This little girl is so strong?

For a while, Lin Wen was a little stunned. He had come up before, wondering if Lin Qi could not pass the group elimination mission, but now, he found out that this girl has completed the lord level mission without a sound!

It seems... he still underestimates 647 her!

Do not!

Lin Wen suddenly paused and realized that it was not that he underestimated her, but that this was Lin Qi's true strength!

He had never seen Lin Qi play a game before, but he never expected that in the age of elves, the other party would have such a transcendent talent.

It can be said that Lin Wen understands the difficulty of the lord-level task very well. He did not expect that Lin Qi would be able to complete it.

I don't know if it was because of seeing that this was a female player, the camera stayed on Lin Qi for a while.

"Wow, beauty."

"I don't know how strong it is... This ivy snake looks pretty good."

"Female players, you all know that, that's all."

"Yes, agree +1"

"What do you mean? Saying that our female players are weak? In my opinion, this girl must be a master!"

"Yes, we female players are not weak to anyone!"

In the barrage, rhythm drifted from time to time, no, a female player just like that, suddenly caused a rhythm!

Afterwards, the barrage was a bit rarer!

Because, in the video, opposite the protagonist they were discussing, a shovel bug in a state of rage attacked brazenly!

What is the strength, it is not judged by outsiders, but revealed by oneself!

All players are also aware of this, so after seeing the attack of the shovel farmer, the number of people who sent the barrage was much less. Many players wanted to see how strong this beautiful player is!

The shovel farmer quickly flew towards Lin Qi.

Its movements are fast, and in the blink of an eye, it sprints not far in front of the ivy snake!

Then, a dazzling electric light suddenly emitted!

One hundred thousand volts!

The power is very powerful!

In the face of the attack of the shovel worms, Lin Qi seemed very calm, and his quiet and beautiful face aroused the favor of many players!

"Ivy Snake, dodge its attack!"

The ivy snake heard Lin Qi's command voice, and then made a sensitive jump!The body left the place in an instant!

In the next second, [-] volts suddenly bombarded the ground, making an explosion sound!

Lin Qi's voice came again!

"Ivy Snake, use the vine whip!"

Two thick green vine whips suddenly shot from the ivy snake!

The speed of the rattan whip is fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has come to the side of the shovel farmer!

Before it could react, the rattan whip suddenly made a flexible maneuver, and immediately, the shovel cannon (bhej) worm was bound in it!

The stag farm gun bug, who was in a state of rage, was even more angry, struggling hard, trying to break free!

But... the ivy snake is a lord-level elf!

Although apart from Lin Qi and Lin Wen, I am afraid that no other players know the news!

Facing the incomparably sturdy vine whip, the shovel farmer was bound in it, trying to struggle to get out, but it couldn't do it at all!

Then, Lin Qi's calm voice spoke the order!

"Ivy Snake, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Countless sharp blade blades condensed above the ivy snake in an instant!

Then, it burst out!

Swish swish!

Countless sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and the blade's speed was fast, attacking the shovel farmer!

Even in normal times, in the face of such a fast flying leaf knife, the shovel cannon is not easy to avoid. What's more, at this time, it was bound by the vine whip and trapped in the air!

Although it has struggled very hard, it can't break free from the binding of the vine whip, and can only watch countless blade blades madly attack!

In the next second, countless blade blades hit the shovel farmer!

Its eyes closed, it made a painful sound, and its body's struggling strength was constantly weakening...

Afterwards, under the attack of countless flying blades, this shovel worm immediately lost its fighting ability!

"Green vine snake, take back the vine whip." Lin Qi said.

As the vine whip of the ivy snake was retracted, the shovel worm, which had lost consciousness, was suddenly helpless, and fell directly to the ground from mid-air!

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