Afterwards, it said softly: ".. Shanaido, look directly into my eyes."

Hearing this, Shanaido raised his head, his eyes meeting those of Xerneas. .

Chapter [-] Lord-level Shanaido

Around Xerneas, a lavender light is rising!

The eyes of the two elves radiated light at the same time!

Symbolizing the power of fairies, the purple element is communicating silently!

Yes, goblin!

Xerneas relies on the fairy atmosphere to help Shanaido improve the power of the fairy. The growth and evolution tendency of Shanaido's lord level is not the super power system, but the expansion of the fairy attributes.

As King Hippo said, as an ordinary elf, Shanaido can only expand a new path if he wants to continue to improve his realm. The path of focusing on the super power system is too difficult for ordinary elf.

Facts have proved that for so long in the elf series, the legendary elf of the super power system has only been the eccentric elf little guy called Dream.

As for Mewtwo, it is an artificial elf trained by artificial means. It is completely incomparable to the lord level when it appears, and of course it cannot be included in the calculation.

On the other hand, each type of elf has different ways to improve their strength. For example, fighting elves naturally need hard training. There is no possibility of cheating, so as to improve their strength step by step!

Compared with the very mysterious attributes of the fairy type and the super power type, it is much simpler... 753

Time passed by minute by minute.


Lin Wen still stayed where he was, waiting silently, thinking about the past in his mind.

From the Hippo King's mouth in the Meteor Forest, it has been a long time since he learned that Xerneas needs to be found in order to break through the boundaries of the lord level.

Now, this task is finally completed!

Once Shanai Duo has also been promoted to the lord level, it means that the lord level elves in Lin Wen's hands have come to four!

Flash Dragon!

Leaf Elf!

Minas who went to special training with Lugia!

And, Xerneas, who is currently being led by Xerneas for guidance!

This means that once Shanaido and Minas both evolve into lord-level elves, then Lin Wen can command all the lord-level elves to fight!

Because, as the head of the elves, the upper limit of the elves that can command the battle at the same time is four!

Shanai Duo's collar (bhfc) main-level advancement is definitely a qualitative improvement to his strength!

This is a powerful combat power that many NPCs cannot achieve at all!

The four lord level, I am afraid that the summoned enemy is waiting to be hanged and beaten in addition to surrender.

Lin Wen is looking forward to that scene!

Therefore, although he was very anxious at this time and didn't know when Shanaido would succeed, he still suppressed the excitement in his heart and waited silently.

Time, step by step.

In the blink of an eye, half a day has passed in a blink of an eye!

In the early morning, the sun has just risen, but now, the hot sun is already hanging in the center!

At this moment, in Lin Wen's ear, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yan Xin, after unremitting efforts, your elf Shanaido has been successfully promoted to the lord-level template elf and advanced to the fairy queen! And successfully comprehended new skills: fairy breath, moonlight healing, strange Elf, move gracefully."

Fairy Breath: The presence of Shanaido will increase the Fairy energy on the battlefield, increasing the damage of all Fairy moves around by 30%.

Moonlight Healing: Use the power of moonlight to instantly restore half of the specified target's energy value, including stamina, HP, and skill consumption.

Strange Elf: A unique skill of the fairy system. The elf with this skill will never be locked by the skill, and all skills that must hit the target will lose the 'tracking' effect.

Graceful Movement: Shanaido's evasion ability has been greatly improved, and his movement speed has been increased by 30%.

"Ding Dong, because your Shanaido has successfully been promoted to the lord template, the fairy queen's physical strength +110, attack +50, defense +50, special attack +160, special defense +105, speed +60."

"Ding Dong, the fairy queen has mastered the lord-level skill: fairy lock."

Fairy Sky Lock: Fairy lord level skills, Shanaido can release a lot of fairy breath to confuse and block the enemy, the enemy within the range has a high probability of falling into a negative state such as coma, sleep, confusion and lose all skills, in the state of Fairy Sky Lock All elves cannot leave the combat state.This skill will be adjusted according to the difference in strength between the two sides, and it will last at least three seconds and at most five seconds, with a cooldown of one natural day.

Continuous system prompts sounded one by one.

Lin Wen was slightly stunned, but after reacting, he was instantly ecstatic!

Shanaido, successfully promoted to Lord-level template elf!

This means that its strength has undergone a qualitative change!

When he was still at the boss level, he relied on the extremely powerful special attack attribute. Shanaido was a very important member of the Linwen combat power. Now Shanaido has successfully been promoted to a lord-level elf, his potential and his own strength have improved qualitatively, no doubt. Make it more important in the Linwen team!

Lin Wen can't wait to find Shanaido right away!

He originally thought that it would take at least a few days for Xerneas to take Shanaido away, but he didn't expect that in just one morning, Shanaido had already become a lord-level elf!

This allowed Lin Wen not only to start the meeting at the beginning, but also Ye Elf and Minas' lord-level templates to be promoted!

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