After defeating the shovel farmer, Lin Qi did not stop at all, and stepped forward again.


"Fuck, this girl is so strong!"

"I'm done, I shouldn't belittle the girl player!"

"Meow, this is much better than me!"

"Who knows who this girl player is?"

"I don't know, ask for the name of this girl player!"

The wind direction of the barrage has changed!

Because Lin Qi's performance left them speechless!

The very smooth connection of skills and the easy defeat of the shovel farmer are a scene that they can't ignore, but it is a scene that reflects their strength!

Obviously... this beautiful player is not a vase, but a powerful player with real strength!

Just a bunch of dark horses!After all... I didn't know her identity before! .

Chapter [-]: Lin Qi's Strength

The players in the third batch are constantly moving forward.

The players in the first batch have the Right Fire, and the players in the second batch have the Heart of Yang Yan. They are all far ahead of the other players. In contrast, the players in the third batch are only as strong as the others. average!

Most of the players are concentrated in one area, although some are ahead, but not many!

After the battle between Lin Qi and the stag farm gun bug, the camera left, but I don't know if it was because of her previous strength, so the camera would gather on Lin Qi from time to time!

And through the lens, it also shocked countless players!

Because... this unknown beautiful player is definitely the first group among the players, showing a very strong strength, ahead of other players!

This is an uncompromising dark horse!

Time passed, and finally, a small group of players came to the entrance of the suspension bridge!

Facing the rickety suspension bridge, no player dares to cross the Thunder Pond first!

The players from the previous two batches have already shown that the drawbridge is the place where the battle is bound to take place. Only strong players can get the qualification to step on the drawbridge first!

The camera moved here and swept over the dozen or so players who had already come here!

Everyone didn't speak!

Suddenly, someone moved!

What all the players didn't expect was that the moving person turned out to be that unknown beautiful player!

Lin Qi!

When I saw Lin Qi and started walking towards the entrance of the suspension bridge, the rest of the players frowned, and someone said, "Hey, why do you go first?"

Lin Qi paused and looked at him indifferently, she would not show a good color to anyone other than Lin Wen.

"If you don't leave, you won't let me go?" she replied indifferently.

The player who speaks is a guild president in the Fengyuan area, and he is also a small master, otherwise it would be impossible to come to the first sequence!

Hearing Lin Qi's reply, he was immediately embarrassed and angry: "You dare to talk to me like that?"

Immediately, he directly commanded his elf and said, "Prince Bo, use foam light!"

The elf released by him is a prince Bo who evolved from Bogaman!

Hearing the master's order, Prince Bo immediately took action, and countless bubbles swept toward the ivy snake!

Many players who watched the live broadcast immediately showed their indignation!

"How can this person attack the girl?"

"That's right, beauty is justice!"

In the face of Prince Bo's attack, Lin Qi's expression did not change in any way, he just said softly: "Ivy Snake, use the sun beam!"


The skills of the ivy snake condensed very quickly. Facing the incoming bubble light, when it was half condensed, the sun beam was ready!

Then, burst out!

The dazzling light made the players around couldn't help squinting their eyes!

In the next second, the sun beam and the foam light bombarded together, making a deafening roar!


The collision between the two skills!

In the next second, a scene that shocked countless players happened!

The sun beam and the foam light were bombarded together, and the foam light was instantly defeated, and then the sun beam did not stop at all, and attacked Prince Bo!

This scene far exceeded the expectations of Prince Bo and his trainer!

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