This is a middle-aged man who seems to be very talkative. After hearing Lin Wen's question, he said, "Trainer, you can ask..."

"I want to know, where is Serina's home?" Lin Wen asked, "Or where is her current workplace?"

"This question..." The middle-aged man showed a rather surprised look on his face, and then said: "Salina is working in the town's one-horned rhino breeding center." He replied.

Lin Wen nodded knowingly, and then said, "Thank you."

Then, he left here.

The area of ​​Chaoxiang Town is not large. After getting the information from the middle-aged man, Lin Wen stopped and walked around the entire Chaoxiang Town, carefully observing the buildings on both sides. Soon, he found the middle-aged man's place. Said location!

One-horned rhino breeding center!

This is where Serena works and lives.

Lin Wen didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

After walking into the one-horned rhino breeding center, there were several rhinos walking leisurely in front of them, and then Lin Wen's eyes fixed on a figure.

It was a figure with a slightly high jump.

She has long chestnut hair that is loose and looks elegant and moving, with a pink top hat on her head, a coat on the outside and a pink skirt on the inside.

On the long legs, black stockings spread all the way up to the knees. 4.1

From Lin Wen's point of view, only her profile can be seen, her skin is fair and cocoa moving!

A look of astonishment flashed across Lin Wen's eyes!

Without a doubt, this is Serena!

Compared with Serina when she was a child, Serina now has undoubtedly a more mature atmosphere, and she looks more beautiful!

This is quite a huge change.

Lin Wen's first impression of Selina was quite astonishing.

Soon, he came back to his senses and thought of his plan to come here.

Serena was taking care of the one-horned rhinoceros in front of her seriously, but did not notice the arrival of the outsider Lin Wen.

Lin Wen coughed twice, then shouted, "Salina."

Chapter [-]: The Trace of Xiaozhi

Hearing the cry, Serena turned her head.The front face faces Lin Wen.

She has a pair of big eyes, and the blue pupils look very mysterious. There is no doubt that Sarina once again made Lin Wen feel amazing.

After turning around, Selina's eyes focused on Lin Wen's body, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and then she asked, "Hello, who are you?"

Lin Wen didn't answer, just took out the drift bottle from his backpack, then quickly walked to Serina and handed the drift bottle to her.

Serina took the drifting bottle subconsciously, the doubt in her eyes became more intense, she looked at Lin Wen and said, "This is..."

"You can see for yourself." Lin Wen said with his eyes fixed on the drifting bottle.

Serena was even more puzzled. She didn't quite understand what it meant when a stranger came to her house and then handed her a drifting bottle. However, after hearing Lin Wen's words, she still nodded gently. 19 nodded, then opened the drift bottle and took out the letter inside.

Serena opened the letter.

In the beginning, she was even more puzzled when she saw the content of the letter, and she couldn't understand why she was reading this.

However, when she glanced at the letter and saw the very familiar handwriting on it, Serina seemed to have thought of something, and her expression suddenly changed.

Her expression flashed with nostalgia, and then she shook her head gently: "I didn't expect that someone could actually pick up this drift bottle."

There were also some surprises in his tone.

Then, her eyes turned to Lin Wen, and she asked, "Trainer, since you found this drifting bottle, then... how can I help you?"

I don't know if it was because the drift bottle was picked up by Lin Wen, but Serina's tone was very polite.

After hearing her voice, Lin Wen's brows wrinkled indistinctly!

Because, after handing the drift bottle to Serena, he did not trigger any quests!

This is different from Lin Wen's initial guess.

He originally thought that after finding the owner of the drifting bottle through the drifting bottle, he could trigger a series of tasks to improve his strength, but now, no task has been triggered, which is undoubtedly beyond Lin Wen's expectations.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Wen's eyes fell on Serina in front of him, feeling that things were a bit strange.

He didn't hesitate. After thinking about it, he asked, "Miss Sarina... hello, may I ask you, where is Xiao Zhi now? After he became a Pokémon master, where did he go? where?"

Lin Wen asked a question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

The background of Elf Century is that many years after the original series ended, Xiao Zhi also truly became a Pokémon master after the trip as he wished!

But, where did the other party go after being here?

This is a piece of news that countless players want to know!

However, it has been so long since the server of Elf Century has been launched, and many well-known plot characters have appeared, but Xiao Zhi, but there is no trace at all!

This matter has even become one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the wizard century!

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