As soon as he entered, he saw the landlord's speech.

"The long-awaited carnival competition is finally about to begin. Presumably in this competition, countless deadly players and masters will emerge. Then...the problem is coming!"

"As the saying goes, Wen Wu is first, Wu Wu is second, and many players gather together, so there must be a winner. Everyone thinks, who will be the champion of this carnival competition?"

There have been thousands of replies to this post. Talking about the king is undoubtedly the favorite thing for online players, and there are keyboard masters from generation to generation. This is also a topic that attracts players very much. .

Chapter [-] Carnival Competition

Lin Wen is also a human being, and his curiosity is no less than that of others, so he immediately scrolled down.

2nd Floor: Needless to say!Of course it is my Great God of Yang Yan, Great God of Yang Yan is invincible, Great God of Yang Yan upup!

Lin Wen shook his head and laughed twice. Obviously, this one is also one of his fans!

As his fame has grown in the Elf Century, the number of fans can be said to be in a state of explosion.

3rd Floor: The second floor is right, look at the entire Elf Century, who can compete with the Great God of Yang Yan?They have just cleared the Tower of Refinement and turned over the legendary elf. Can you find the second person?

Obviously... this is also a fan of Lin Wen, but what he said is well-founded and convincing.

4th Floor: I admit, although the Heart of Yang Yan is strong and true, but you guys are touting it too much, right?There are so many players in Elf Century, I don't believe that the heart of Yang Yan is the strongest, there must be someone stronger than him!

As the saying goes, if there are fans, there are blacks, and there are passers-by. Obviously, this player is a passer-by, not a fan of Lin Wen, but he is not a black man. He just expressed his opinion!

5th floor: Yang Yanjiang is holding up high, and you will be full of energy today. 16

Lin Wen:  …

"What the hell?"

He looked at the id avatar of the player on the 5th floor, and saw that the avatar was an eight-footed man, and the id was that the old lady wanted to fuck you.

He wiped the unwarranted cold sweat on his forehead, feeling that his eyes had been irritated, and hurriedly looked down.

6th Floor: To be fair, God Yang Yan definitely has the greatest chance!However, the specific rules of the carnival competition have not yet appeared, and no one knows what form it will be at that time, so everything cannot be guaranteed.

7th floor: The brother upstairs is right, the Heart of Yang Yan is strong, but there are also crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the players, and the specific format of the carnival competition has not yet been determined, so everything is possible.

8th Floor: Upstairs +1

9th Floor: The Great God of Yang Yan is invincible! ! !

Lin Wen flipped through the reply little by little.

This is a recent hot post in the forum. Players are replying all the time. Although Lin Wen's scrolling speed is fast, it is still not as fast as the players' replying speed. After reading the post for more than ten pages, Lin Wen gave up the idea of ​​continuing to watch, and switched back to the forum homepage.

Overall...he still saw the main thoughts of the players.

Players' ideas can be roughly divided into several categories

1. The heart of Yang Yan is super strong, the champion must be him!

2. The heart of Yang Yan is super strong, but there are also masters among other players!

3. The heart of Yang Yan is super strong, but the rules have not yet been determined, and there may be any accidents at that time!

4. Heart of Yang Yan Spicy Chicken (Individual Heizi.)

Overall, players are very optimistic that Lin Wen can win the carnival competition. After all, the deeds again and again, the big events that shocked the whole game and shocked countless players, have already made Lin Wen. The strength of the performance is incisively and vividly!

Among the players, Lin Wen has long said that the player is the first person, and... as he has done more and more shocking things, the news has spread more and more widely, and has been received by more and more people. Everyone knows!

His fame and strength have long been recognized by countless players.

Except for a few trolls Heizi, most of them think that the champion will not be obtained by the heart of Yang Yan, and the consideration is not the lack of strength of the heart of Yang Yan, but other reasons!

For example, the rules of the carnival competition are very specific to the heart of Yang Yan, for example, what kind of master emerges from other players.

Lin Wen was very happy to be recognized by so many people. However, he was not overjoyed because of this, and he remained vigilant in his heart. Although the expectations of the players were so high and the degree of recognition was unprecedented, he was positive. Because of this, if he really capsized in the gutter, then it would be ridiculous!

Must be the champion of the carnival competition!

There are a lot of posts on the forum. After warning himself, Lin Wen continued to read.


at the same time.

Just after the system maintenance, countless news media began to report!

"Carnival competition is about to start, who will win the championship? 》

"Introduction to the top ten masters in the Guandu area. 》

"A real event!Carnival contest! 》

"Interview: Right Fire, I want to defeat Yang Yan's Heart! 》

"Introduction to High-End Players"

"Carnival Competition Rules! 》

In the newspapers, on the Internet, and even in the news, the carnival competition has appeared!

With the development of human technology, the proportion of entertainment in the human world is getting bigger and bigger!

Among them, future games, that is, virtual games, can be said to be a huge pillar of the entire entertainment industry!

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