"Brother Yangyan, you're right. But... this entry-level quest also has rewards. Depending on the number of tasks completed and the quest rating, the rewards are different. Presumably, the players who participated in it, I will definitely work hard to complete the task so that I can get a good reward."

"That's right." Lin Wen said.

"I don't know, how many members of our Lingxi Guild can break through the siege this time." Ling Feng said with emotion: "There are too many players participating, and this involves players from all over the world. It can be said that there are countless real masters. !"

"Yeah." Lin Wen said, "It's good for such a tournament. Since the launch of the Elf Century server, players are not the first time when they can be bullied by any NPC, but the real trainers. , but (bhcc) also occupies a certain dominant position in the wizard world!"

"Therefore, the emergence of such a large-scale event is inevitable. You can test the player's brain strength."

"Yes, I hope the members of our Lingxi Guild can break through the initial entry tasks more."

The two simply exchanged their ideas!

As Lin Wen said, a large-scale event such as the Carnival Competition appeared for the first time in the Elf Century, and there was no way to compare it before.

Players, also in the forum, have made a lot of discussions on who and what is the first stage of the entry-level group elimination task, and many modes have been speculated by the players.

Lin Wen is also browsing the forum and has a certain understanding of this information.

But...he didn't have it. Take it out and tell Lingfeng.

In his opinion, even if some players really guessed what the mode of the group elimination mission is, what kind of mission can it be?

Whether you can complete the task or not depends on your own strength after all, it is useless to think too much!

At this time, the wizard century almost reached the peak of simultaneous online!

Because of the emergence of the Carnival Competition, countless players are online at the same time!

Just as Lin Wen and Ling Feng were talking, the announcement of the system suddenly rang in the ears of every player in the entire elf world!

"System Announcement: The Carnival Competition, the first round of knockout rounds, officially begins!"

"System announcement, the carnival competition, the first round of knockout, officially begins!"

"System announcement, the carnival competition, the first round of knockout, officially begins!"

The three-tone system announcement ended.

The entire elf world has fallen into a frenzy!

At the same time, countless players who were assigned to the first round of the knockout match heard the system's invitation.

"Ding Dong, player xxx, the carnival contest has invited you, do you want to join the mission?"

join in!

join in!

join in!

Countless players responded in unison!

They have been waiting for a long time, and now it has finally started, it can be said that they can't wait!I can't wait to disappear in place right now!

Then... in the cities all over the elf world, many players disappeared in a flash of white light!

Undoubtedly, they have entered the mission site! .

Chapter [-] Is it justified?

In the central square where Lin Wen is located, there are also many flashes of white light. When the light there dims, the players who were standing there have disappeared!

They were all invited by the system to the venue for the mission!

At the same time, the big screen on the central square finally slowly lights up!

This means that the first knockout round of the Carnival Competition has officially begun!

For a long time, the expectations and doubts of players are finally about to be revealed!

At the same time, forums, media, and the Internet exploded completely, and all the information pointed to a noun!

Carnival contest!

"Carnival Competition, officially started! 》

"Who can come out on top? 》

"Carefully analyze this carnival competition, who has the highest chance of winning! 》

"Players from all over the world gather together, the real top event in the wizard century! 》

I don't know how many media, the first time the system announcement appeared, they sent out the prepared manuscript, and it became a hot topic!

at the same time……

In the game, on the big screens in various cities, there are real-time live broadcasts of the progress of the carnival competition.

In addition to the game, major live broadcast platforms are also broadcasting this event one after another!

"Hello, this is the xx platform."

"I'm the host Xiao Jia, and I'm the host Xiaoyu."

Almost the eyes of the whole world were attracted by this carnival competition!

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