Lin Wen felt a little weird, and nodded lightly, indicating that he understood.

"." As for the other party." Ling Feng looked at it seriously, then said: "If I read it right, this should be the Yannan Guild in the Hezhong area. In the entire Hezhong area, there are four major guilds, the Yannan Guild. The Southern Society is one of them!"

"The one who leads the team should be the top master in their guild! A very well-known player in the Hezhong area!"

Ling Feng said like a treasure.

As the president of the Lingxi Guild, Lingfeng knows the information of these other well-known guilds and well-known players!

From here, we can also see his ambitions. After all, knowing ourselves and our enemies, we will be safe in a hundred battles, and the player guilds in these other regions (Li De's) may become enemies of the Lingxi guild in the future.

After listening to Ling Feng's introduction, Lin Wen nodded clearly.

Compared to Ling Feng, Lin Wen had no idea about this information at all. After all, he had always followed the path of a loner. Even after joining the Lingxi Guild, he was not like a normal guild player.

For this information, he could say that he didn't know anything about it. Fortunately, there was a live encyclopedia next to him. Otherwise, Lin Wen wouldn't want to know their identities.

Just when Ling Feng introduced their identities to Lin Wen.

The strangest thing about it is that the two teams did not have much grievances, but they had disputes in such a crucial knockout round, which made many players puzzled.

Ling Feng, who was most sensitive to this kind of breath, was the first to analyze the truth. .

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-ninth respective actions

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Chapter seven hundred and eightieth angry elves

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Chapter [-] Battle of the Seed Players

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Seven hundred and eighty-two no-fly areas

] The [-]nd No-Fly Zone The [-]nd No-Fly Zone of the Pokémon Century .

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty third drawbridge battle

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty-four first clearance

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty fifth battle book

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Chapter [-]: Lin Wen debuts

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty seventh breakthrough breakthrough

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Chapter [-] Unstoppable

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Chapter [-] The driver did not brake

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Chapter [-]: Double the time difference

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Chapter [-] Let me watch a live broadcast quietly

But after all, everyone has spoken, and Lin Wen just nodded slightly and said, "It's okay."

Ling Feng also nodded with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the big screen!

This batch of players also has members of the Lingxi Guild. As the president of the Lingxi Guild, he naturally has to pay attention!

At this moment... a player in the central square suddenly exclaimed: "God Yangyan?"

This exclamation immediately attracted the attention of many players, and they all shouted: "Where is the Great God of Yang Yan?"

"I wipe? Yang Yan is in the central square? Isn't it?"

Lin Wen and Ling Feng were never recognized when they watched the first batch of players perform their missions. That's because they were really low-key, and many players watched the live broadcast with their "six, seven, seven" intentions. , don't care about the surroundings at all!

And now...

You must know that the forest pattern has just been transmitted from the Poni Grand Canyon by the system!

And during this time period, he was the only one who completed the task, no one else!

In this case, after seeing the flash of white light, some players suddenly paid attention, and had vague guesses in their hearts, and then... After seeing Lin's tattoo, they confirmed their guesses. !

Lin Wen was just watched a live broadcast by countless players in the camera, and the dress has not changed at all!

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