dong dong dong.

The sound of knocking on the door successfully alerted several big figures in the Carlos area who were busy inside.Karuna also raised her head, doubts flashed in her eyes, not everyone is qualified to enter the Hall of Fame, and those who are not qualified to enter, the trainer guards outside will not let them enter!

who is coming?

With such a question popping up in her heart, Karuna said without any hesitation, "."Please come in."

Hearing a response from the room, Lin Wen pushed open the door and entered.

Karuna in the room, as well as the gazes of several heavenly kings, all focused on Lin Wen!

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

After seeing that the person who came in was Lin Wen, Ka Lunai's eyes suddenly showed surprise, and she said with some joy: "Researcher Yang Yan, why are you here?".

Chapter [-] The Master of the Letter

After experiencing a common battle and defending against Yveltal together, the relationship between Lin Wen and Karuna can be said to be extremely cordial, so Karuna is very happy to see Lin Wen coming.

Lin Wen closed the door and immediately said to Karuna, "I'm looking for you because I have something to ask you about."

Then... Lin Wen's eyes fell on the many documents stacked on the desk in front of Ka Lunai, and he couldn't help but be stunned: "You are..."


Ka Lunai rubbed her temples with a headache: "There is so much work that has been piled up during this time, and I can't be busy at all."

Her eyes swept over the many documents in front of her: "At least it's going to be a busy month..."

Lin Wen keenly saw the tiredness on Karuna's face.

He couldn't help but said: "Miss Karuna, you should probably take a break. I think you are already very tired. After all... it's still a long time, and it's not short of your rest time."

Hearing Lin Wen's proposal, Ka Lunai's eyes lit up, and she looked at Lin Wen with a feeling that she had finally found a savior, and suddenly said, "Researcher Yang Yan, you are right!"

 887 "I really should rest for a while! Just as you came to our Carlos area, I should receive you, so... Researcher Yang Yan, let's go to the cafe for coffee." Karuna said one after another.

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, but then he noticed the eager look in Ka Lunai's eyes. Thinking that he still had to ask Ka Lunai questions when he came here, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes."

"Okay, let's go now!" Ka Lunai said quickly, walking straight out from behind the desk, first Lin Wen came to the door, pushed the door open, and walked out.

Lin Wen followed behind and walked out of the office.


In the office, the big-eyed and small-eyed, helpless kings of the Carlos region were immediately left behind.

Ka Lunai followed Yang Yan Zhi's heart so directly, it was undoubtedly equivalent to throwing a hand at the shopkeeper.

But...they didn't stop it!

After all, researcher Yang Yan's strength and potential have all been revealed. It is also a big thing to befriend him. For the Carlos region and the Carlos Regional League (bhbh) alliance, it is very good to befriend a master. matter!

The vision of the Heart of Yang Yan is there!

And, and most importantly!

During the battle with Yveltal, the Yang Yan researcher summoned Ho-oh!

Legendary Pixie!

The Carlos Regional Alliance has a lot of speculation about this, but so far, it is still uncertain what method he used to summon the long-lost legendary elf Hoo!This is undoubtedly another big reason for the Carlos region to befriend Linwen!

Moreover, Ka Lunai has been working very hard recently, and the tiredness on her face has also been seen by several heavenly kings, so she turned one eye and closed the other, facing directly and escaping. Karuna, who left with the Heart of Yang Yan, did not stop her at all.


After coming out of the Hall of Fame, the combination of Lin Wen and Ka Lunai has attracted the attention of countless people!

After all, one is the champion of the Carlos region, and the other has been known to countless people in the Carlos region recently, and regarded as a heroic heart of Yang Yan!

The return rate caused by these two people on the road is absolutely [-]%!

However, the two of them didn't stop too much, and took the sedan and went directly to the cafe.

Dolly's Cafe.

After Lin Wen and Ka Lunai came to the cafe, they ordered a cup of coffee each, and then Ka Lunai showed a rather pitiful expression and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, it is fortunate that you came to save me, otherwise I will It's about to collapse!"

After being very familiar with Lin Wen, the champion of the Carlos region also showed the side of a little woman.

Lin Wen smiled softly: "I didn't come to save you... I came to ask you for help."

"It's all the same." Karuna said with a smile on her face: "You don't know, I've been up for several nights recently. In order to complete the work, because of the appearance of the legendary elf, I recently needed to There are so many things to do, there is absolutely no time to rest.”

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'll have to work for a long time before I can have time to rest."

Karuna's eyes showed pity and complained.

Seeing the rare scene of the champion, Lin Wen quickly comforted: "It's okay... the work will always be completed one day, you see now, don't you also get time to rest."

"And... it is estimated that it will be this period of time. After this period of time, you will have a lot of free time." Lin Wen comforted.

Hearing Lin Wen's comfort, Ka Lunai's expression was relieved to a certain extent, and then she asked curiously, "Researcher Yang Yan, what are you looking for?"

"I have something I want to ask you to see if you know who its owner is."

Lin Wen said again and again, while taking out the drift bottle from the backpack and handing it to Karuna.

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