Ye Elf had been training with the three holy swordsmen in the Yacar Forest for a full week!

Not to mention Minas, although its lord-level template promotion task is very simple, it is also the most time-consuming, and it takes a full two months.

And now... Shanaido's promotion took only half a day, which undoubtedly surprised Lin Wen.

But immediately, Lin Wen realized a problem!

Although it seems that half a day is very short, the difficulty of Shanai Duo's promotion is very difficult, and Lin Wen almost gave up at the beginning! .

Chapter [-] Return

First of all, two difficulties!

One, how did you find Xerneas who fell asleep!

Second, after breaking the seal of Xerneas, how to deal with Yveltal who broke out of the seal!

These are one of the big problems that Shanaido has encountered in this lord-level template promotion mission!

You must know that the previous battle involved three legendary elves. If it was replaced by an ordinary player, even if you received a task and wanted to complete it, I am afraid that you can only imagine it in a dream!

Moreover, Shanaido is a super-type elf, and Xerneas is a goblin-type elf. These are two very magical attributes, each with their own mysteries. It is possible to be promoted to a lord-level elf so quickly. Got it!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen suppressed the urgency in his heart and quietly waited for the return of Xerneas and Shanaido. He was even more looking forward to Shanaido's strengthening and the future MEGA_ evolution.


In Lin Wen's line of sight, I saw Xerneas in the front and Shanaido in the back on the path in the forest not far away, walking towards it slowly.

Lin Wen hurriedly stepped forward to meet him, facing Xerneas first and said, "Xerneas, thank you for your help."

Xerneas shook his head gently and said randomly: "Human, Heart of Yang Yan, you have helped me so much. In contrast, I only provided you with some insignificant little help."

As early as when Lin Wen woke Xerneas, Xerneas already knew Lin Wen's name, and he called it out naturally.

"No matter what, I still have to thank you." Lin Wen's tone revealed joy. Shanaido was successfully promoted to a lord-level elf, which really made Lin Wen very happy.

This time, Xerneas just shook his head, but did not open his mouth to refute.

Its eyes looked at Lin Wen, and then slowly said: "Heart of Yang Yan, next, I will leave."

Hearing Xerneas' words, Lin Wen was not surprised. The other party sacrificed his freedom and sealed Yveltar for so many years. Now that the seal is broken, naturally he will not stay here!

Lin Wen couldn't help but ask, "Xerneas, where are you going?"

Xerneas' eyes swept across the green forest around him, and then he said, "I haven't decided yet, but I'll probably take a look around the entire Carlos area."

There was anticipation and excitement in its tone.

"In the blink of an eye, eight hundred years have passed, and I don't know what has changed in the entire Carlos area. I can't wait to have a look around."

Lin Wen grinned and said randomly: "Then, Xerneas, I wish you a good time."


A smile appeared on Xerneas' face, and then he said to Lin Wen, "Heart of Yang Yan, see you next time!"

Then, it turned around, followed a direction, strode directly, and ran out!

"see you later!"

Lin Wen raised his hand and waved towards the back of Xerneas!

This legendary elf, for the safety of the Carlos region, trapped himself in the dark seal for [-] years, even when his energy was about to run out, he still insisted!

It's a huge sacrifice!

Fortunately, now, everything has changed!

Yveltal was seriously injured and forced back into the dark side, and will not reappear at all in a short time!

Xerneas also regained his freedom. As a fairy type elf, it was originally one of the elves that escaped by nature, but for the safety of the Carlos region, he had to suppress his own nature and silently maintain the seal , I don't need it now, presumably next, Xerneas will take a good look around the Carlos area and have a good time.

Then... Lin Wen withdrew his gaze and focused on Shanaido in front of him.

Shanaido, has been promoted to the elf of the lord level!

Lin Wen felt a sense of relief.

Because Xerneas was difficult to find, and later involved the battle between two legendary elves, Lin Wen had no clue in his heart after he came to the Carlos area, and he was not sure whether he could complete this mission. , can Shanaido be promoted to a lord-level elf!

Fortunately, it's all done now!

The lord level evolution has been completed!

Just as Lin Wen was about to investigate how Shanaido's attributes improved after being promoted to the lord-level template, the communication device suddenly rang.

Lin Wen took out the communication device and saw that it was Karuna's communication request.

Without any hesitation, Lin Wen directly connected the call.

Then, Karunai's familiar voice came over: "Miss Karunai, what's the matter?"

"Researcher Yang Yan." Karuna said, "How long will it take for you to return to Miare City?"

"Ah? How long?" Lin Wen pondered, and then said, "I can go back now."

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