"This is a thing I got before. There is a letter in it. I guess it was passed down from the Carlos area, so I came to you to ask."

Karuna took the drift bottle.

Then... she opened the drift bottle and watched it seriously.

Lin Wen's eyes fell on her, revealing his expectations.

In his opinion, it is obviously right to ask Karuna to ask about this kind of thing!

Karuna carefully read the letter in the bottle.

Then, she put the letter down, frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Lin Wen sat across from her, and when he saw Karuna's expression, his heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "Miss Karuna, do you know who sent this letter?".

From the fire fox mentioned in the letter, Lin Wen can basically be sure that this letter is from the Carlos area.

In the entire Carlos region, he is most familiar with, and most likely to help him, is undoubtedly the regional champion Kalunai! .

Chapter [-] Looking for Serena

If Ka Lunai can't get any useful information from this letter, then... Lin Wen's message will undoubtedly be broken, and there is no doubt that there is little hope of finding the source of the letter.

After hearing Lin Wen's question, Ka Lunai frowned and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, allow me to think about it carefully."

Lin Wen nodded lightly and stopped urging him.

Karuna's brows were slightly wrinkled, her face full of thoughtful expression, she thought carefully about who the source of this letter might be.

As the champion of the Carlos region, she knows too many trainers, and among them, she started her own journey with Firefox, and the goal is to become a master of Pokémon show~, and it definitely exists!

And what Karuna has to do is to select her from her own thoughts and carefully think about which female trainer is the most suitable for the conditions mentioned in the letter.

This is undoubtedly a very _ mental behavior.

However, after all, this problem was brought about by Lin Wen. She had a very good personal relationship with her, and she also helped the entire Carlos region, repelling Yveltal's Yang Yan researcher, and Karunai's heart But I didn't have any idea of ​​rejection, I was just thinking about it seriously, recalling it, and hoping to make some discoveries.

Not helping anything and not being helpful are not the same concept!


A flash of light flashed in Karuna's mind, and a figure appeared in her mind!

Her eyes lit up suddenly.

Lin Wen, who was sitting across from her, had been paying attention to Ka Lunai, and now Ka Lunai's strange eyes immediately attracted his attention, Lin Wen hurriedly asked, "Ka Lunai. Miss, have you thought about it?"

"I did think of one person, which is more in line with the person in this letter!"

A smile appeared on Ka Lunai's face, facing Lin Wen's expectant gaze, she did not continue to sell off, and said directly: "Researcher Yang Yan, if I am right, this letter, the owner of this drifting bottle. , possibly Serena's!"


Hearing the name, Lin Wen was slightly taken aback, but did not react immediately.

Then, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he said in shock, "Isn't this Nima Xiao Zhi's first love!"

In the original Pokémon, every time you go to a new area, the female companion who is the protagonist will change!

And Xiaozhi, after he came to the Carlos area, his female companion is Serena!

Their connection doesn't stop there!

It was only when they were young, when the two were just a few years old, before they received their initial Pokémon, that Ash met Serena!

It was at a summer camp.

Serena, who lost her way in the forest, was rescued by Ash.

In Lin Wen's mind, all kinds of information about Serina flashed in an instant.

It turned out to be her!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen hurriedly opened his mouth and said to Karuna, "Miss Karuna, thank you for your help this time!"

Ka Lunai shook her head gently and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, I'm just guessing, I'm not sure."

"It's just that after seeing this letter, I contacted the information in my mind, and I immediately thought of Serena, a very unique girl. If I insist, this letter is in line with this letter in this world. There are too many people who have applied for the conditions, after all, there is not much information in this letter, and it is impossible to find out!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

But in his heart, he has his own ideas.

Karuna's guess is most likely the real answer!

After all, the system will not randomly report information to itself. If a mission wants to continue, it is obviously necessary to collect information. If the information from the champion of the Carlos region, Ka Lunai, is not true, then what information will there be? it is true?

This is very obvious.

Lin Wen made a decision in his heart in an instant. He was going to go to Serena in his heart to see the specific situation.

After all, in addition to the general task, Lin Wen also has expectations in his heart.

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In today's Elf Century, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are one of the few important plot missions that appear in front of players. Both of them are in front of their own gym owners in the Guandu area.

Moreover, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang have changed so much, and other plot characters may also undergo great changes.

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