Lin Wen rode the Leaf Elf and continued on his way.

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When I first entered the virgin forest, I could still see the figure of the tree of the beginning of the world, which was high in the sky. However, after going deep into the virgin forest, the top was full of lush forests, and I couldn't notice it at all. own position!

In the entire forest, it seems to form a huge maze, and in many places, there are strong vines blocking the players from moving forward!

All of this has brought huge problems to the players!

Just as Lin Wen was on his way, many players behind him also encountered the elves in the primeval forest!

Most of them are grass elves!

These are all powerful elves cultivated by the World Tree!


At the same time, these little elves have caused huge problems for the players' large troops!

Compared with the elves in the Poni Grand Canyon yesterday, although the current World Tree guard elves are not in a state of rage, but because their duty is to surround the World Tree, in the face of intruding players, The most thunderous attack was launched!

Not everyone has the heart of Yang Yan!

Many players are screaming!

They have just entered the virgin forest, they have been hindered by many!

Countless grass elves greeted the players and fought with them!

The elites among some players are fine, they defeated their opponents relatively easily and moved on, but in contrast, many players who survived a mission with a lucky bonus would be much miserable!

In the face of countless attacking elves, they couldn't make any effective resistance at all, and they were completely tortured unilaterally!


at the same time!

Lin Wen is also continuing to move forward. His speed is very fast, but he is also blocked by many elves cultivated by the World Tree, which makes him waste a lot of time!

"Leaf elf, use the seed bomb!

A grass bomb with rich energy shot out, knocking down the bay leaf in front of him, and Lin Wen continued to move forward!

So far, he is definitely one of the leading players among the players. .

Chapter [-]: Three God Pillars

However, because there are too many elves in the primeval forest, even he is dragged here at this time, and the speed of progress is a bit slow!

Compared with the first level, the difficulty of this second mission has undoubtedly risen by another level!

You must know that you only need to cross the Pawnee Grand Canyon, but this mission has a time limit!

If the time is exceeded, the task is also considered unfinished!

Therefore, this can be said to put a layer of shackles on each player, try to move forward as hard as possible, and shorten the time as much as possible!

But... in the face of endless guard elves, how can players break through if they want to break through?

The surging elves attacked together, causing extremely serious obstacles to the players!

On the head of the video mirror "[-]", it moved away from Lin Wen and Ye Elf, and moved to many players behind!

In the shot is a team of about four or five players!

Their enemy is a grass-type frog flower!

This wonderful frog flower looks extremely tyrannical. Facing its attack, the elves of this player team were released one after another and joined the battle!

It's a five-on-one battle!

However, the outcome of the battle was a one-sided trend!

I saw the side of the wonderful frog flower, two thick vine whips shot out, and quickly slammed towards one of the player's elves!


The elf that was chosen to attack by Frogflower was a water-type water arrow turtle. Facing the attacking vine whip, it had tried its best to dodge, but it still failed to dodge successfully!

The vine whip hit it accurately!

Being slapped by the vine whip full of grass-type energy, the water arrow turtle immediately showed a painful expression!

At the same time, the player teams also commanded their elves to fight back!

One after another brilliant skill special effects bloom!

Facing this rather turbulent attack, the wonderful frog flower was not in a hurry, its eyes condensed, and on the sky on its back, countless sharp blade blades condensed!

Flying Leaf Knife!

Then... Countless blades of rich grass-type energy swept away toward the incoming skill attack!

Boom boom boom!

The skill collided in mid-air and launched a deafening explosion!

The strength of this wonderful frog flower is really amazing. After the collision of skills, its flying leaf knife still has residues, and it attacks the elves of the player team!

Under the action of the Flying Leaf Knife, some player's elves were instantly dropped!

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