In the past few days, the name Heart of Yang Yan has been mentioned one after another!

If it is normal, that big event should happen after a long time, but in the heart of Yang Yan, it has been greatly changed! .

Chapter [-]: The Second Maintenance

During the day, I just broke the record in the Carlos area and successfully cleared the Tower of Refinement, which caused a sensation among countless players. At night, I participated in the new expansion and participated in the battle of three legendary elves. middle!

Then... the next day, he directly obtained the special title granted by the Elf Alliance!A full-service announcement was made!

No matter which one of these things is achieved, it will shake the entire elf world three times, but now, in just two days and one night, it has happened one after another!

It can be said that the players are shocked and shocked!

That is a kind of, just experienced an eighth-magnitude earthquake, and just after a bit of relief, another earthquake struck!

I thought it was just a slight aftershock, but as soon as I touched it, I found out that it was not inferior to the super earthquake before "July [-]"!

Players in the entire elf world can be said to be shocked and dizzy!

As the place where this incident happened, the name of Heart of Yang Yan has grown in popularity in the Carlos area in the past two days, and its popularity has skyrocketed!

When he just arrived in the Carlos area, Lin Wen once took a good walk in Miare City, and no one recognized him, but now, he just waited in the waiting hall for a few minutes, and was arrested Countless players recognized it!

Fortunately... the existence of the anti-crowding system and the security forces in the airport have prevented Lin Wen from encountering such depressing things as a missed flight due to obstruction.

After he sat on the plane, the passenger plane gradually took off, and the scenery on both sides flew by, taking off from the Carlos area and rushing towards the Kanto area!

The plane flew very fast in the sky. After a period of rushing, it landed safely in the Kanto area and Joban City.

Lin Wen just took a step forward from the plane and came to the waiting hall. A second later, the system announcement sounded in his ears!

"Ding dong, the carnival competition is about to start, and the second maintenance of Elf Century will begin. Players are requested to go offline within half an hour. The content of this maintenance will be announced on the forum. Players are requested to pay attention to relevant information in real time."

"Ding dong, the carnival competition is about to start, and the second maintenance of Elf Century will begin. Players are requested to go offline within half an hour. The content of this maintenance will be announced on the forum. Players are requested to pay attention to relevant information in real time."

"Ding dong, the carnival competition is about to start, and the second maintenance of Elf Century will begin. Players are requested to go offline within half an hour. The content of this maintenance will be announced on the forum. Players are requested to pay attention to relevant information in real time."

Three system beeps.

Lin Wen was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect that he had arrived so coincidentally. After just returning to the Guandu area, the maintenance of the system had already begun.

Now, Shanaido has also been successfully promoted to a lord-level elf. His short-term goal has been reached, and there is nothing to do. He immediately shook his head, without hesitation, he chose to go offline.


At the same time, within half an hour, the players of Elf Century went offline one after another and left the Elf World!

The result of players being offline one after another... is the hotness of the forum!

Usually, the forum exists as a place for players to communicate. Once something very shocking happens in the Elf world, it will immediately cause countless players to discuss in it.

Here... is also a place where water stickers are posted, and countless water stickers are issued every day!

At the same time... For many players, the forum is a place where he gets the latest information about the Elf Century!

Usually, the players in the forum are relatively limited. After all, there are many players who focus on playing games. For places like the game forum, the number of visits is relatively small!

But now... the game is under maintenance!

Everyone can't play the game!

Moreover, the system announcement even proposed that the specific content of the maintenance will be announced on the forum, which immediately made the forum hot!

Countless players poured in, and a heated discussion about the content of this system maintenance began!

The forum just exploded. Every time it was refreshed, countless posts appeared, which was very lively!

At the same time, there are also many players waiting for the maintenance content to appear!

"You said, what will happen to this carnival competition? 》

Who will be the champion of the Carnival Competition? 》

"Second server maintenance... I'm looking forward to it! ! ! 》

"Oops, the time when I can't play games is so boring, when will the maintenance be completed? 》

"My daughter, 18 years old, is looking for marriage..."

All kinds of posts are flooding the entire forum.


After leaving the game, Lin Wen immediately came to the forum.

He naturally wants to know what the specific content of the maintenance will be. This time the system maintenance is before the carnival competition. Obviously, it is preparing for the carnival competition!

You know...he still has this bet with Lin Qi, which involves the champion of the carnival competition!

Although he is absolutely confident in his own strength, Lin Wen still needs to understand everything clearly, he is not like capsize in the gutter!

As soon as he came to the forum, Lin Wen was also taken aback by the lively scene in the forum. Immediately, he realized that the official post had not been posted yet. Being bored, he began to read the various posts in the forum.

Who will be the champion of the Jia 1.4 Years Competition? 》

Lin Wen's eyes noticed a post, and with curiosity in his heart, he clicked on it immediately.

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