This suddenly made Ling Feng show a rather helpless expression, and then signaled Lin Wen to connect the communication first.

Lin Wen nodded apologetically at him, and then looked at the communication device in his hand!

This time, the one who called the message was a cute night cat!

Little night cat!

After the annihilation of Team Rocket, the two dispersed again and did not meet again. However, a few days ago, Lin Wen successfully cleared the Tower of Refinement. When it caused a sensation in the entire elf world, this little girl specially contacted Lin Wen. , couldn't help laughing at him twice.

The cute night cat is undoubtedly one of the sincere friends that Lin Wen made in the Elf Century. Although the other party is not old, he is quirky and quirky, and he has also helped Lin Wen a lot.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen connected the communication.

"Brother Yang Yan."

As soon as the communication was connected, the lovely voice of the cute night cat came over.

"Little Night Cat." The corners of Lin Wen's mouth curled up unconsciously, and he put on a smile. For some reason, he always felt extremely relaxed when communicating with the cute night cat.

"Brother Yangyan." The sweet voice of the cute night cat came over: "The carnival competition is about to start, how are you preparing?"

"What else can I do?" Lin Wen said with a slight ease: "Just like me, I definitely won't be able to get the second one, so I can only reluctantly get the first place."


In the communication device, the laughter of the cute night cat suddenly came: "Brother Yang Yan, why are you so shameless?"

Lin Wen laughed.

Then, he opened his mouth and asked, "... ˇ Little Night Cat, how are you preparing? It's about to start officially."

"Of course I'm ready." From the communication device, a slightly proud voice came from the cute night cat: "Brother Yang Yan, my strength has improved very quickly during this period! This carnival competition will definitely make You are astonished!"

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded lightly: "If that's the case, then I'll wait, waiting for you to surprise me!"

"But... Brother Yang Yan, you surprised me first." The cute night cat's voice came from the communication device.

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, but was unable to immediately react to the meaning of the cute night cat, and subconsciously said, "Ah? What did you say?"

"You surprised me!" The cute night cat said: "You went to the Carlos area, directly broke the record of the players in the Carlos area, and cleared the tower of refinement, enough to shock me. Who knows, you will do something bigger when you go to (Zhao Zhao) late!"

"Three legendary elves! It's amazing that you actually participated in it directly!"

When the cute night cat said these words, stars twinkled in his eyes, and he admired Lin Wen's performance very much!

This is called by the players: the shortest expansion piece!

It only lasted for one night and it was over.

The reason for all this is because of that one person... the heart of Yang Yan!

Because of his reasons, the expansion pack appeared in advance, and there were huge changes, so this kind of situation happened!

An expansion pack that should have allowed players to participate collectively and liven up for a while.It was completed in one night... the villain was driven away!

It is too unexpected!Incredible! .

Chapter [-]: The Game Begins

Obviously, this little girl, the cute night cat, has also been paying attention to various deeds related to Lin Wen, so she is very clear about these.

Of course... even if she doesn't want to pay attention, it's because of the appearance of the carnival competition, the players in the forum are all focused on the carnival competition, and after the carnival competition has not started, the entire forum is the same. Discussing this battle involving three legendary elves, the complete video was posted on the forum, and I don't know how many players mentioned the name of Heart of Yang Yan!

Because of the carnival competition, the incident this time was completely covered up and no news was heard.

Listening to the slightly shocking voice of the cute night cat, Lin Wen said with a smile: "It's just so-so. I happened to catch up, and then I joined it directly. Everything can be said to be a coincidence!"

The cute night cat smiled softly.

Then, she said, "Okay, brother Yang Yan, let's stop talking, the carnival competition is about to start!"

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly and said, "Little Night Cat, you have to do your best! Let me see your strength!"

"Hehe." Xiao Yemao's light laughter came from the communication device: "Brother Yang Yan, you have to do your best, you must win the championship!"

"I will."

Then... the communication was hung up, and Lin Wen put away the communication equipment.

Because of the approaching carnival competition, these people he knew all sent messages to him!

There are people who directly send voice calls like Lin Qi and Meng Meng Ye Mao, and there are also people who send messages!

Lin Wen ranked first among the seed players selected by Yinhe Zhinao!

Although it was specifically stated on the list that the players on the list are not divided into front and back, but many players still feel that this ranking and strength have an inevitable relationship!Therefore, Lin Wen, who was placed first, can be said to have attracted countless attention!

"Brother Yang Yan."

Seeing that Lin Wen finally finished the call, Ling Feng, who was not far from Lin Wen's side, came over and said, "You said, what will this group knockout mission look like?"

Lin Wen shook his head slightly.

Afterwards, he said: "Even Century is also the first time that such a large-scale event involving players from all over the world has appeared. Before, there was no such event at all, so there is absolutely no way to guess."

Lin Wen paused, then said, "However... the difficulty of the group elimination task should be moderate. After all, if the difficulty is too high, as the entrance ticket to the carnival competition, it will eliminate too many players and make The scale of the entire event has been reduced, but if the difficulty is too low, it will also allow weak and uneven players to join in, greatly reducing the quality of the carnival competition.”

Ling Feng nodded in agreement.

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