Lin Wen's goal is very clear!

That is to find Karuna first!

As the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna is more reliable than asking her about people or things in the Carlos region?

Moreover, after fighting side by side, the relationship between Lin Wen and Ka Lunai can be said to be very close, and since this is the case... then you should ask Ka Lunai to ask. .

Chapter [-] Hall of Fame

Today's Miare City can be said to be very lively. After the new year is approaching, there are suddenly many more players playing games. Miare City, which is full of artistic atmosphere, is also one of the first choices of players.

Lin Wen didn't stop too much, and went directly to the Elf Alliance by car!

The elf alliance is still the same, people come and go, people come and go, Lin Wen has just stepped into the elf alliance, just about to find someone to ask Ka Lunai's location, there is an exclamation from his side!

"Master Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen followed the reputation.

The one who made the sound... was an Alliance staff member in uniform. Seeing Lin Wen turned his head and confirmed his guess, he was even more surprised: "Lord Yangyan, why are you here?"

he asked.

Although Lin Wen's occupation has not changed, he is still a researcher, but after being given the title of hero by the alliance, how many in the alliance dare to call him Yang Yan researcher?

Lin Wen glanced around to confirm that no one noticed it, and then said to him, "I'm here to find Miss Karuna! I need her help with some things, do you know where Miss Karuna is? "

"Miss Karuna is working in the Hall of Fame." The staff member replied, "Do you need me to lead you there?"

"Of course..." Lin Wen nodded again and again, and said, "Thank you."

"No, no!" The staff waved their hands again and again, with reverence in their eyes: "You are the hero of our Carlos region! If you hadn't assisted Xerneas in defeating Yveltal, we would have been in the Carlos region. I don't know what's going to happen yet."

Afterwards, he paused and continued, "Presumably, Miss Karuna, she will be very happy to know that you are in the Carlos area~~"

Lin Wen responded with a smile.

Under the leadership of the staff, Lin Wen came to a building with a vast area!

Here is the Hall of Fame!

Standing outside the Hall of Fame, the staff stopped and said, "Master Yang Yan, you need to enter by yourself, I am not qualified to enter here."

The staff's mouth was full of envy.

The Hall of Fame is not only the place where the league records the strong, but also the place where the champions usually deal with things. The average person can't get in at all!

Even before Lin Wen, I am afraid that he is not qualified to enter here at all!

However, now, Lin Wen has the title of hero given by the alliance, and there is no difficulty in entering here!

Not to mention, the fact that Karunai and him have made good friends has long spread throughout the entire Carlos region. I am afraid that in the Carlos region, in the alliance, no one dares to embarrass him!

Lin Wen's gaze swept across the entire Hall of Fame, and then walked towards the entrance.

At the entrance of the Hall of Fame, there were two conscientious trainers guarding it. After seeing Lin Wen walking by, they immediately stopped in front. One of them said, "The Hall of Fame prohibits outsiders from entering."

Lin Wen smiled at him, and then said, "I am the heart of Yang Yan."

"Heart of Yang Yan?" The two trainers of the alliance were stunned, but they suddenly reacted, and the two quickly bowed and said, "It turned out to be Lord Yang Yan!"

"Can I go in?" Lin Wen asked.

"Of course!" One of the trainers nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, the two gave way so that Lin Wen could enter the Hall of Fame.

Lin Wen nodded gently towards the two of them, and immediately entered the Hall of Fame!


Inside the Hall of Fame.

There is a pile of documents on the desk in front of Karuna!

With a pen in her hand, she quickly swiped and put the document in her hand aside, but then, her eyes swept across the countless documents piled together, she couldn't help sighing, and she felt a big headache!

Beside her, there are several heavenly kings in the Carlos area, also working attentively.

These are the follow-up effects brought by the previous expansion!

Although Yveltal and Xerneas only appeared for one night, then one fled back to the dark side, and the other wandered in the entire Carlos area, missing his whereabouts, but, to the Carlos area. The impact is indeed huge!

In addition, due to the censorship of the Carlos Regional Alliance, nearly half of the officials have been dismissed one after another.

So, countless jobs are stacked here!

Karuna has been working here for a full morning, but it has not decreased in the slightest. Even with the assistance of several heavenly kings, it will take a month or so to completely solve everything.

With a sigh and a roar, Ka Lunai looked helpless and continued to take out a document and read it.

As the champion of the Carlos region, this is her duty. Although she is very tired, she cannot avoid it. She can only work hard to complete it!

Lin Wen walked in the Hall of Fame, followed the sound, and quickly came to a room where the sound was heard.

And... through the window of the room, Lin Wen clearly saw a few people inside, it was Karuna, and several heavenly kings in the Carlos area who had a relationship with Lin Wen!

He didn't push the door directly to enter, but knocked (Manuo Zhao) very politely.

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