Now... someone has listed all the achievements of Lin Wen's fame, which immediately gave players an intuitive feeling!

Although I still don't know where the upper limit of Lin Wen is, but based on this, we can vaguely infer some Lin Wen's combat power!

Unbelievably powerful combat power!

Many players originally thought that the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan was strong, but after a large-scale event such as the Carnival Competition involving the entire elf world, they may encounter some dark horses and fall over, but now, after seeing this After the record, their feelings were overturned one after another.

"What the hell? Are these the achievements of the Great God of Yangyan? I take back the words I said that the Great God of Yangyan may not be able to get the first place. one?"

"I'm done!"

"Kneel down and worship the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"Kneel down and worship the Great God of Yang Yan plus one!"

Now it's just the first round of players being sent to the mission location by the system. I don't know how many players who are waiting for the live broadcast to follow the forum. After seeing this post, they immediately focused their attention!

There is nothing that can best reflect a person's strength than listing his achievements!

Obviously... After this Lin Wen fan posted this post, in the entire forum, the voices of Yang Yan's heart winning the championship can be said to have skyrocketed!

The Heart of Yang Yan can't win the championship, so who can win the championship?

Of course... Linwen's main famous areas are Guandu, Chengdu, and the latest Carlos area. There are still many players. Players from other areas do not agree with Linwen winning the championship, but feel that players in their own area He was able to win the championship, but he was speechless for a long time in the face of Lin Wen's record!

It is terrible!


at the same time.

Joban City Center Plaza!

Lin Wen stood silently on the spot, waiting for the live broadcast to start, so that he could also have a certain understanding of the relevant tasks.

I don't even know that at this time, the entire forum was arguing again because of him.

On the other hand, Ling Feng suddenly came over at this time and said to Lin Wen, "Brother Yang Yan, you are really six! Even though people are not in the rivers and lakes, there are still legends about you in the rivers and lakes."

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Ling Feng meant.

He asked in a dazed way, "What's wrong?"

"What else?" Ling Feng curled his lips, and then said, "Brother Yang Yan, I won't say more, you can take a look on the forum yourself."


Lin Wen was a little stunned. He didn't quite understand what Ling Feng wanted to do when he mentioned the forum. He looked at the big screen not far away. Although the big screen was lit up, there was no picture yet.

After all, the system has to invite countless players to join, which means that it will take a certain amount of time for players to agree, so although the system announcement has appeared, the task of the group elimination system has not yet begun.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen quickly took this opportunity and came to the forum!

As soon as he came to the forum, he saw countless posts mentioning his name!

"The Great God of Yang Yan must be the first! 》

"The Great God of Yang Yan is not the first, I will live streaking! 》

"God Yang Yan, come on! 》

"I don't know why you blow that heart of Yang Yan so much, isn't it because your record is better?There are also many experts in our area! 》

Lin Wen was stunned!

The carnival competition has already begun, and everyone doesn't pay attention to what the specific characters are, so why are they focusing on themselves?

This is something Lin Wen couldn't understand...  

Especially seeing the oaths made by many players, Lin Wen suddenly felt a sense of whether to play such a big game!

Are you playing too much?

He simply flipped through the various posts, and then finally found the original source!

That's all...that post!

"Yang Yan Tuan: The Great God Yang Yan must win the first place, there is a reason inside! 》

Now, this can be said to be one of the hottest posts in the same time period, and Lin Wen swept it at a glance!

After clicking in, and simply browsing the post, Lin Wen finally understood the reason!

No wonder at this moment, the forum did not discuss the first round of group elimination quests, but instead discussed itself in 3.4!

It turns out that there are fans of their own who have listed their previous records and proved that they can win this carnival competition!

Looking at the record of that column, even Lin Wen was a little surprised, let alone those players!

No wonder at this moment, all the attention has fallen on himself!

Regardless of strength, just from these records, no one can compete for the title of the number one player!

Can't even grab it!

However, in response to this kind of flattering situation, Lin Wen simply flipped through the post, then left the forum and returned his attention to the central square. .

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