Then, the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly emitted a dazzling light!

The figure of the Leaf Elf came in the blink of an eye - in front of the Dead Wood Demon!

Back then, long ago, when Lin Wen was fighting against the Dead Wood Demon, the Leaf Elf was just a leader-level _elf!

And the level is not high, the gap between the two is huge!

But now, the situation has suddenly turned around!

Ye Elf has become a lord-level elf, and its strength has grown rapidly. For it, the dead wood demon that was once very powerful is now completely unworthy of mention!

Can be easily defeated!

Facing the undead wood demon rushing over, facing the unparalleled speed, the rotten wood demon had no time to react, and was already attacked by the leaf elf!

next second!A million wooden horns crashed down!

The Deadwood Demon was hit head on!

It stands to reason that because of the grass attribute of the Dead Wood Demon, the damage caused by the Million Wooden Horn Attack, which contains grass-type energy, is limited!


Under the attack of Ye Elf's million wooden horns, the Dead Wood Demon did not make any effective resistance and lost its combat effectiveness!

Its body spread out, and it fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight!

This is because of the power of the Leaf Elf!

Its power has far exceeded the Dead Wood Demon, so it can make such unimaginable results!

With one blow, the Dead Wood Demon was defeated!

A powerful enemy that once seemed unmatched, now under Ye Elf's attack, can't even hold together!

As if walking in a leisurely court, the Leaf Elf rushed from the side of the Dead Wood Demon and continued to move forward!

Lin Wen felt some emotion in his heart!

Before you know it, Ye Elf has become very powerful!

There is nothing that can show one's combat power better than facing the enemy of the past.

The Dead Wood Demon, who used to fight with all his strength and Qianxia's strength, has now become a victim of a single blow.This gap can better reflect the progress of Ye Elf!

At the same time, facing the dead wood demon, he was defeated by one blow!

The barrage of the major live broadcast platforms also sounded countless praises!


"It's another blow, God Yang Yan is invincible!"

"I just like to see the perspective of the Great God of Yang Yan. The feeling of this kind of enemy ko is really cool!"

"Have you noticed? The Great God of Yang Yan has sprinted to the front of the players!"

"Come on! Great God Yang Yan!"

A live broadcast platform.

In the screen, Lin Wen's perspective is also being broadcast live.

At the same time, in the lower left corner of the screen, there are two figures sitting on chairs and talking continuously.

The two of them are the commentaries specially invited by this live broadcast platform for the live broadcast!

Both of them are quite well-known commentators in the game industry, because they were invited here for this mission!

One man and one woman!

They are all outstanding characters in the game commentary world!

Now, they are explaining Lin Wen's breakthrough process!

"We can see that the Great God of Yang Yan is riding Ye Elf and rushing forward at a very fast speed!"

"He has met an opponent!"

"It's a dead wood demon, it looks very powerful!"

"The dead wood demon used the vine whip and attacked the leaf elves!"

"Oh, Ye Elf's reaction speed is very fast, directly avoiding the vine whip of the dead wood demon."

"It ran towards the Dead Wood Demon! It was using its skills to charge up, and the leaf elf's unicorn radiated a dazzling light!"


Then, there was a brief silence.

The two commentators, a man and a woman, alternately explained the battle. After two seconds of silence, the female commentator blinked and said, "Yes, you read it right, kill it! Facing this Only the rotten wood demon, the Great God of Yang Yan has done it as always! Kill it directly!"

On the barrage, countless 6666s floated by!


On the other side, in the forest.

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