
However, the most lively place is the forum!

You must know that because of the large number of people who participated in the registration this time, the entire mission was divided into many rounds. When the players in the first round were performing the mission, there were many players waiting outside and there was no way to participate in it!

While watching the live broadcast, they also started a water forum!

The refresh rate of posts on the forum has once again reached a limit!

"You said, who can win the first place this time?"

"The bet is on! The bet is on! It includes the list of 126 seeded players provided by Galaxy Brain!"

"All members of the Yang Yan Group sign up here: Support the Great God Yang Yan!"

"How many rounds did the Great God of Yang Yan participate in? Who knows? I really want to see Great God of Yang Yan!"

"This time, it's a real event. Countless players have joined it, and the first player... After this competition, it can really come to an end!"

The posts on the entire forum are refreshed very fast, far beyond imagination!

Because the carnival competition has officially started, the whole world can be said to have fallen into a frenzy, and I don't know how many players have fallen into a frenzy!

Many posts are analyzed with reason and evidence!

"Yang Yan Tuan: The Great God Yang Yan must win the first place, there is a reason inside! 》

This post is an analysis post about Lin Wen!

After clicking into it, you can see the owner's analysis.

Hello everyone, let me explain first, I am a fan of Yang Yan, a small person in the Yang Yan group. You don't like to read posts, just go out and turn right, and don't leave your footprints!

Now here is a brief introduction to the Great God of Yang Yan.

The Heart of Yang Yan is known as the Great God of Yang Yan by the majority of players and fans.

At the same time, he is also the first of the 126 seed players released by Galaxy Brain!

The first elf of the Great God of Yang Yan was an Ibrahimovic, and it was precisely because of it that it showed its prominence at the beginning of the game and appeared on various lists...

However, everyone knows that the list in the early stage of the game can only be used as a small reference, and has nothing to do with the current strength.

It is worth mentioning that...now, the people on the list have changed one after another, but the Great God Yang Yan is still not strong, and no one can break through his suppression.

Having said that, I have to mention some of the achievements of the Great God of Yang Yan.

The most famous battle of the Great God Yangyan was in the Dragon Cave, where a single player fought against the three major guilds in the Chengdu area. There was an invincible classic battle with fewer enemies and more enemies. It was after that battle that the Great God Yangyan His fame skyrocketed, and he was called "Great God!" by many players.

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Later, in the guild battle, the outstanding performance of changing the situation of the battle with one's own power has made the name of the great god of Yang Yan even more solid!

According to the information I know, although these can be called shocking battles at the time, but looking back, compared with other battles of the Great God of Yang Yan, they are not worth mentioning!

first!The Great God of Yang Yan defeated the Rockets' boss Sakagi!

I believe this is something that many players are aware of. In the dialogue between Sakagi and the Great God of Yang Yan, he personally admitted this!

According to their conversation, it can be known that if Sakagi had not taken out the Chaomeng in the cultivation cabin ahead of time, I am afraid that God Yang Yan could have completed the pioneering work of overturning the Rockets base by one person!


It is also for this reason that the expansion piece of Quartz Plateau appeared in advance!

At the same time, in the annihilation of Team Rocket, the Great God of Yang Yan commanded the beast of the sea, the legendary elf Lugia, and fought with Chao Meng and defeated him!

And, of course, the latest news!

Just a few days ago, the Great God of Yang Yan broke the record in the Carlos area, and even broke the entire tower of refinement in one fell swoop!

Then, on that night, because of the Great God of Yang Yan, the Kalos region appeared in advance, which we call "the shortest expansion piece!" He helped Xerneas defeat Yveltal and attack him. Retreat, had to flee to another dimension!

The Great God of Yang Yan was given the title of Elf Hero by the Alliance for this reason!

The above is my most basic understanding of the Great God of Yang Yan.

Of course... everyone knows that this information is definitely not comprehensive. God Yang Yan has grown to the point where he is now. After all, he has gone through many battles, but... Although I am a small part of God Yang Yan Fans, but I haven't even seen his own face, so there must be no way to figure it out!

So, here comes the question!

Just based on the record I listed, just based on these brilliant records, everyone told me that God Yang Yan couldn't get the first place... So, who can get the first place? .

Chapter seven hundred and seventy sixth holding high

A very long analysis post.

It records in detail some very well-known battles of Lin Wen!

Almost as soon as the post was posted, it was supported by the fans of Lin Wen of Yang Yan Tuan, and then it was noticed by many players!

It can be said that the well-known battles after Lin Wen's rise to fame are well-known to countless players. It is precisely because of this that after being seen by the players... they suddenly felt shocked!

It can be said that no matter what Lin Wen's battles and achievements were, it caused a lot of shock in the forum at the time, but as time passed, some players have forgotten these things.

Now, I have seen someone list them one by one!

That one item can be called a brilliant "Twenty Seven", with a golden record that immediately shocked countless players!

People are more popular than dead people, and the popularity of Yang Yan’s heart is getting bigger and bigger. The feeling it brings to the players is that he is getting stronger and stronger, but how strong is it, just like the mysterious legendary elf. is not known to the player.

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