At this time, helping each other is undoubtedly the best and most effective choice!

The first stage of group knockout is just a ticket to enter the carnival competition. Players who know each other are not competitive. Therefore, they can also work together and strive to complete the task in the easiest and shortest time!

Therefore, after entering the Pawnee Grand Canyon, they did not start the action immediately, but looked for their teammates!

Of course... At the same time, there are also many Lone Ranger players who did not choose to look for teammates, but started the action and stepped into the Pony Canyon!

After all, in the game, there are also many players who are accustomed to running alone and have no intention of choosing teammates!

As the camera zoomed in, Lin Wen saw a familiar figure at a glance!

Right fire!

This former opponent, one of the well-known players in the Guandu area!

Even after being defeated by himself, he is not discouraged and active in the public eye, and he is also a first-class player in the wizard century. .

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-eight strange conflict

If it was Right Fire himself, standing in the crowd of tens of thousands of players, I am afraid that Lin Wen would not be able to find Right Fire at the first time, but... After being teleported to the Pony Canyon, I heard the system prompt After that, the fire on the right summoned his fire-breathing dragon for the first time, and then flew into the Pony Canyon at a low altitude!

It can be said to be the best!

In addition, behind him, countless players started to act and officially entered the Pony Canyon!

The shot of this live broadcast is from a bird's-eye view and a solo camera position. In the real world, it takes a lot of effort to achieve this effect, but in the game, everything has a system, which can be said to be very Easy!

Players looking for teammates started to move forward after finding teammates, and players who were alone entered the Pony Canyon early!

In the blink of an eye, at the starting point, there were almost no players, and everyone stepped into the Pony Canyon!

The mission... officially begins!


A live platform somewhere!

Although there are big screens for live broadcasts in various cities in the game, many players who are too lazy to troubleshoot did not choose to go, but directly chose to watch on the live broadcast platform!

This carnival competition is huge!Not to mention a live broadcast platform, even major TV stations are broadcasting simultaneously!

The Elf Century has long been deeply imprinted into people's lives inadvertently, so it can cause such a big sensation!

Just after one player after another entered the Pawnee Grand Canyon, the barrage of this live broadcast platform suddenly became lively!

"After waiting for so long, it's finally starting!"

"I don't know how difficult the task will be. I heard from the official that a large number of people will be wiped out 〃ˇ!"

"This is of course, otherwise hundreds of thousands of players will be eliminated from the battle, when will we get it."

"My Yang Yan Group announced to occupy this live broadcast room!"

"Who can achieve the best results?"

"God of Yang Yan upup!"

"In the front, the Great God Yang Yan is not among the people in this batch at all... You are an egg!"

It is not uncommon for countless netizens to swipe the screen of the navy barrage on major live broadcast platforms!

Because the group's special mission is just beginning, the whole world is lively because of this, and countless eyes are paying attention here at the same time!

Either through the broadcast or watching directly in the game, they are paying attention to this mission!

Not long after entering the Pawnee Grand Canyon, the battle has already happened!

The shot taken in this live broadcast is a bird's-eye view plus each independent shot. The system is keenly aware of the occurrence of the battle, and immediately cuts the shot to the past!

To the surprise of the watching players, the two sides of the battle did not encounter the level in the Poni Grand Canyon, but... two teams of players!

There are about a dozen players in the two teams!

"Damn it! Isn't this a Spanish-speaking guild in the Carlos region? That's one of the best guilds in the Carlos region!"

"The other side is not easy! This is obviously the Yannan Guild in the Hezhong area. I saw several familiar elite players from it!"

"It's just the beginning, they just got on?"

"It's unimaginable! Didn't you say it's good to do the task? How could you fight..."

In the forum, the barrage of the live broadcast platform immediately exploded after the camera cut here.

There are players from various regions participating in the mission.

Similarly, those who are watching the live broadcast are also in various regions!

As a direct result, not long after the shot was cut, some players recognized the identities of the two teams in the shot and told others!

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and immediately, many players watching the live broadcast all knew the identities of the two sides of the conflict!


Joban City, Central Plaza.

Just after the camera cut to the two teams of players, Ling Feng approached Lin Wen and said, "The two sides, one is the Spanish-speaking guild in the Carlos area, and the leader is their president, the Spanish-speaking Yeguang, who is in Kalos. The Los area is very famous, and it can definitely be regarded as one of the masters in the Carlos area."

Speaking of which... Ling Feng paused for a while, then glanced at Lin Wen with a strange face: "Before you went to the Carlos area, it is said that Ye Guang was one of the few characters who broke into the fourth floor of the Tower of Refinement, and Facing the lord-level elves, they persisted for the longest time! They just failed to defeat them successfully."

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