The sun beam is an extremely fast skill. When Prince Bo reacted, he was already a step slower. It is not an elf who is proficient in speed. Facing the attack of the sun beam, he just turned sideways slightly, and there was no way to dodge. !

Then, the surging sun beam bombarded Prince Bo!


An explosion occurs!

Prince Bo's body suddenly rippled with tremendous power!

The dazzling light made the players around could not help but close their eyes!

When the light gradually dissipated, the scene in front of them made many players widen their eyes in shock!

Because, under the blow of the sun beam, Prince Bo was full of scorch marks at this time, and he had fallen to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Prince Bo's trainer, the president of the Hoenn area guild, stared blankly at Prince Bo who fell on the ground, his eyes full of disbelief.

Lin Qi's eyes swept across the audience, and then whispered: "Now, can I walk on the suspension bridge?"

The players around were silent.

Thinking of the power of the sun beam of the ivy snake, they pondered in their hearts, and were stunned to find that their elves might not be able to bear it at all!

It was a really powerful blow!

The strength of this beautiful player can completely act with the unfathomable!

Hearing Lin Qi's questioning voice, the surrounding players fell silent.

Lin Qi turned around and took the first step onto the suspension bridge, and none of the dozens of players around stood in their way!

Suddenly, there is a voice of praise!

"Genie Century is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers! I didn't expect there are such powerful girl players, it's just that beauty and strength coexist!" the player said.


As soon as his words fell, some players agreed: "It is indeed the case. The surprise brought to us in the fairy century is indeed far beyond our imagination... Who would have thought that this female player's strength is so strong?"

"Comparing with her, I am really ashamed of myself."

Players, all worship the strong!

The strength shown by Lin Qi has undoubtedly won their respect!

So, no one stopped her from walking into the suspension bridge first!


Just after Qingteng Snake's neat and tidy sun beam skill defeated Prince Bo, countless 666 messages were posted on the barrage of major live broadcast platforms!

"Strong! Invincible, tell you to speak again, and be cured!"

"From now on, I will become a fan, and I will be a big fan of this girl from now on!"

"It looks so good-looking, and it's so powerful, do you want others to mess with it!"

"The girl looks so cute...and she has a cold face!"

"Her ivy snake is really powerful!"

Countless barrages floated past. .

Chapter [-] The first battle ended

at the same time……

Joban City Center Plaza.

After seeing that someone dared to attack Lin Qi, Lin Wen's heart could not help but flash a trace of anger, but after seeing Lin Qi's ivy snake easily defeating the enemy, his anger could not help dissipating many!

"Unconsciously, this girl has become so powerful!" Lin Wen thought.

"Looks like... I really made the right choice to let this girl come into the game at the beginning. The Century of Elves has indeed had a great impact on the little girl!"

At this time, on the screen on the big screen, it was Lin Qi's back who boarded the suspension bridge and headed forward.

Looking at this back, Lin Wen showed a rather relieved smile!


Lin Qi successfully won the first place!

 "Three Four Seven" As the first player to walk into the suspension bridge, she did not have any accidents after that. She was the first to arrive at the Great Pawnee Coast and won the first place among the players in this batch!

Undoubtedly, in the age of elves, it also caused a stir!

There is only one reason for everything, she is a female player, or a beautiful player!

For a long time, most famous players are men. There is a saying that women can hold up half the sky. However, in the fairy century, there are many beautiful female players, but beautiful but also powerful players. There will be much less!

Now, as a female player, Lin Qi actually won the first place in this batch, which immediately caused a shock among the players!

She is sought after and welcomed by many players!

On the game forum, even because of her, countless new posts appeared!

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