All of this is an aid!

In the fairy century, the situation that players often encounter is group battles!The performance of Xerneas now makes many players unable to help but want, if there is such a tyrannical assistant in the group battle, who is constantly blessing various skills, it must be a good method!

And so... a direct result was born!

The goblin-type elf, who was originally a sect, was admired by the players and was madly robbed by the players!

You must know that the appearance of the goblin-type elf is either cute or cute. It is very popular, especially by many girls, but it is criticized because of its weak combat power.  … .

And now, Xerneas, the legendary goblin-type elf, showed a powerful auxiliary ability, which undoubtedly made players discover another advantage of the goblin-type elf!

Auxiliary ability!

Fairy-type elves are weak and weak, but they can assist!

In a 2v2 battle, if a normal elf has a combat power of 1, then the sum of the combat strength of the two normal elf is 2.

And the combat power of the fairy-type elf is probably only 0.8. It seems that the combination of a normal elf and a fairy-type elf only has a combat power of 1.8!

5.4 But what about in practice?

The various auxiliary skills of the fairy-type elf can completely increase the strength of the normal elf!Upgrade to 1.5 combat power!


Reached the level of one plus one greater than 2!

This is an account calculated in the minds of countless players!

It also made them realize the powerful role of fairies!

Fairy-type elf, in the elf century, suddenly became hot!

Not to mention, the effect of attribute improvement is not just as simple as a number, but the impact is so far-reaching that players in the later stage are all amazed. .

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-two major events

Shanguan Kuailong crossed the sky, and in a very short time, it had come to the outside of Miare City.

It is not easy for the Flash Dragon to land in the city, so after arriving outside Miare City, Lin Wen directed the Flash Dragon to start landing!

This behemoth has attracted the attention of many players!

"It's the Flash Dragon!"

"Hold the grass, this is the flash dragon of the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"The Great God of Yang Yan is invincible! I just participated in the battle among the three legendary elves, it's really a fraud!"

"Yeah! The appearance of that Hokage has nothing to do with the Great God Yang Yan!"

Thanks to Ling Feng's streaming of the entire battle video, the scene where Lin Wen used the legendary elf projector to summon the King of Phoenix also added some mystery to Lin Wen again!

Many players still clearly remember that as early as the beginning, in the guild battle of the Rise of the Lingxi Guild, the Heart of Yang Yan summoned a group of wild elves, including a powerful elf of the lord level!Laid the victory 17!

That scene, the scene where hundreds of wild elves came out of the light house, really made many people unforgettable for a long time!

And now... this scene in the video now attracts more people's attention and makes more people even more shocked!

Although there is only one in number, this is Ho-oh!But the famous legendary elf!

Was summoned by a player!

The annihilation of Team Rocket has passed, and many players already know that Mewtwo is not in a complete state, and has a certain gap with the real legendary elf. In the annihilation of Team Rocket, another legendary elf, Lugia, also It's just that he showed some strength when fighting with Chao Meng!

Players only know the true combat power of the legendary elf, but they don't know how strong it is!

And now, this video involving three legendary elves has undoubtedly made players understand something clearly!

The battle of the legendary elf can really destroy the world!

Under such circumstances, the Heart of Yang Yan could actually summon a legendary elf!

This is too perverted, unimaginable!

And... many players even know that the relationship between the Heart of Yang Yan and Sea God Lugia is also very good.

This made many players feel that people are more popular than dead people, and compared with the great god Yang Yan, their proud harvest, elves, is simply scum!


In the blink of an eye, Lin Wen rode a flashing dragon and landed on the ground.

Facing the gazes of the surrounding players, Lin Wen has long been accustomed to it... Now it is not a place like the Tower of Refinement, it is crowded with people, and it is very crazy, so he is not nervous.

With a sensitive jump, Lin Wen jumped down from the back of the Flash Dragon.

Immediately, he took out the Poke Ball and put the Flash Dragon into the Poke Ball.

The players around have rushed up!

"God Yangyan, how are you!"

"God Yangyan, can you tell me about the three legendary elves!"

"God Yangyan, I'm your female fan!"

Lin Wen's reputation was originally in the Guandu area, and the Chengdu area was very strong, and the relatively distant Carlos area was more than a little worse!

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