war here at all!

Not far away, the sun has just risen!

The actions they took at night, and then, they fought under the light of the stars, and now it's all over, and it's just dawn!

Just when Lin Wen was in a daze, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ear!

He is not sure where Xerneas took Shanaido, but this kind and legendary elf obviously won't harm Shanaido, so Lin Wen at this time is very relieved to wait in place, waiting for Come back with Shanaido and Xerneas.


another side.

Shanaido followed behind Xerneas and walked towards the depths of the White Sandalwood Forest.

Along the way, Shanaido was both anxious and excited!

I am excited because I can finally break through the constraints, my strength has been greatly improved again, and I can help my trainer in more things.The apprehension was because following Xerneas behind, there was an indescribable sense of oppression, and a gap of two template levels was not a joke, even if the opponent had not recovered his full combat power yet.

Walking slowly all the way, Xerneas finally stopped.

Shanai Duo's eyes looked forward, only to see a small lake in front of him!

This is the lake that seals Yveltal!

Before the seal was broken, Yveltal was sealed under this lake!

Xerneas stared at the lake, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

Eight hundred years of vicissitudes, it and Yvelta (Li Wanghao) were sealed at the same time. Although the life of the legendary elf is very long, the eight hundred years is still a very long time for them. a month of Sundays!

Can not be ignored.

After his gaze stayed on the surface of the lake for a while, Xerneas withdrew his gaze, turned around, and looked at Shanaido.

There was a faint light in its eyes, and it carefully and seriously looked at Shanaido.

Under the gaze of Xerneas, Shanaido was very shy and lowered his head slightly.It can sense the kindness of Xerneas, the legendary elf, so it doesn't have the slightest fear.

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