
Hearing Lin Wen's reply, Kalunai on the other end of the communication device froze for a moment, and immediately said, "Congratulations, Shanaido has successfully been promoted to a lord-level elf."


With her wisdom, she reacted in an instant. Lin Wen can return now, which means that Shanaido's promotion has been completed. Researcher Yang Yan has another powerful lord-level elf battle power!

At the same time, it is also another powerful trainer for the Elf League.

"Hehe." Lin Wen smiled in a good mood, and then said, "Miss Karuna, do you have anything else to do?"

"There is one more thing." Karunai said: "Researcher Yang Yan, you can quickly return to Miare City. This incident has alarmed the Alliance Headquarters. Now investigators have been sent to investigate the Carlos Regional Alliance. the top!"


Hearing Ka Lunai's words, Lin Wen's eyes flashed, and then nodded: "I understand, Miss Ka Lunai, I will rush back to Miare City now!"

"it is good."

Then, the communication was hung up.

Lin Wen's gaze swept across Shanaido, and immediately took out the Poké Ball, the light flashed, and Shanaido was retracted into the Poke Ball.

Then, he took out another Poké Ball!

Flash Dragon!

In this quiet white sandalwood forest, the appearance of the flashing dragon suddenly caused a commotion, and many wild elves living in the white sandalwood forest were disturbed.

However, with the flashing dragon's wings unfolding, the elves in the wild also returned to calm after taking off. .

Chapter [-] Goblin Trend

above the sky.

Lin Wen stood on the stable back of the Flash Dragon, and the cold wind was blowing in front of him, he thought in his heart.

Involving the battle of the three legendary elves, in addition to a pair of old enemies in the Kalos region, Xerneas and Yveltal, there is also this long-lost Ho-oh!

In this situation, it is obviously impossible not to attract the attention of the alliance!

But... this is clearly an opportunity!

The corners of Lin Wen's mouth twitched, thinking of something deeper.

As early as in this plan, Lin Wen and Ka Lunai wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate those rotten high-level leaders in the Carlos area alliance. Now, the battle of the three legendary elves has made such a big move, Obviously the best "[-]" excuse!

With all kinds of thoughts in mind, Lin Wen rode a flashing dragon and rushed towards Miare City.

The speed of the Flash Dragon is very fast. Because the previous mission has not yet been carried out, Lin Wen's actions in the Carlos area can be described as very low-key.

Everything is to not attract the attention of the Carlos Regional Alliance!

Now, it's all done!

Lin Wen naturally did not have the slightest scruples. The news of him in the Carlos area has long been known by countless players. Therefore, Lin Wen was even more fearless and rode the Flash Dragon to hurry.


at the same time.

Throughout the elf century, there has been a wave of cultivating fairy-type elves!

Such a large-scale battle, such a big event, naturally cannot hide from others!

Players only had a small amount of news at first, but as things progressed, more and more news was posted by players on the forum!

The battle is over, Yveltal has been forced back to the dark side, and the safety of the Carlos region has skyrocketed. Naturally, the Carlos region alliance has no need to conceal this matter, and has already announced everything!

In the forum, there is a story about the Carlos area and the white sandalwood forest. From the beginning, Linwen sneaked into the white sandalwood forest to break the seal, and at the end, three legendary elves went shopping, and Yveltal suffered Severely injured, the video of fleeing back to the dark side was also released!

The person who sent it was Ling Feng from the Lingxi Guild!

As the biggest beneficiary of this event, the Lingxi Guild can naturally use it to promote their fame at such a time!

This is the real first-hand information, everything is very accurate, the matter has passed, there is no need to hide it, the video restores everything!

This video post was also booked at an extremely fast speed, causing countless discussions in the forum!

"The Great God of Yang Yan is a fraud!I just overturned the Tower of Refinement, and now I actually participated in the battle of three legendary elves! 》

"I want to file a complaint!Why is there not even a system announcement for this expansion? 》

"Don't you understand yet?Because this expansion was initiated by the Great God Yang Yan and the Lingxi Guild! 》

"I've taken it, these three legendary elves are so strong, especially the scene where the legendary skill is used at the end, it's almost getting wet, right? 》

"I am from the Carlos area. I saw the aurora after the seal was broken, but I didn't think about it much, I regret it. 》

The Shortest Expansion in History: Lasted Just One Night. 》

As the discussion deepened, the players' attention gradually focused on Xerneas, the goblin-type elf!

In normal times, players like to grasp the elves with strong combat power, and their own strengths are high.

But in this battle, after seeing the performance of Xerneas, every player couldn't help being very surprised.

With that supportive ability, the already powerful Ho-oh has been improved one step at a time. Facing Yveltal, he can even chase after him!

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