Moreover, in the game, except for Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, who are the gym owners of their respective cities, they are very easy to be found by the player Meen. A pit down!

After so many years, what changes have happened to so many plot characters?What are they doing now?

And, there is another very important point.


Lin Wen also wanted to know, as the first love, Serina, who can be said to be one of the first heroines to know Xiaozhi, has she been with Xiaozhi?

This is not only the doubt in Lin Wen's heart, it can be said that it is also the doubt in the hearts of many players.

It has been a long time since Elf Century was launched, and many NPC characters have appeared, but the protagonist of the real Pokémon, Xiao Zhi!Master Zhi, but he is really missing, and no one of the players has seen him at all!

This is undoubtedly an unsolved mystery in the age of elves.

Now that I have found Serena, I can also ask Serena about the specific situation!

Various thoughts flashed through Lin Wen's heart, and he immediately made up his mind.

He must go to find Serena and check the specific information!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen no longer hesitated, and said to Karuna, "Miss Karuna, do you know the current situation of Serena? Where is she now?"

Hearing Lin Wen's questioning, Ka Lunai said somewhat surprised: "Researcher Yang Yan, I'm not sure that my guess is correct, are you going to find Sarina?"


Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then said: "Anyway, there are no other clues now, since that's the case, I'll go look for Serena, ask the specific situation, and see if the owner of this letter is from her. .".

Chapter [-] Chaoxiang Town

Karuna nodded knowingly.I totally agree with Lin Wen's idea.

Immediately said: "As far as I know, after the trip, Serena became a well-known performer in the Carlos region, and is very popular among people."

Karunai paused, then said, "However, just half a year ago, she fell into underestimation because of what she encountered, and did not continue to perform, but returned to her hometown, Asaka Town, to cultivate iron-clad rhinos."

"As far as I can guess, what troubles she may have encountered." Ka Lunai said in a slightly speculative tone, and then said regretfully: "This little girl is very good, she is very kind, and she has talent, I don't know. Why did you give up your dream and go back to your hometown?"

Lin Wen listened carefully to Ka Lunai's introduction, and nodded "Five Seven Zero" gently.

After Karuna finished speaking, he said, "Miss Karuna, thank you for the information you provided."

Ka Lunai showed an elegant smile and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, why are you being polite to me, it's just a little effort."

The two smiled at each other.

Various thoughts flashed through Lin Wen's heart.

If the owner of that letter is really Selina, then she should work hard to become a Pokémon performer step by step. How could she give up after becoming a performer and choose to go back to her hometown to cultivate iron armor rhino?

Obviously, she is very likely to encounter some troubles or bottlenecks now, so she chooses this way.

Lin Wen's eyes lit up.

This is the perfect time to need help and a set!

As the saying goes, the opportunity must not be lost, and it will never come again. Thinking of this information in his heart, Lin Wen couldn't sit still, got up and said to Karunai, "Miss Karunai, since that's the case, I won't stay too long. , Because there is still something to do tomorrow, I need to go to Asaka Town today to find Serena."

Ka Lunai saw the urgency shown by Lin Wen, nodded and then got up and said: "Since this is the case, then researcher Yang Yan, go quickly, I will not leave you."

Saying that, Karuna smiled.

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then said, "See you next time."

Then, he left here.

Karuna sat down, and after seeing Lin Wen's back disappearing from sight, she shook her head, drank the coffee in her hand, and then prepared to return to the Hall of Fame.

Because of Lin Wen's arrival, she had time to rest, but when Lin Wen left, she still had to return to work as soon as possible!


another side.

After coming out of the cafe, Lin Wen hurried towards Asaka Town.

From the information given by Karuna, Lin Wen has already learned that Asaka Town is Sarina's hometown, and she is now living and working there!

Without too much hesitation, Lin Wen took the transportation directly and rushed towards Chaoxiang Town.

In the process of going, he also collected a lot of information about Asaka Town.

Asaka Town is the smallest town in the entire Carlos region!

As the means of transportation continue to approach Chaoxiang Town, the surrounding environment is gradually changing.

Chaoxiang Town is a small country town, with flowers blooming moisturizing in the morning dew, giving people the reputation of a country town with a bright future.

However, with now, the time in the fairy century has come to winter, and everything is immersed, but Lin Wen has no chance to see the most beautiful scene in Chaoxiang Town.

The transportation speed was very fast, and Lin Wen soon came to Asaka Town.

This is really a very small town. On the streets, only a few scattered people can be seen, and not even the figures of players can be seen.

After arriving at Chaoxiang Town, Lin Wen quietly stood there for a while, and then his eyes fixed on a person who should be an NPC not far away.

Without hesitation, he stepped forward and asked, "Hello, excuse me, may I ask you a question?"

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